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Victoria sponge recipe. Food - Recipes : Skinny lemon cupcakes with drizzly icing. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall: Drop scones. Simple, and perfect with the jelly or syrup.

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall: Drop scones

Or make it with half plain and half spelt flour. Makes 12 scones. 125g plain flour 1 tsp baking powder Pinch of salt 25g caster sugar 2 eggs, lightly beaten Up to 100ml milk 25g butter, melted Sunflower oil or butter, for greasing Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Bloomin' brilliant brownies. Close Buying sustainably sourced fish means buying fish that has been caught without endangering the levels of fish stocks and with the protection of the environment in mind.

bloomin' brilliant brownies

Wild fish caught in areas where stocks are plentiful are sustainably sourced, as are farmed fish that are reared on farms proven to cause no harm to surrounding seas and shores. When buying either wild or farmed fish, ask whether it is sustainably sourced. If you're unable to obtain this information, don't be afraid to shop elsewhere – only by shopping sustainably can we be sure that the fantastic selection of fish we enjoy today will be around for future generations. For further information about sustainably sourced fish, please refer to the useful links below:

Oreo Cookie Cupcakes. I did tell you guys that I got Martha Stewart's cupcakes book, right?

Oreo Cookie Cupcakes

Now I'm making cupcakes and more cupcakes. In our family when it comes to dessert we used the democratic voting system. Who says the politics are not good? Three kids many choices for dessert so we vote. Chocolate biscuits with soft chocolate centres.