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13 Ethical Ways to Increase Your Site's Search Traffic. If you have a product you're really proud of, it should speak for itself. But when it comes down to it, you still need to get customers on your website in the first place — especially if you're running an e-commerce operation. We asked a panel of 13 successful entrepreneurs to share their best advice for generating high-quality, organic search traffic to their business websites. Here's what they had to say: 1. If you are a new site, it can be difficult to go after popular keywords right away. . - Lawrence Watkins, Great Black Speakers 2. The longer you are in business and producing quality online content, the more likely you are to pop up in search results for all related keywords. . - Alexandra Levit, Inspiration at Work 3. There are three main ingredients to a successfully optimized web page or article: your meta title, description and keywords.

. - Nathalie Lussier, The Website Checkup Tool 4. Keyword-embedded links are the foundation of off-page search engine optimization. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Kweeper. Posterous. Why You Ought to Build an Online Brand Through Guest Blogging and Not Just Chase SEO Tricks. 10 Useful Tips for Guest Blogging as a Link Building Strategy. Sometimes guest blogging can feel like you are pushing a boulder up the steep side of a mountain. Other times, it feels like the world is finally on your side. Replies to your pitches are rolling in and you wonder if something is secretly terribly wrong because most of the time, nothing is ever easy.

There has been a lot of buzz lately about the long-term effectiveness of a guest blogging strategy for links (see this post from SEOMoz). Some experts see this tactic as long and over-drawn, with diminishing returns at best. 1. Before choosing the blogs you are going to pitch to for guest blogging, it is very important to do some basic research. You can find relevant sites though a detailed Google search. First, make sure you have the SEOQuake add-on for either Firefox or Chrome. Second, I would check and look into the site’s traffic levels. Lastly, look into their social media sites. 2. On average, I would try to read at least 3 blog posts before drafting a pitch letter. 3. 4. Guest Posting Made MUCH Easier with PostJoint. In a new twist to how guest blogging sites usually work – instead of businesses seeking bloggers to write for them – they submit quality content they would like to have published to PostJoint and bloggers bid for the right to publish that content.

NEW: Listen to this podcast where I explain how PostJoint works for Andy Nathan’s eMarketing Experience. PostJoint calls the businesses posting the content advertisers. Moderators manually review all guest posts to ensure quality and uniqueness. Guest posts must be well written, non-promotional, and can not be published anywhere else. They can be typed directly into PostJoint or copied and pasted from WordPress or other blogs or applications. All blogs are pre-screened for quality and must meet PostJoint’s Blog Acceptance Policies. If any questions come up, you can use the built-in messaging system to clarify. These specifics will answer many frequently asked questions about PostJoint: Guest Posting Search Engine. The Ultimate Guide to Advanced Guest Blogging. With “content marketing” being the indisputable SEO buzzword of 2012, we can expect 2013 to see an onslaught of marketers trying to build links with guest posts. The growth in this market will cause some sites to lower their guest posting standards, others to raise them, and still more to stop accepting them altogether.

Google will target low quality guest posts with increasing zeal, and it will get harder to see results if the effort and strategy aren't there. We're going to help you combat this by sharing how we got posts up on ProBlogger and Search Engine Journal, and by introducing you to our strategy for success with our clients. 1. Finding Guest Post Opportunities Let's kick this off by talking about where to seek out guest post opportunities. 20 Things You Should Do and Pay Attention to Look for platforms where it will make sense to readers for you to post. 20 Things You Should Avoid Where to Find Places to Guest Post We can't stress this enough. 2. Here's the most important part. 3. How I Got My Alexa Ranking Under 100,000. 163 Sites that accept guest posts listed by categories. 41 Sites Which Openly Allow Guest Blogging. EmailEmail Guest blogging has gained in importance since Google increased the value of original content over time. Duplicate content went down in value, article directories went down, backlinks for the sake of backlinks went down.

Useful, original content went up, and with it, the value of a guest blog post. It’s a win-win-win situation: The blog owner wins because it helps bring in fresh new content. The blogger wins because it’s a quality backlink as well as exposure to a new audience. Write for the blog’s audience. That’s pretty much it. Here are 41 great blogs on a number of topics that invite accept guest posts. About the list: Each of the items in the list includes the name of the blog and a link to the page detailing guest post submission guidelines. I also include Google’s PageRank and the Alexa rating for the comparative power of the blog. Blogger Forums Business Copyblogger PR 6; Alexa 2,972 This powerful media company started as humble blog. Blogs about Blogging Technology Google+ Sites That Allow Guest Posting | GoogleWebmasterHelp. Tumblr.
