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EduClipper. Learnist. Curation for Education - Curate Content. Top 10 Free Content Curation Tools for Teachers.

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How to Speed Up Your Content Curation Process. Do you want to share helpful content, but don’t know where to find it?

How to Speed Up Your Content Curation Process

Content Curation Primer. Photo by Stuck in Customs What is Content Curation?

Content Curation Primer

Content curation is the process of sorting through the vast amounts of content on the web and presenting it in a meaningful and organized way around a specific theme. The work involves sifting, sorting, arranging, and publishing information. A content curator cherry picks the best content that is important and relevant to share with their community. It isn’t unlike what a museum curator does to produce an exhibition: They identify the theme, they provide the context, they decide which paintings to hang on the wall, how they should be annotated, and how they should be displayed for the public. 《云成长》(2.0) BagTheWeb中文攻略 - 关联包,标签包. BagTheWeb开发团队在开发这个工具时,并没有把它定位成是一个Curation工具,这个术语Curation只是说了把内容放到bag里面这第一个层次。

BagTheWeb中文攻略 - 关联包,标签包

开发者的核心思想是,发展一个新型的组织方法,基于此建立一个工具。 目前只能把web的内容通过bookmarklet等各种手法收纳进来。 内容集展 | Content Curation. 内容集展 | Content Curation. Teaching With Content Curation. 21st Century School | Feature Teaching With Content Curation With two mobile laptop carts that are used primarily for technology classes and a student body that has limited access to computers outside of school, Stockton Collegiate International School isn’t exactly a hotbed of ed tech.

Teaching With Content Curation

That stumbling block doesn’t stop the K-12 charter school in Stockton, CA, from doing what it can to cultivate its 21st Century learners and prepare them for college and the workforce. In Hauna Zaich’s 8th- and 10th-grade English classes, for example, students—a good portion of whom are English learners—are using a process known as “content curation” to cull through the many resources on the web, select the most relevant ones, and then organize those resources in a logical format for sharing and later use. One of Zaich’s curated boards introduces 10th graders to verb tenses, subject/verb agreement, and active versus passive voice to prep them for a writer’s workshop. Flipping the Classroom. Flipped Learning: Pages. Tour: Research. Teacher as Curator: Capture and Organize Learning Materials with Web 2.0 Tools.

In the 21st Century world of abundant free educational content, teachers are challenged to shed the role of “content area expert” and adopt the role of “content curator”.

Teacher as Curator: Capture and Organize Learning Materials with Web 2.0 Tools

Part of the shifting role of teachers from “sage on the stage” to “guide on the side” means spending less time lecturing at students and more time supporting them to successfully access and think critically about content. Content curation is nothing new to teachers– whether it’s maintaining a great classroom library, hurriedly photocopying a great article you found, or organizing PDFs and YouTube videos in your online course, a big part of the job is creating an organized path through the best materials you know of. The objective here is to build up an enduring library of high quality web links, videos, articles, and online activities that “fit together” and are easy to consume as a collection.

It’s not the tool, it’s how you use it The first step of curating good content is finding it. Capture Where You Read. Google 翻译. Google 翻译. E-learning services and platforms, online training and blended learning. Show. Peeragogy in action. We have been writing the missing manual for peer-produced peer learning – the “Peeragogy Handbook” (

Peeragogy in action

Throughout the building of this work, we, ourselves peer learners in this quest, have been mindful of these four questions: How does a motivated group of self-learners choose a subject or skill to learn? Explore. Dream. Discover. Explore. Dream. Discover. 在Curation Nation一书中,Steven Rosenbaum 把内容呈现分为3大类 聚合(Aggregation):把不同网站上的内容集中在一处创造(Creation):内容完全原创聚创兼备型(Aggregation/Creation):介于前2类之间,这也是他在这本书中所推崇的模式。

Explore. Dream. Discover.

这几种分类方式各自出发点不同,为便于日后研究和运用,我暂且以Rohit Bhargava的模式为基础,结合自己的理解,将5大模式描述如下: 聚合型(Aggregation):把与某一特定主题相关的内容收集到一处;这种模式,集展人不创造内容,也不对收集的原文内容做任何的增减处理。 常见形式是提供标题及原文链接;有时候会提供一两句开篇引文。 Swordi Media Lab. 这篇帖子是为《公民集展人(cizizen curator)》微课研修撰写的:《话题九:组合型内容集展》 在《话题一:内容集展、内容原创与内容复制》这里,我提到内容集展偏向于第二手内容,在他人内容基础上进行各类加工,从而创造出来的新内容。

Swordi Media Lab

这里的加工方式有很多种。 操作水准有高、有低。 - 转化型内容集展:一篇作品的讯息完全来自另外一篇作品 - 组合型内容集展:一篇作品的讯息来自另外多个作品的组合. 云学习:MOOCs, SOLEs, Peeragogy, Unclass… 这是一个长贴,包括多个视频,多个概念,很多相关背景资料链接,故事,以及实验,信息量很大。

云学习:MOOCs, SOLEs, Peeragogy, Unclass…

你可以把它看成一个线下工作坊的筹备材料。 先看3个对比视频:中国高考誓师大会,TED2013大奖获奖感言,MaD2012大会闭幕演讲。 这几个都是关于学习,云时代的学习。 然后,我们来讨论一下MOOCs, SOLEs,Peeragogy和Unclass这几个概念。 No.019: 育展维新 —— 内容集展对开放教育的影响. Today we are proud to announce a new research network, community site, and a set of learning and design principles that seeks to promote dialog and experimentation around a model we are calling “connected learning.”

No.019: 育展维新 —— 内容集展对开放教育的影响

In a nutshell, connected learning is learning that is socially connected, interest-driven, and oriented towards educational and economic opportunity. Connected learning is when you’re pursuing knowledge and expertise around something you care deeply about, and you’re supported by friends and institutions who share and recognize this common passion or purpose. We don't need to think of education as pushing scarce and static knowledge from center to periphery and of educational opportunity as being able to do better on standardized tests. We have the opportunity to tap into a much more dynamic, distributed, participatory, networked knowledge universe to capture the attention of diverse learners. 内容集展 | Content Curation. Create Your Magazine For Free: Madmagz.

Flipped Classroom. Pearltrees Help. Lily卷儿. 今天早上起床刷微博,看到首页全是对父亲美好的祝福,突然就想到了这么一个问题“如果用三个词来形容你的父亲,你脑海中最先浮现的三个词是什么?” 我的脑海中立刻浮现了三个人——爷爷、妈妈和我——父亲人生中最重要的三个人(弟弟还很小,所以允许我暂时忽略吧),然后脑袋中就蹦出来了三个词——孝顺、体贴和啰嗦,哈哈……脑袋中并没有什么特别华丽的辞藻出现,甚至突然想不起有什么华丽辞藻可以形容父亲的伟大,就只有这简单的三个词。 内容策展:我最喜欢的5个工具 « 教育技术自留地-焦建利的博客. 可视化社交书签珍珠树(Pearltrees)把精彩内容串连在一起. 如果你想组织收藏自己感兴趣的内容、发现有价值的社区内容、并和朋友分享这些内容, Pearltrees也许是目前最 cool 的选择了。

让人印象最深刻的就是它那流畅的可视化界面,为用户带来了独一无二的良好体验。 每一个 pearl 代表一个感兴趣的链接,可以点击打开它,也可以拖拽它进行移动和删除,每个 pearl 有个详细介绍窗口,告知其内容、评论和同样收藏的人数。