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Social Media Monitoring Services - 5 Free or Low Cost Tools. Social Media Monitoring Services When it comes to businesses leveraging the social web to communicate with customers and improve brand awareness, there’s some good news and there’s some bad news. The good news: 86% of professionals have adopted social media in some way, according to a recent survey by Mzinga and Babson Executive Education. The bad news: A whopping 84% of survey respondents who’ve adopted social media don’t measure their social media programs. Even worse: 40% weren’t even sure they could monitor social media ROI. Thankfully, there are a host of free or low cost tools available to help companies and organizations track social media success. Use one or more of these 5 social media monitoring tools to gauge how well your efforts are working. 1.

This social media monitoring tool from ORM expert Andy Beal tracks nearly every element of online media, from blogs, RSS feeds and Tweets, to images and video. 2. 3. 4. 5. How to Convince Your Skeptical Boss That Facebook Marketing Works. Is your business on Facebook? Do you need to convince your boss—or a client—that Facebook is a worthy marketing investment?

In this article I’ll show you 7 things you can do to convince decision-makers of the value Facebook. #1: Assess Your Goals Before you can convince anyone that they need to be on Facebook, you’ll need to understand what they want to accomplish. Remember that not every business needs to be on Facebook. If you are in a B2B that sells concrete to two or three huge companies, LinkedIn might be a better fit. Not all businesses need to be on Facebook. Ask the following questions before you start planning a campaign to help you assess expectations and set goals. What are your expectations? For starters, explain that ROI for social media can be measured by getting better customer feedback, increasing word-of-mouth marketing and gaining a better understanding of customers’ wants and needs. You need to understand social media ROI and know your company’s expectations. InShare982. (13) Campaign: My Adverts.

Best Of LeBonCoin (bestofleboncoin) sur Twitter. Tableau de bord ‹ VivaBlog — WordPress. 48 Social Media KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) There are a lot of things you can measure about you social media efforts. I have compiled a list of KPIs (key performance indicators) that you can consider for you specific activities.

One thing to remember is to remember that you should set at least some metrics that indicate if you are turning profit. Otherwise you can reach your KPIs and still loose money. Now, before you begin be sure to set the baseline. Look at the set of your chosen social media KPIs and and record the current value. These numbers are important but the rate of change is the main indicator for most of these metrics. Concentrate on the rate of change of your chosen key performance indicators. You can combine several KPIs into one that is more meaningful for you.

Distribution What social media channels are you using, how can people reach you, are you visible? FollowersFansNumber of mentionsReachSocial bookmarks (SumbleUpon, Delicious)Inbound linksBlog subscribers Interaction Influence Action and ROI Internal. Benchmark your social media | In-Depth Analysis. An exclusive report on how brands can put a value on their digital activity in 2012.

Most marketers will spend more on social media this year than last, yet few claim to know what they really get for their money. In response, the CIM is creating a testing ground with benchmarks for the industry to measure and share campaign success. Here, brands kick off the dialogue with their own experiences. Many businesses are bullish in their commitment to digital marketing, convinced that it’s a cost-effective way of marketing their products and services. Three-quarters say they will spend more money on social media this year compared with 2011, according to The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). Procter & Gamble is one of those dedicated to the digital approach, to the extent that it has restructured its marketing team in the belief that social media is a major force. Xbox is tracking data points across its YouTube pages and Facebook channels, setting targets and benchmarks for each. Instagram. Grow your audience with Google+ Webmaster Level: All At Google, we help grow your audience by connecting you with new users.

We introduced the +1 button so your site would stand out on search and your users could easily share your content on Google+. But, sometimes you want to join the conversation and post content directly to where people are sharing. Today we’re introducing Google+ for Business, a collection of tools and products that help you grow your audience. At the core of this is Google+ Pages, your site’s identity on Google+. Google+ Pages are at the heart of Google+ for Business Hangouts Sometimes you might want to chat with your users face-to-face. Hangouts let you meet your customers, face-to-face Circles Circles allow you to group followers of your Page into smaller audiences. To help your users find your page and start sharing, there are two buttons you can add to your site by visiting our Google+ badge configuration tool: The Google+ badge, which we’re introducing in the coming days.

Web 2.0 Expo NY: Gary Vaynerchuk (Wine Library), Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape. The Power of Like: How Brands Reach and Influence Fans Through Social Media Marketing.