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Evernote Vs. Springpad: N/A - Healing Communications. As an alternative to the new Springpad, I started using Evernote again for the last month. Springpad remains a remarkable tool which I still use, but it is not what it used to be. And I actually think this is a good thing. Many productivity apps today try to do everything for you, from listing your tasks through finding your favorite restaurant.

The new buzzword everywhere is social networking: Everyone is connecting everywhere and every new app is connected to Facebook and Twitter almost by default. With so many bells and whistles in these apps, usability falls behind as a second or even a third priority; the interface in new apps is often distracting so you find yourself staring at your phone, wondering what you wanted to do in the first place.

Fortunately, Evernote remained boring. While Evernote hasn’t changed much, Springpad almost reinvented itself completely. So the Springpad team is making a smart bet: they are going social with their smart notebooks. The battle of Evernote Vs. Springpad vs Pinterest vs Evernote vs… Nobody? Hello there! If you are new here, please consider subscribing to the RSS feed or following us on Twitter to receive site updates. It used to be that the biggest comparison Springpad had to contend with was “is it better than Evernote?

“ Not anymore. With the newly realized vision of Springpad 3.0, the powerful and flexible digital notebook service now finds itself facing off against the hottest web service du jour: Pinterest. The folks at Springpad have taken something their software has always been able to do — namely, the ability to collect, organize, and share stuff you find online — prettified it and opened up the social pipelines in a big way. It’s easier to explore for new and interesting content. Jack of All Trades vs Focused Expertise The greatest strength of Springpad is the same thing that has held it back over the years: there’s just so much — maybe too much — that you can do with it. Springpad, on the other hand, can do all of the following (and more): But Wait!

Related Posts. Springpad’s latest update looks like Evernote and Pinterest had a digital notebook baby. Wednesday, Springpad launched the latest version of its digital notebook service, which includes a web, iOS, and Android app that help you save snippets of information from the Internet. The new version is a major overhaul of the service and includes some Pinterest-inspired design elements. We all tend to save a lot of digital information these days; it’s one of the reasons Pinterest has become so popular.

But before Pinterest’s time, Evernote and Springpad were competing to be the best digital notebook to save snapshots of webpages, notes, to-do lists, and anything else you want to remember later. Springpad has become outdated in recent years, with an almost cartoony-like interface. Evernote on the other hand, has established itself among more seriously users who love its offline support and straightforward, powerful interface. “Our focus is to creative the best version of the digital notebook possible,” said Springpad chief executive Jeff Chow in an interview with VentureBeat. Emerging Leader - Jeff Chow. W. Marc Bernsau Jeff Chow is co-founder and CEO of Springpad, which is backed by $10 million in venture capital led by Fairhaven Capital Partners.

Kyle Alspach, In 2008, Jeff Chow co-founded Springpad, a note-taking application often compared to Evernote. But since then, the site has evolved to incorporate elements more closely associated with Pinterest, while offering something that’s different from both services. Springpad allows users to save ­shopping items, movies, recipes and other items that they’re interested in, and then receive alerts later related to those items: When a user saves a movie they’d like to see, they might get an alert about when it’s available for streaming on Netflix, or a user who saved a pair of shoes might get an alert about a price drop for the item on Amazon.

Chow recently spoke with BBJ Startups & VC editor Kyle Alspach. What do you do with Springpad? I save things I want to read later, things I want to buy later, (such as) recipes. Spring Partners. Spring Partners. Evernote Rival SpringPad Springs Past 1 Million Users. Evernote rival Springpad has hit a milestone today—one million registered users.

In January alone, Springpad saw more than 250,000 new signups. So far, more than 10 million items have been saved by users. Similar to Evernote, Springpad serves as a multi-platform digital notebook. The service allows you to jot down notes, save websites, images and more. Springpad will then categorizes your saved content, and allows you to share your notes, set reminders and get alerts to relevant news, offers and deals. Springpad says that its growth has been fueled by mobile adoption. Of course, it’s important to note that Evernote has over 6 million users, and is also growing like a weed. Evernote vs Springpad vs Catch Notes: which is the best app for you? Check out the updated August 2013 comparision You can also read our detailed comparison with OneNote and Google Keep since Catch notes is being shut down.

[sws_button class="" size="sws_btn_xlarge" align="sws_btn_align_center" href=" target="_self" label="Click here to read the updated comparison" template="sws_btn_default" textcolor="990000" bgcolor="ffffff" bgcolorhover="000000" glow="sws_btn_glow"] [/sws_button] Evernote is arguably the reigning king of note-taking apps across all platforms.

While there are several alternatives out there, only two others really stand a chance to challenge Evernote — and perhaps one even takes the throne? The catch (no pun intended) here is that all three apps cater to different users and usage styles, so this quick review ought to help you decide very briefly which note-taking app is the one you have been looking for: Evernote, Springpad or Catch Notes? Click here to read. Springpad vs Evernote: Why Visual Orientation Matters In An Online Notebook. It's easy to understand why there are tons of online and software notebooks out there to choose from: mainly because there is so much information to manage, bookmark, and share in our online and mobile file cabinets.

Clearly Evernote serves this purpose as a cross-platform notebook. It is supported by hundreds of other Internet services, mobile apps, and tools. But no matter how many times I've started using Evernote, I've never been totally happy with it. For me, it lacks the visual orientation that I find appealing in Pinterest, and now Springpad. In my view, Web 2.0 has also been about the rise of the visual and the fall of the word. I don't mean the disappearance of text; I mean that in the internet world, images drive content. This is one reason why Pinterest became so popular. Springpad Notebooks Okay, let me cut to the chase. But in Springpad, notebooks are presented in a visual orientation, like this: Adding Smart Notes Springpad includes a smart search feature. Mobile Springpad. Evernote vs Springpad compared - Which is better? | GetComparisons. The reality is that they are two different products with many similarities.

They appeal to different target audiences with the same end game in mind. Both apps, I believe have their place with a specific segment in the note-taking-remember-everything space. Evernote has been pushing educational, photographer & visual arts, musicians use cases in a big way. Springpad has been really amping up their usefulness when shopping, cooking, sharing bookmarks, and of course, it’s overall usefulness in sharing notes with the world. You can read my original article comparing these items here. Springpad – A Second Look. It’s been over a year since we last took a look at Springpad here at Appstorm.

To refresh your memory (or for those of you who are new to Springpad), the app is, at heart, a note-taking/bookmarking app. It’s kind of similar to Evernote, or at least it used to be last year. Within Springpad you can save a variety of note types to peruse at your leisure. This is old news, however, covered in last year’s review. Springpad has since added and improved many features offered within the app. They’ve added a lot of social aspects, done a complete design overhaul and much more. Like the article? The Basics Some of you may have tried Springpad before, whether you’re a recent user or have just given it a try at some point. Once you’re logged in, take a look around at your notebooks page. Creating a notebook. Within the notebook itself, you can start making notes. Creating a note – choosing from the various note types.

All note types have some similar fields. Editing a note. The New Springpad. Springpad, mon bloc-notes portatif numérique. Springpad est une application web me permettant de stocker des données et des listes que je souhaite avoir toujours sur moi. Elle a effectivement été déclinée sur Androïd et aussi sur iPhone. J’accorde beaucoup d’importance au fait de pouvoir prendre des notes en toutes circonstances. C’est vital pour ne pas laisser s’échapper une pensée qui pourrait s’avérer intéressante ou judicieuse : une tâche, une idée, un article, une formulation, … Pour cela, j’utilise 2 types d’outils : des outils analogiques (stylo et papier) et des outils numériques.

Pouvoir prendre des notes est donc important. Mais pouvoir les consulter l’est tout autant. L’outil numérique dont je vais vous parler permet de répondre à ce besoin : consulter mes notes lorsque je ne suis pas chez moi. Je vous précise que je ne dispose pas d’abonnement 3G sur mon smartphone Androïd. Pour répondre au besoin indiqué plus haut, je pourrais utiliser Evernote.

Conclusion : il me faut une autre application ! L’application Springpad. Pourquoi Springpad est le bloc note mobile ultime (Android/iOS) | Trendastic. Connaissez-vous le point commun entre passer au pressing, un nouveau restaurant japonais, un album de musique soul, la dernière série à la mode et une bonne bouteille de vin ? Non ? Et bien il s’agit d’autant d’informations qui nous interpellent à longueur de journée et dont nous avons besoin de nous souvenir. C’est le principe du bloc note et aussi loin que je puisse remonter dans ma mémoire numérique (à l’époque de mon Palm Vx), des applications ont essayé de combler ce besoin de « noter et retrouver une info ». Toutefois le numérique, la 3G et la multiplication des écrans (PC, tablette, mobile) a entrainé des nouveaux besoins et…de nouvelles possibilités dans lesquelles se sont engouffrées certains éditeurs de logiciels. est certainement l’un des blocs notes mobiles les plus populaires. Il a axé son développement sur une présence multi-plateforme et des fonctionnalités avancées (comme la reconnaissance d’écriture permettant de faire une recherche texte sur une image). une note une tâche.

Comparison of notetaking software. Use Springpad as Your New Personal Assistant: Get Organized, Save Money, and Have Fun Being Productive. Springpad 3.0: un lifelog intéressant. Springpad est sans doute l’une des meilleures alternatives à Evernote. Cette application accessible depuis le Web ou en mobilité vous permet de créer des blocs-notes qui peuvent contenir des vidéos, photos, liens URL, lieux, tâches ains que des notes. La nouvelle version de Springpad propose une interface plus simple à utiliser ainsi que des fonctionnalités collaboratives. Springpad fait partie d’une catégorie de services que l’ami Claude Malaison nomme avec justesse le LifeLog (carnet de vie). C’est-à-dire que ce sont des services sur lesquelles vous enregistrez tous les moments importants de votre vie privée ou professionnelle.

Ça sert à quoi Springpad? Vous pouvez utiliser Springpad pour:Créer des notes regroupées par thématique.Créer des listes de tâches.Sauvegarder vos signets.Sauvegarder les vidéos et photos que vous aimez.Collaborer sur un ou plusieurs blocs-notes avec des collègues ou amis.Rendre publics certains de vos blocs-notes.

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