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Herp_ssc. Melissa Kaplan's Herps: Lizards. Reptile Information - Care Sheets, Forums aka Discussin Boards, Articles, Facts, Photos, and Classifieds. Lizard care, and fake rock wall landscapes. Reptiles as Pets. Dana Payne, Keeper Day ExhibitWoodland Park Zoo 5500 Phinney Ave. N. Seattle, WA, 98103 USA Over the last 25 years, the staff of the Day Exhibit at Woodland Park Zoo has received thousands of phone calls from people needing information about their pet reptiles.

Common themes have become quite apparent through these many conversations and most are covered here in a very general way. Although the zoo does not wish to actively promote the keeping of exotic animals in the home, zoo staff do want people who have reptiles and amphibians to have the information they need to care for their animals properly. However, many people who wish to engage in a particular activity are not too happy to find out, upon investigation, that there are ethical and environmental aspects to what it is they wish to do, or that it is more technically challenging than they had imagined. Oh, not here, too! Often, people put the cart before the horse and buy an animal before educating themselves about its needs. Television & Videos for Helping You Keep Happy & Healthy Reptiles & Amphibians. Explorer: An Online Encyclopedia of Life. Aqualand Pets Plus. California Herps. Vampire Crab - $0.00 : Sandfire Dragon Ranch.

We are about 20% Finished! What we're working on: Re-organizing the company Building a new and improved website About Us Located in the small town of Bonsall, California, Sandfire Dragon Ranch is one of the largest, most sophisticated and well-respected reptile and amphibian breeding and research facilities in the world. Representing a culmination of the life time efforts of world-renowned herpetological expert Robert Mailloux, in coordination with the efforts of numerous past and present employees and colleagues, Sandfire Dragon Ranch continues to pursue provocative and innovative approaches to herpetological husbandry and research. Drawing on nutritional, environmental and biological research, Sandfire Dragon Ranch sets high standards for the advancement of the science of herpetology in general and for the pet industry in particular.

Photos Photos coming soon! If all goes as planned, we hope to be back in: Your hermit crab care headquarters! Why does my crab act the way it does? One of the most interesting things about land hermit crabs is their behavior. Simply put, each hermit crab has its own disposition. In my crabitat, for example, I have the crabs Grouchy and Thankless Beast (or TB) who almost never come out of their shells, except to pinch me!

But on the other end of the scale I have the crabs Friendly and Oprah who come flying out, antennae a-pattering about in greeting when I pick them up. What makes them so different? Grumpy makes me eat my words! Big Mouth is loved into silence! Attila, the "work in progress. " Normal crab-to-crab behavior. The behaviors listed above are harmless, unless you see one crab grab the other's shell by the opening and start pushing it back and forth and chirping. "Shell fights occasionally occur among wild and pet hermit crabs and can often be detected because of chirping sounds. Crab-on-Crab Violence.

My hermit crab is mean or does not come out of his shell for me. . © Christa Wilkin 2011. Exotic Reptiles For Sale! Pet Supplies for All Pets Since 1950. Beautiful Custom Bird Cages & Reptile Cages : bird cage, snake cages, parrot cages, birdcages, iguana cage, custom cage, macaw cage, cage. Complete Crested Gecko Set Up. Complete Crested Gecko Set Up It has everything you need to get started, even a FREE GECKO (optional)! Free geckos are 10-12 weeks old, full tails, and you can request specific types. Geckos are unsexable at this age. EXO TERRA 12x12x18 Glass Terrarium Small Herp Haven Kritter Keeper (starter cage or feeding cage) (not pictured) Cut to Fit Cage Carpet (not pictured) Analog Dual Thermometer Humidity Gauge Pangea Small Acrylic Magnetic Cup Holder (not pictured) 50 1/2 oz. 12" Grapevine 1 Small Zoo Med Hanging Plant 2 Medium Zoo Med Hanging Plant 2 oz Bag Pangea Complete Gecko Diet Exo Terra Misting Bottle Sample Size Calcium Powder Sample Size Vitamins Sample Size ReptiSafe Water Conditioner Are there cerain types of plants you would like?

We reserve the right to substitute items in the set up for other items of equal value and functionality. Free Gecko: Put a request in your order notes for the type of gecko you would prefer. Crested Junkie Crested Geckos- The Rhac Addicts Fix! Crested Gecko Care Sheet. Crested Gecko Care Sheet Crested Geckos (Rhacodactylus ciliatus) are native to Southern Grand Terre, New Caledonia and at least one small surrounding island (Isle of Pines). Crested Geckos are semi-arboreal, spending most of their time in small trees and low shrubs. They will however, seek out hiding places near the ground to sleep during the day. Crested Geckos feed on both insects and fruits and in most cases can be kept at room temperature. The crested geckos ease of care, unusual appearance, and unlimited breeding potential, has contributed to their exploding popularity.

There is no doubt that Crested Geckos are indeed one of the best pet lizards available today. Note: Rhacodactlyus ciliatus has recently been reclassified as Correlophus ciliatus. Housing Because Crested Geckos are so versatile and hardy, they can be kept in a number of different types of enclosures. Temperature, Heating, and Lighting as long as the temperature stays within 70 to 80 degrees. Humidity Diet and Feeding 1. The Ultimate Crested Gecko Resource - Home. How To Care For Giant African Land Snails (Creepy Crawlies) Follow Mark Amey's step by step guide to looking after Giant Snails, These creatures are native to East Africa and can grow to 25 centimetres long, so learn how to care for them properly with VideoJug's help.

Step 1: Housing and Bedding Keep your snail in a well-ventilated glass or plastic tank with a secure lid. Fit a heat mat with a thermostat and thermometer at the back of the tank to check the temperature is kept at about 25 degrees. Place the thermostat sensor over the heat source. Line the floor with a thick layer of substrate such as cocoa fiber which should to be kept damp. Don't use soil from your garden as it may contain stones or chemicals. Step 2: Handling Snails should be picked up gently by their shells. Step 3: Diet Feed your giant snail leafy greens every day such as lettuce, cabbage and spinach. Step 4: Cleaning Clean the tank of snail trails and change the substrate every week. Step 5: Health Your snail should have few health problems if kept in the right conditions. How To Care For Leopard Geckos (Reptiles) Care For Leopard Geckos. Follow Mark Amey's step by step guide to looking after Leopard Geckos.

These lizards make good pets as they are friendly, outgoing and easy to handle. Watch the video and learn how to care for leopard geckos. Step 1: Housing and bedding A single leopard gecko should be kept in a well ventilated wooden or glass tank called a vivarium. Step 2: Handling Don't pick up your gecko by it's tail or handle it roughly as the tail may fall off. Step 3: Diet Feed your leopard gecko live insects such as locusts and crickets every other day. Step 4: Exercise and play Don't pick up your gecko too regularly as they don't particularly enjoy being handled, and they should never be handled roughly.

Step 5: Cleaning Clean the water bowl every day and clean out faeces once or twice a week using a sand sifter which sieves the dirty area. Step 6: Health Leopard geckos must be kept in the right environment to prevent health problems. Enjoy your leopard gecko. Leopard Gecko Care.