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Present perfect

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A huge bunch of resources for teaching the present perfect tense. Almost universally, elementary learners of English are systematically introduced to the simple present and simple past forms.

A huge bunch of resources for teaching the present perfect tense

Then, somewhere around the end of what we consider to be elementary level and the beginning of pre-intermediate study, learners are introduced to the phenomenon known as the present perfect tense. In many cases, this is more than just a stumbling block on the road to learning English. This is primarily due to the fact that for many learners there is no tangible equivalent to the have/has + V3 in their first language. Even those languages that utilise a perfect tense may do so in a way radically different to English. What is the consequence of this situation? Present Perfect. 10 Present Perfect For Experiences Activities. Speaking activities for the simplest use of has/have + past participle.

10 Present Perfect For Experiences Activities

In most of the activities below you can give students a worksheet or cut up cards with verbs on that they must use in the activity, in order to stop each question being “Have you ever been to…?” 1. Make me say “Yes, I have”/Make me say “No, I haven’t” The students must ask “Have you ever” questions to the teacher or their classmates that they think will get the answer “Yes, I have”, e.g. “Have you ever slept until 10?” 2. The game above can also be played with the restriction that students can only change part of the previous question, e.g. following “Have you ever flown in a balloon?”

Ćwiczenia z angielskiego. All Things Grammar - Home. Games for Learning English, Vocabulary, Grammar Games, Activities, ESL. Present perfect with Ever - never. Present Perfect Tense Hangman Grammar Game - Past Participle Spelling. Past participle of the irregular verbs - Crossword. Index. Index. English Irregular Verbs Quiz - What is the Past Participle Form of the Verb? English Irregular Verbs Quiz - What is the Past Participle Form of the Verb? Irregular past participles. 16 present perfect songs.

This is a 10-minute video meant to remind you of / introduce you to songs containing the present perfect.

16 present perfect songs

Once you’ve picked the ones you like / your students might like (or have fun trashing), you can google up the lyrics and look up the video clip on Youtube. Have fun. By the way, the video might take about 10 seconds to load. Be patient. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Thank you! By the way, if you’re struggling with your academic writing, check out The Only Academic Phrasebook You’ll Ever Need, which contains 600 sentences, as well as grammar and vocabulary tips. Past participle game half a minute. Past participle invaders game. Present perfect tense. To learn this difficult tense you first have to learn the past participles.

Present perfect tense

Regular verbs just add the ending -ed but you have to memorise the irregular one. Here is a mind map which might help you memorise the irregular verbs first Advertisement Once you think you know the irregular verbs, it is time to practise them. Try these two wonderful games called Teacher Invaders and Half a minute. Past_participle_invaders gamePast_participle_game_half a minute. Present Perfect Tense Hangman Grammar Game - Past Participle Spelling. Learnenglishkids.britishcouncil. Present Perfect. The present perfect is a verb tense which is used to show that an action has taken place once or many times before now.

Present Perfect

The present perfect is most frequently used to talk about experiences or changes that have taken place, but there are other less common uses as well. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present perfect exercises. History of Snowboarding. Highlight Tenses used in the Text Highlight all tenses Simple Past (Aktive) - action or situation in the past (emphasises who did something) Simple Past (Passive) - action or situation in the past (emphasises what was done) Present Perfect - action or situation over a period of time (from the past to the present) Simple Present - situation now Present Progressive - changing situation in the present A Look at the Intriguing History of Snowboarding.

History of Snowboarding

Learnenglish.britishcouncil. Present perfect exercises. Present Perfect Quiz. Home.

Present Perfect Quiz

English Lessons - Grammar. English Lessons - Grammar. Page. Present perfect exercises. Grammar in use: Present perfect + ever/never. Have you ever taken dance classes?

Grammar in use: Present perfect + ever/never

Welcome to Part 2 of the Present Perfect series! Click here for Part 1 – learning how to make the Present Perfect. Use the present perfect + ever to ask questions about experiences in someone’s life. “Have you ever taken dance classes?” “Yes, I have. Don’t use ever in the answer. If you want, you can use before in the answer: Yes, I’ve ever taken dance classes. Use the present perfect + never to talk about things you have NOT done at any time in your life. I’ve never failed a test. Conversation Tip: Many conversations begin with a question in the present perfect, and then continue with more specific questions about the experience in the simple past: “Have you ever taken dance classes?” Present Perfect + ever / never <div id="mtq_javawarning-1" class="mtq_javawarning"> Please wait while the activity loads.

Present Perfect Tense Quiz.