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Next Economy @fer_ananda. Sacred Economics with Charles Eisenstein - A Short Film. Resources for further study | Matslats - Community currency engineer. The following is a personal selection of resources which point towards the need for a resurgence in local money systems. Economics Money as debt (40 mins video). An introduction to the present money system, and how bankers profited at each stage of its evolution.

Also see this 7 minute taster, the Essence of Money The future of money (book) Bernard Lietaer, A global perspective on why only complementary currencies can save the world (2000) Banking quotes from the Founding fathers (warning: may cause alarm.) The Secret of Oz How the struggle for control of America's money was allegorised in a popular children's book. (103 mins) I want the earth plus 5%, a parable about the evolution of banking Douglas Rushkoff, (16 mins video) Radical Abundance: How We Get Past "Free" and Learn to Exchange Value Again Article: Out of the Box Thinking about our Financial Crisis The Lost Science of Money, book by Stephen Zarlenga.

Wizards of Money Radio series explaining money, markets and economics. Cyclos Art! LA GRAN MENTIRA. Money & Life. Read Online | Sacred Economics | Charles Eisenstein. Subscribe to Charles Newsletter Connect on Facebook Read Online Welcome to the HTML version of Sacred Economics. The full version is here in English, along with full and partial translations into other languages. More translated material comes on-line all the time, so check back often. Sacred Economics Full text of Sacred Economics in Romanian can be found here. Introduction: (German) (Swedish) (French) (Hungarian) (Italian) (Dutch) (Greek) (Polish) Chapter 1: The Gift World (German)(Swedish) (Polish) (Dutch) (Italian)(Greek – Part 1)(Greek – Part 2) Chapter 2: Greed and the Illusion of Scarcity (German) (Swedish) (Polish) (Dutch) (Greek Part 1) (Greek Part 2) Chapter 3: Money and the Mind (German) (Swedish) (Polish)(Dutch) (Greek Part 1) (Greek Part 2) Chapter 4: The Trouble with Property (German) (Swedish) (Polish) (Greek Part 1)(Greek Part 2) Chapter 5: The Corpse of the Commons (German) (Swedish) (Polish) (Greek Part 1) (Greek Part 2) Chapter 23: A New Materialism (German) (Swedish)(Greek)