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10 Travel Web Sites Worth Bookmarking. People managed to travel quite well before the Internet came along, although how they did it is now shrouded in mystery. There are so many Web sites to help you plan trips and book trips and fantasize about trips and (best of all) save money on trips that the difficulty is not finding a site that will help you but choosing from among the bounty. It’s been a while since I updated the bookmarks you’ll find next to the articles on the Frugal Traveler blog page, so I’ve decided to add a bunch more, ranging from the indispensable to the just-for-fun. Here is a selection of 10 that you should consider bookmarking. 1. The result may not be perfect, but it sure is helpful if you’re obsessed with one dish or simply like the very rational idea of determining where you’ll eat by the meal you want rather than by the chef who will cook it or the neighborhood it’s cooked in. 2. Let’s say you’re somewhere in Europe (or planning to be), and you want to see where you can go from there for very low cost.

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