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Wearable Devices

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Wearable Technology Pros and Cons - Humavox. It seems that wearable technology is here to stay. Whether it be because of the buzz behind the Fitbit fitness tracker or the new Apple Watch, wearables are making a splash. So what are wearables? Inside this fairly diverse category named wearables are different innovative (worn) technologies such as smart glasses (VR & AR glasses), activity trackers, smartwatches, Head-Mounted Displays, smart clothing, wireless earbuds, wearable cameras, wearable ECG monitors, hearing aids and more. Essentially wearables include any smart device that you can wear.

This broad category is set on influencing our lives so to properly prepare we lay before you the pros and cons of the current different wearable technologies. Pros: 1. Most consumer and enterprise wearables can receive messages, communicate with others and provide visual aids, all the while the user’s hands remain free for use. 2. Many wearables today have the ability to retrieve different physiological parameters about you as a user. 3. 4. Cons: Exploring the Benefits of Wearable Technology | Huffington Post. What do you reckon will happen to the Internet of Things ten years from now? If you think about billions of devices or more wearable tech, around 83 percent of experts believe that the Internet of things will have beneficial effects on the everyday lives of the public by 2025.

By that we expect more wearables in the next decade to come. This is likely to happen as 82 percent of wearable technology users in America today said it enhanced their lives one way or another. Image Credit: Flickr, Creative Commons: Retina Boys To foresee the future, let’s take a look at the beautiful history of wearable technology. In 1286, the first ever wearable eye glasses was invented to help emperor Nero better see his gladiator fights. Had he known that the Google glass will be the aftermath of the first wearable glasses 729 years later, he’ll surely want to live in today’s world. Health and fitness tracking Fitbit Charge HR and Jawbone UP2 are two of the leading fitness trackers in 2015. Current and future applications for wearable technology - Information Age.

One recognizable and notable device currently is Google Glass, a form of wearable technology that is currently being tweaked for optimal use. Google Glass is beginning to promised to offer some amazing possibilities, especially in the field of healthcare, which has many examples of wearable technology already in use by many people. Until just recently, smartwatches had not been deployed all that successfully, having limited functionality and aesthetics that have been less than appealing to wear on a wrist. Of course, the Apple Watch may be changing that perception completely, as it is a promising technology that will surely find many, many more uses than even thought of upon its first release.

There are many other devices already in use and even more on both the near and far horizons for personal, professional, and patient use. (Image Source: Google Glass was a perfect example of this notion. (Image Source: (Image Source: Untitled. Wearable Technology and Wearable Devices: Everything You Need to Know. Everything You Need to Know Introduction to Wearable Technology What is Wearable Technology? What are Wearable Devices? The terms “wearable technology“, “wearable devices“, and “wearables” all refer to electronic technologies or computers that are incorporated into items of clothing and accessories which can comfortably be worn on the body. Generally, wearable technology will have some form of communications capability and will allow the wearer access to information in real time.

While wearable technology tends to refer to items which can be put on and taken off with ease, there are more invasive versions of the concept as in the case of implanted devices such as micro-chips or even smart tattoos. The implications and uses of wearable technology are far reaching and can influence the fields of health and medicine, fitness, aging, disabilities, education, transportation, enterprise, finance, gaming and music. Updated: March 26, 2014 Cite this article: Tehrani, Kiana, and Andrew Michael. 8 Mind-blowing Uses of Wearable Technology (Seriously...)

What would your colleagues say if you asked them what wearable technology was, or what it can do? You’ll quickly hear about smart watches like Samsung’s Galaxy Gear, fitness trackers like those produced by Fitbit and smart glasses projects like Google Glass. As for what these products can be used for, after a bit of thought most people would come up with a few sensible use cases – like taking pictures using voice commands, keeping track of your daily calorie expenditure or receiving inbound messages.

Now try asking what wearable technology might be used for in the future – as in 10 years in the future? It’s at this point that you’ll probably start getting blank looks. In this research paper we describe 8 remarkable use cases for wearable technology that we believe will become possible within 10 years. These 8 use cases are several full market cycles ahead of those that Google has envisaged for Google Glass. Use Case 1: Healthcare Use Case 3: Car Insurance Use Case 4: Police and Security. Make It Wearable | Episode 2: Human Health.

Wearable devices: Smartband. Untitled. Here's Why More and More Consumers Are Using Wearable Devices. Study hints that wearable fitness trackers do more harm than good. If you’ve been wearing a fitness tracker for a while and have been disappointed in the results you’ve received, you’re not alone. A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association indicates that fitness trackers could be impeding your ability to meet your weight loss goals. The study, which took place between 2010 and 2014, included 471 randomized participants (74.5% completed the study) which were separated into two main groups. One group manually documented their physical activity at the end of the day while the other one wore automatic activity trackers which did the documentation for them. Participants that completed the study participated for a period of two years, initially being put on a low-calorie diet and encouraged by the researchers at the University of Pittsburgh’s Physical Activity and Weight Management Center to maintain an active lifestyle.

The results of the study were surprising. From the study’s summary: Simply put: You can’t outrun a bad diet. Wearable Devices in Healthcare, What to Expect in 2016 - Wearable Devices. The changing face of healthcare illustrated one of the most lucrative markets that will be expanding in 2016. Technology is exploding and with the rapid changes to healthcare, devices are being created to track and analyze information about a person’s health. This data can be remotely transmitted and provided to medical personnel who could then be able provide targeted treatment. New wearable devices are being created which can be used to remotely monitor a multitude of data. This will allow the companies to continuously track blood glucose levels providing alerts when levels get too high or too low.

How insurance companies will utilize this data in assigning our premiums is anybody’s guess. Local, state, and federal laws have not caught up to the transforming landscape of the digital world. Forbes magazine last month stated that the wearable medical device industry is predicated to grow to a six billion dollar industry. Example. Wearable technology. Wearable technology, fashionable technology, wearable devices, tech togs, or fashion electronics are clothing and accessories incorporating computer and advanced electronic technologies. The designs often incorporate practical functions and features, but may also have a purely critical or aesthetic agenda.[1] History[edit] Wearable technology is related to both the field of ubiquitous computing and the history and development of wearable computers.

With ubiquitous computing, wearable technology share the vision of interweaving technology into the everyday life, of making technology pervasive and interaction friction less. Through the history and development of wearable computing, this vision has been both contrasted and affirmed. Affirmed through the multiple projects directed at either enhancing or extending functionality of clothing, and as contrast, most notably through Steve Mann's concept of surveillance. According to Forbes, 71% of 16-to-24 year olds want wearable tech.[9]