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Yoga Teacher Training Courses (YTT) & (YTTC) Rishikesh India | Moksha Mantra. Rishikesh is beautifully situated on either side of the bank of River Ganga at the foot of Shivalik Hills of the mighty Himalayas. Rishikesh has a number of Yoga Teacher Training Centers where yoga aspirants from all over the world come to learn Yoga. These centers are generally affiliated to and registered with Yoga Alliance of USA, Ministry of AYUSH in India or some other reputed Indian or International yoga related organisation. These centers offer various yoga teacher’s training courses, also called Yoga TTCs or YTTCs. Most of these registered yoga schools for teachers conduct Yoga teacher training courses as per their affiliations.

For example, those affiliated with Yoga Alliance of USA offer certification courses for 100 hr, 200 hr, 300 hr, 500 hr, 800 hr or other such time periods for which they have been certified. On successful completion of these courses, the student is given a teacher’s certificate for teaching under that specific program. Rishikesh – From Historical Times…