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Self-improvement. Ten ways to fix your language exchange - RawLangs. Language exchanges are a really popular way to practise your languages.

Ten ways to fix your language exchange - RawLangs

They’re free, they’re fun, and a great way to really get to know someone who shares your passion for learning languages. But sometimes there’s a catch. Although many language exchanges start out strong, they can quickly run into some problems. If you don’t prepare or plan for these, your exchange could come to a very premature end. Negative learning experiences like these can be hard to overcome, and may even put you off making more progress in the future.

5 study hacks that are working for me right now - I Will Teach You A Language. Set D.U.M.B. Goals – Motivation March – Part 3. Don’t let your goals get in the way of meeting your goals.

Set D.U.M.B. Goals – Motivation March – Part 3

At my last few jobs, my employers have emphasized the importance of “S.M.A.R.T.” goals–that is, goals that are Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, and Time-bound. 60+ Ways to Learn a New LanguageEurolinguiste. When I first started studying language I was not old enough to have permission to use a computer on my own and even then, the Internet wasn’t what it is today.

60+ Ways to Learn a New LanguageEurolinguiste

I learned my third language with a textbook, a teacher, and a whole lot of motivation. During my teen years, I looked around AOL groups and forums for communities in my target language and jumped into the conversation at every opportunity. Even when they were way over my head. I would also use my allowance (my argent de poche) or my parents’ generosity to invest in books from our local bookstore whenever I had the chance. Советы Уинстона Черчилля, как избавиться от скуки взрослой жизни. Очень часто взросление становится синонимом скучной, монотонной работы, из-за которой не остаётся времени на интересы и хобби.

Советы Уинстона Черчилля, как избавиться от скуки взрослой жизни

Результат такого «обмена» предсказуем, но весьма печален: скука, постоянная усталость, тревожность и депрессия. К сожалению, многие взрослые люди не понимают настоящих причин своего депрессивного состояния и беспокойства. Они считают, что усталость приходит от большого количества занятий и пытаются сосредоточиться на какой-то одной активности, отметая все другие.

На примере Уинстона Черчилля, его жизненных кредо и советов, можно увидеть, что дело не в количестве занятий, а в их качестве: в более интересной работе, в обязанностях, которые вас удовлетворяют, и в возможностях творить что-то. А теперь подробнее о том, что советовал великий премьер-министр и как он разнообразил свою жизнь. Уинстон Черчилль (1874–1965) The Secret to Making Your Brain Learn a New Language Fast. You’ve always wanted to learn a new language.

The Secret to Making Your Brain Learn a New Language Fast

In fact, it’s top three in your bucket list. You were originally encouraged because everybody selling “language products” said it was easy. Then reality hit. Boom! "I'll Do It Tomorrow" - Solving 3 Mindtraps that Make You Put Off Language Learning - Fluent in 3 months.

French learning articles

9 Imaginative Tips for Absorbing Vocabulary Like a Sponge. Language learners of all levels share one thing in common.

9 Imaginative Tips for Absorbing Vocabulary Like a Sponge

Every last one of y’all needs to learn more vocabulary. How to Learn a Language Fast: 5 Ways to Set Yourself Up for Success. What if I told you the ordinary ways of learning a language aren’t actually that helpful?

How to Learn a Language Fast: 5 Ways to Set Yourself Up for Success

What if I also told you those same methods are not only ineffective, but a huge waste of time? How to Learn a Language by Yourself: 5 Rockstar Tips for Success. So you’ve decided that you want to learn a second language.

How to Learn a Language by Yourself: 5 Rockstar Tips for Success

Rock on! Good for you! But now what? How are you going to do this on your own? Are you aiming too high? Yes you can! Five Unlikely Treasure Troves of Foreign Language Texts. With language learning, you know how important it is to read, listen to, and watch stuff in your new language.

Five Unlikely Treasure Troves of Foreign Language Texts

And you no doubt have your go-to sources where you get your texts from. *cough YouTube and Amazon cough* But there are plenty of other sources of foreign language texts, which I’m willing to bet you’re not fully appreciating. Here are five places to keep your eyes open. 1. Самые важные жизненные уроки, полученные в результате восьмилетнего путешествия по миру. Сегодня мы хотим поделиться с вами жизненной мудростью Бенни Льюиса — удивительного и неординарного человека, который провёл более восьми лет жизни, путешествуя по миру.

Самые важные жизненные уроки, полученные в результате восьмилетнего путешествия по миру

Бенни выучил много иностранных языков, завёл друзей в разных уголках Земли и на основе всего своего путешествия сделал выводы, которые помогут любому лучше понять себя, мир вокруг и других людей. Learning Language Through Music: 3 Keys to Unlock Any Language. What do “Macarena,” “Gangnam Style” and “Lambada” have in common? Besides being humongous hits, practically enshrining their artists in the hall of fame, these songs just might be one of the most effective ambassadors of the languages they represent. There’s just something about music, isn’t there? Music’s not only universal, but it’s also ubiquitous and no one can escape it. How to Create a Habit: A Guide for Language Learners - Talk in French. Reading time: 8 minutes We all have come across books and articles that tell us in so many words how to make a habit stick. The question is, were you motivated enough to learn the habit that will make you learn a new habit?