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Video Stitchionary NewStitchaDay. Stitch Guide. Clamshell Tutorial. Difficulty: Medium - ★★☆ (I've put this as medium because there are a couple of tricky stitches, but if you're a beginner, don't worry, I'll walk you through it, so don't be too put off!) You will need: This is just a tutorial to show you how to make the clamshell pattern, which you can then go on to use for whatever project you like. Cushions, blankets in all shapes and sizes, bags, wraps or anything else you can think of.

So the choice of yarn, yardage, hook and size of the project depends on what you choose to make! Crochet Terms: This pattern is written in UK terms. American terms are given below in green. sp - Space ss - Slip Stitch (Slip Stitch) htr - Half Treble (Half Double) dtr - Double Treble (Treble) WRITTEN PATTERN: Abbreviated instructions for the pattern can be found at the end of the post, if you're happy to work from them alone, free feel to jump to the end right now. Otherwise, here we go... We need to start with a chain. Then, make another slip stitch into the next stitch along. Heirloom Crochet - Vintage Crochet Stitches - DMC.

Vintage Crochet Stitches from D.M.C. 1886 CROCHET STITCHES and INSTRUCTIONS Explanation of the signs *.-- In crochet, as in kniting, it is often necessary to repeat a whole series of stitches. Such repetitions will be indicated by one, two, three or more asterisks, *, **, ***, &c., as required. STITCHES In Point of fact, there is only one stitch, because all crochet work consists of loops made by means of the little hook, and connected together by being drawn one though the other. Position of the hands Single Stitch or Small Close Stitch Put the hook, from the rigght side of the work, through the upper half either of a chain stitch or a stitch of the row below, take hols of the thread and draw it through both the loop of the row below and that which is on the hook, and which proceeds from the last stitch. Rose Stitch Ribbed Stitch. Slanting Stitch. Counterpane Stitch. Knotted Stitch. Loop Stitch Plain Stitches for a Chain Half Trebles Drawn Through the Whole Stitch Connected Trebles.

Crochet rockstar: Strawberry Stitch Tutorial. The inspiration came from Bloggang Strawberry tunisian crochet when the blogger posted her pic and pattern diagram in Thai to an FB group. Everybody wanted to make it but nobody knew how to read Thai. I didn't know either, and neither do I know Tunisian crochet so, I came up with traditional Tapestry Crochet instead, and loo, the result is stunning, with the perfect choice of color!

Looks so suave! Download PDF pattern here. Watch the videos on Youtube: Strawberry Crochet Stitches Part 1 of 2 Strawberry Crochet Stitches Part 2 of 2. Free crochet pattern sites. Crochet lacy oversized top - Maz Kwok's Designs. Oversized tops and tees are versatile and very easy to wear with great comfort. How about a lacy oversized crocheted top xD Click here to <3 this pattern on Ravelry Materials: ( I used ) 5 mm crochet hook Light weight/ DK yarn: magenta ( about 200 gr for the sample – size L/ 50 gr or 109 yds per skein ) ( Check out at my Yarn shop – free worldwide shipping ) Yarn needle Scissors If you don’t crochet, you can buy this top on my Etsy Shop Abbreviations Note: I used chainless starting dc for every first dc of each row/round instead of ch3.

This crochet pattern is done by 2 identical front and back parts, seam to join shoulder and body lines. Special stitch used: 3dc – V stitch: ( 3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc ) into same stitch or space This crochet lacy oversized top pattern fits size L ( chest size: 36 to 38 inches ) Skill level: Intermediate Gauge: 8 double crochet stitches x 4 rows approximately 2 inches ( with materials indicated ) Top: work in rows ( make 2 for front and back parts ) R7: same as R3 Craftsy. Our 20 Favorite Crochet Sites. © Comstock Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 1. Crochet has been known for years as your guide to everything on the web, and their crochet section is no exception.

Offering helpful charts, tutorials and techniques, the crochet guide also includes over 400 links to free patterns available online, as well as plenty of's own one-of-a-kind patterns. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Dedicated crocheters are already familiar with Patons Yarns, a member of the Spinrite family of yarn manufacturers. 17. 18. 19. 20. Sphinx Necklace - Yarnbombers United. DIY Crochet Rug With Yarn & Old T-Shirts. This Crochet rugs are made by Olga at All you need is yarn, old T-shirts & crochet hook.

Now the images will guide you trough the process. And that is it simple but really nice! Thank you Olga for this tutorial! Source Click here... for more great ideas! Tutorial: Crocheted Jogless Stripes. A common problem in amigurumi: you want to crochet something striped, but there's this funky looking stairstep "seam" running diagonally where you change colors.

How do you get rid of that!? EDIT: I've also put together a pair of videos showing this technique in action. You can view them here: The easy answer would be to just hide the seam in the back or somewhere else out of notice, but let's say that this option won't work for you, or that you're making a long, spindly striped piece where the seam can't really be hidden. Luckily, I have another solution for you: the crocheted jogless stripe! Click the photo above to read more. Method #1: Jogless Stripes when working in a single crochet spiral Normally, making stripes when working in a spiral leaves a rather messy line where the color changes happen: Try this technique to make your color transitions a little bit cleaner: Step 2: Complete the single crochet by pulling through a loop of the *new* color. How To Make A Crochet Magic Ring. There is definitely a benefit to using a magic ring, or magic circle, over the traditional beginning chain that you slip stitch into a ring.

What is it? There will be no space in the center of your project. It will completely “seal” and leave no hole. Here are the steps to making the magic ring. It may take some practice, so don’t give up! Step 1: Begin by making a backwards “J” with the end of your yarn. Step 2: Cross end of yarn behind your yarn coming from the skein.

Step 3: At this point you will need to pinch/hold the yarn together where they cross. Step 4: Let yarn from skein fall behind loop. Step 5: Pull loop all the way through, and up to top of ring. Step 6: Using your middle finger (or any finger that is comfortable) continue to hold the loop you just made, to the top of the ring. Step 7: Chain 1 for sc & hdc patterns. Step 8: Crochet as many stitches in the ring as your pattern calls for. Step 9: Pull yarn end to seal circle. Happy Crocheting! Seamless + symmetrical | November :: mystery crochet project Hooks at the ready! Let's get started with this month's mystery crochet project.

To make this project all you need to know how to do is to make a basic granny square. Don't worry if you're just starting out and you are more of a beginner, this post has been… With 43 comments Wool-Eater CAL 2012 Effective, textured, an absolute show-stopper the Wool-Eater has become a favourite among many! With 225 comments Wool-Eater Motif CAL 2013 In 2012 we hooked a square or oblong Wool-Eater . . . 2013, and I thought it would be nice to hook a Wool-Eater Motif Blanket!

With 78 comments. Working Joined Rounds with Single Crochet | There are a couple of ways (known to me) of crocheting in rounds without turning your work. You can work in spiral rounds, where you do not join rounds but simply start each following round from the top of the first stitch of the round below. Alternatively, you can work in joined rounds, whereby the beginning of each round is raised with a chain, so the last stitch of the round ends up at the same level as the first stitch at the start of the round.

The end of the round is joined to the start of the round with a slip stitch. The latter approach is what this tutorial is about. I have come across a few methods of working joined rounds with single crochet and, if you are working from a pattern, it will generally state which method is to be used. To illustrate these methods, I have made a chain of 20 stitches, joined it in a circle and then worked up a tube in single crochet stitches. Method 1: JOINING TO THE RAISING CHAIN Here is what my tube looks like after I have completed a few rounds:

How to Cast-On. Also known as Double Cast-On or Continental Cast-On view video This is my favorite cast on method, I use it almost exclusively. It creates an even, stretchy edge that works well for stockinette stitch or for ribbing. It's easy to knit from, easy to pick up stitches from, and is also the fastest cast-on I know, once you get the hang of it. It's even faster than Single Cast-On when you take into account that this method creates an already knitted row (technically, anyway...but patterns don't count this row). Tip: When a pattern calls to "cast on loosely" (like sock cuffs and turtle necks), I will do this cast on over two needles held together as one. Results are a cast on that is literally as stretchy as your ribbing. I usually give myself 12" of tail for every 20 stitches, more generously if it's bulky yarn. Alternative Method There is another method of working longtail cast-on, which is a slower to work, called the thumb method.