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Beans & rice

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No os lo vais a creer, ahora mismo estoy en el aparcamiento de la universidad subiendo el vídeo de esta receta. Llevamos tres días con la conexión a internet fastidiada, así que estoy aquí, que llega el wi-fi y sube en un pispás. Es impresionante la dependencia que tengo a Internet. La necesito para trabajar y para casi todo lo demás. Estas desconexiones temporales, aunque son muy incómodas, ayudan a valorar lo que tenemos. Y pensar que hay unos tipos ahí fuera, cegados por su codicia, que están dispuestos a acabar con ella tal y como la conocemos, simplemente porque no ganan suficiente dinero. Pero bueno, en el vídeo comento que no quería meter rollos y aquí estoy… La receta: Es prácticamente idéntica al risotto con pesto verde que hice hace algo más de un año. Espero que os guste. Risotto con jamón Ingredientes Instrucciones Tiempo de preparación: 10 minuto(s)Tiempo de cocción: 8 minuto(s)Número de comensales: 4 Entradas relacionadas:Risotto en dos tiemposRisotto con pesto verde.

Alubias estofadas con chorizo. Un contundente guiso, de los que escasean por el blog, pero que tan ricos son y tanto apetecen en invierno...

Alubias estofadas con chorizo

Ingredientes (4p): 300grs alubia blanca, 2 chorizos, 100grs panceta, 1 cebolla grande, 1 tomate grande, 1 cabeza de ajos, 1 cucharada sopera de pimentón, 2-3 hojas de laurel, aceite, sal, pimienta y agua. Comenzamos el guiso 12 horas antes, con el rito de colocar las alubias en un recipiente con agua, si no queremos que nuestros invitados pienses que atentamos contra su dentadura... Hay que cubrir con abundante agua porque absorberán bastante. Ya al día siguiente ponemos en la olla las alubias, media cebolla, el tomate pelado entero, el laurel y los ajos enteros, sin pelar, reservando dos dientes. Cubrimos bien de agua, sazonamos y lo llevamos a fuego suave con la olla tapada durante una hora.

Mientras, picamos ajos que habíamos reservado y la media cebolla. Cuando empiecen a tomar color añadimos el pimentón y apartamos del fuego. Arroz Con Tomate De Menorca. Sweet Chili Lime Chicken with Cilantro Couscous recipe. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat; cook and stir chicken breast cubes until the juices run clear and chicken is no longer pink, about 5 to 6 minutes (sprinkle with MSG or salt and pepper as is cooks).

Sweet Chili Lime Chicken with Cilantro Couscous recipe

Remove from skillet.In a bowl, mix together soy sauce, brown sugar, red pepper flakes, lime juice and zest, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Pour this sauce into the same hot skillet and bring to a boil; reduce heat to low and simmer, stirring occasionally, until sauce begins to reduce slightly, about 3 to 4 minutes. Add cooked chicken cubes to the sauce and cook until the sauce forms a glaze on the chicken pieces, about 2 to 3 minutes, stirring often.Meanwhile, bring vegetable broth to a boil in a saucepan. Stir in couscous; turn off heat and let couscous stand until the broth is absorbed, about 5 minutes. (If using basmati rice, place rinsed and drained rice in saucepan with the broth. Lu Rou Fan-Braised Pork Rice.

Lu Rou Fan-Taiwanese Braised pork rice Well, this is a recipe I have been thinking about to write for quite a long time.

Lu Rou Fan-Braised Pork Rice

As a fan of Taiwanese rou zao dishes, it may appear with rice or noodles even sticky rice. Along with the strong aroma of small red onions, I can always find some memory back to my university life when the four roommate enjoying this Lu Rou Fan almost once a week. Lu Rou Fan is also called as Rou Zao fan, but I am so sorry that I cannot figure out the regional difference since I have never explored this by myself. What I indeed explored is the cooking processing and taste. Starting with fried small red onion:Heat all the vegetable oil in a wok or sauce pan, add sliced onion in to fry until they becomes dark golden brown.

Set aside to cool down. Back to the wok: pour the extra oil out and leave around 1 tablespoon. Simmer with lid for around 20 minutes and add your eggs in. Serve with side ingredients. Lu Rou Fan-Braised Pork Rice Ingredients side ingredients Instructions. Salade de riz à l'indienne : Recette de Salade de riz à l'indienne. Homemade Re Fried Beans With Homemade Fajita Seasoning. This recipe is my husband’s creation.

Homemade Re Fried Beans With Homemade Fajita Seasoning

Like I’ve said before, he’s more the fan of tex-mex food than I am. I mean, I like it as long as it is not too spicy. He loves to load on the hot sauce. :) Most canned re-fried beans have that gross metallic aftertaste as only canned products do not to mention preservatives to keep it shelf-stable. This homemade refried bean recipe is far tastier and better for you! In addition to this yummy recipe, he also created a homemade fajita seasoning. Homemade Re Fried Beans with Fajita Seasoning Homemade Re Fried Beans With Homemade Fajita Seasoning Ingredients Homemade Re Fried Beans 2 cups beans that were soaked overnight, and then boiled until soft. Homemade Fajita Seasoning 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp chili powder 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1/4 tsp oregano Instructions In a pan, saute the onion with the oil for about five minutes or until nice and soft.