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How Reputation Management Drives Small Business. Conseils e-réputation et compte-rendu Masterclass Tripadvisor à Paris. Partagez !

Conseils e-réputation et compte-rendu Masterclass Tripadvisor à Paris.

C’est Tripadvisor qui m’a dit… (Les Chiffres) Ciel ! 15 jours déjà depuis la dernière (enfin première en France et pas la dernière je pense) MasterClass Tripadvisor, #TripadvisorMC pour les intimes, et pas une seconde pour faire un compte rendu, feed back, best practices et cetera. Alors que Thomas, Yung, lui l’a fait à J+2 ici : Compte rendu MasterClass Tripadvisor 12 juin 2013 via blog des experts de l’hôtellerie-restauration , j’enrage de jalousie, mais non je plaisante, réactivité du « nord » contre celle du « sud » ? Ne relançons pas le débat ! The Collaborative Revolution Is Coming.

EDINBURGH, Scotland — “I believe we are at the start of a collaborative revolution that will be as significant as the industrial revolution.”

The Collaborative Revolution Is Coming

With bold proclamations like that, What’s Mine Is Yours author Rachel Botsman described how she sees online reputation reinventing the way we think about wealth, power, and personal identity in the 21st century. Citing a number of stories of what she calls micro-entrepreneurs — individuals that are making a living from services like Airbnb, Skillshare and Taskrabbit that match haves with wants — Botsman painted a picture of a future in which resumes and even credit scores are irrelevant, replaced by an aggregated digital reputation based on our interactions in the collaborative economy.

“I envision a real-time stream of who has trusted you when, where and why … that all lives together in one place,” she told the audience at TED Global. There are challenges to making the collaborative revolution a reality though. Online Reputation. Guide de l'e-réputation, état des lieux, enjeux et outils.