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Ramen Noodle Salad (Coleslaw) I would love to share one of my favorite "water" holiday recipes.

Ramen Noodle Salad (Coleslaw)

I consider water holidays Memorial, 4th of July, and Labor Day. Our family always finds a lake or a pool to celebrate by, enjoy, and eat tons of food! The only trick to this easy meal is it needs to be made several hours or the night before your event (best) to taste perfect. Ingredients: Cheesy, oozy guacamole bean dip - The Kind Life - StumbleUpon. I first had this at a party about 10 years ago.

cheesy, oozy guacamole bean dip - The Kind Life - StumbleUpon

That recipe was my inspiration for this healthier version. We like to make this for football games. Marinated Cucumber Salad. Marinated Cucumber Salad This is my favorite summer salad.

Marinated Cucumber Salad

It’s the perfect side dish for summer barbecues and potlucks. My mom use to make this every year. We always had a large garden full of fresh cucumbers, and this was always our favorite way to enjoy them. This salad is so simple, and can be easily dressed up by adding more herbs and spices, or simplifying it.