False Claims Act Attorney. Whistleblower Lawyers. Medicare Fraud Defense Attorney. Law Office of Kenneth Joel Haber, PC. Haberslaw advises all healthcare providers and facilities: CMS attorney has already initiated its bounty hunter system as to physicians and facilities for recovery of expended funds.
That means that the targeted provider must repay the challenged payments which are predicated upon the self-serving assertions of the CMS Recovery Audit Contractors [RAC] or expend the funds to challenge the claim through the administrative appeal system. Law Office of Kenneth Joel Haber, PC. Haberslaw: Law Office of Kenneth Joel Haber, P.C. False Claims Act Attorney Law Firm. False Claims Act Attorneys While we normally never sue physicians but rather normally defend them, we do sue physicians on behalf of other physicians and, also, when we represent physicians who are called Relators in False Claims Act cases.
Impaired Physician Lawyer. We have assisted and can assist physicians, other healthcare practitioners and healthcare entities concerning the substantive areas listed on our Practice Page and most other areas in the Healthcare industry by creatively employing the available, appropriate statutes and our unique set of experiences and skills as a healthcare fraud attorney in Boyds, MD. As a former Assistant United States Attorney, former Senior Attorney of the OIG and a former Security Asset for the FBI, Mr. Haber has developed skills and techniques that most other attorneys could not even dream about. To see how we can use our assets to assist you, contact us for a free no obligation consultation.
Trusted Lawyers in Washington, DC. Compliance Attorney. Compliance. False Claims Act Attorney. Pin on Haber's Law Firm. Attorneys Law Office of Kenneth Joel Haber, P.C. If you are facing a Peer Review Privilege challenge, then you need an experienced Peer Review Privilege attorney.
An adverse review document can destroy a physician’s career. It is not just a loss of Peer Privileges at a particular hospital. Your peer review loss will not only be submitted to your Medical Board but also the National Practitioners Data Bank [NPDB]. You will not only have to answer to your Medical Licensing Board as to the adverse finding, but you most likely will be blackballed by your National Practitioners Data Bank report. Your Medicare and private Insurance -program participation will be at risk because these respective entities will know of the findings. The question becomes what can you do. There are strategies that you can follow to overcome these dire threats but they are best implemented earlier instead of later. Kenneth Joel Haber, former Assistant United States Attorney, former Senior Attorney of the Office of Inspector General, stands ready to assist you. Medicare fraud. Law Firm of Kenneth Joel Haber, P.C. A healthcare practitioner may ask him/herself why he/she needs a Compliance Program and a Compliance Attorney.
That is a fair question and there are many reasons why a physician, healthcare provider, healthcare practitioner should have both. First, the Affordable Care Act has made it mandatory for all Medicare healthcare providers to have a Compliance Program and while the regulations have not universally been put into place, they may be imposed upon a physician or other provider by various government entities, sooner than you think. When that happens, the provider and/or physician will not have the leisure of implementing such a program over a period of time, but, rather have to initiate one with little or no preparation time. Second, a good Compliance Program will permit a physician or healthcare provider to maximize his/her billings while minimizing the exposure to government sanctions.
A good Compliance Program will help assure proper coding and documentation. Law Firm of Kenneth Joel Haber, P.C. Medicare Fraud Defense Attorney. When a healthcare practitioner or provider gets a call from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to set up an appointment for an interview, it is not going to be a job interview unless it is for making license plates (i.e., prison). At that point in time, the provider needs an attorney who knows fraud and knows how to deflect any concerns of the OIG so that the provider will not become the focus of a criminal investigation. That’s when a healthcare practitioner needs a Medicare fraud defense attorney in Boyds, MD. Need for Medicare Fraud Attorney A good Medicare Fraud Attorney knows how to establish your innocence when you are innocent and when you may have been involved in matters that you might have better stayed away from, he knows how to make you more important as a witness than a defendant.
Law Office of Kenneth Joel Haber, PC. Impaired Physician Lawyer. False Claims Act Attorney Law Firm. Healthcare Attorney. Best Compliance Attorney. Whistleblower Lawyer – Helping People Fight Fraud Activities. Medicare Fraud Defense Attorney. Law Office of Kenneth Joel Haber, PC. Impaired Physician Lawyer. False Claims Act Attorney Law Firm. False Claims Act. Healthcare Attorney – Helping You Deal With Legal Hassles. Healthcare Law Firm. Healthcare Fraud Attorney - Haberslaw.com.
Whistleblower Attorney. Whistleblowers are the lawyers who expose the misdeeds in the healthcare industry and elsewhere and bring the wrongdoing to the attention of the court and the government. They work under the False Claims Act in order to extract justice from those who defraud the system. Technically, the term healthcare whistleblower signifies a person or agency that exposes something illegal, or some misconduct, being practiced by a physician, practitioner, provider or corporation in the healthcare industry.
Medicare Fraud Defense Attorney. Compliance Attorney. Healthcare Fraud Attorney. False Claims Act Attorney Law Firm. Healthcare Fraud Attorney. Whistleblowers Law Firm. Law Firm of Kenneth Joel Haber, P.C. Medicare Fraud Defense Attorney. The Medicare Bounty Hunter System Will Soon Be Seeking Recoupment in Your Service Area. Recovery Audit Contractors (RAC) have brought Medicare audits based upon the bounty hunter system to your area of service.
Many times the RAC charge a recoupment without even backing up the claims in subsequent administrative hearings. By Kenneth J. Haber, Esq Mr. Haber is a former Assistant United States Attorney and former Senior Attorney for the Office of Inspector General – United States Department of Health and Human Services. Doctors Beware- The RAC attack is in a service area covering you. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) back in 2005 announced initiatives to provide “clear guidance” on Medicare billing and a new demonstration project using Recovery Audit Contractors (RAC) as part of CMS’ further efforts to assure accurate payments. Every physician’s practice must have a strong compliance program to avoid being hit for 100’s of thousands of dollars and more in recoupment. False Claims Act Lawyer. Here is How You Can Approach Good Lawyer for Doctors.
In the modern-day world amid growing corruption, every industry is getting prone to illegal activities and crimes.
The healthcare industry is no different, as many people associated with this field are involved in many fraudulent activities like drug fraud, insurance fraud, and medical fraud. On second thoughts, several innocent healthcare professionals also fall prey to such frauds unknowingly. With such complicated things surrounding the medical malpractice, having a good lawyer for Doctors is always beneficial for to protect themselves from any danger and fraudulent activities. Need for Medicare Fraud Attorney.
Healthcare Defense Attorney. Compliance Attorney Can Help Protect You. All You Need to Know About False Claim Act Law and Lawyers. Due to loss of many lives and revenue during the war that took place in 1863, the American government introduced the False Claim Act Law (FCA).
Also popularly referred to as Lincoln Law, it allows all the citizens to file a case against anyone whom they believe has misused the government powers. The act also incentivizes people who file and win valid cases with the help of false claims act lawyers, as they are helping to reduce all the fraudulent activities happening in the government. Today this law has become the primary step of all the whistleblowers who know about the fraud happening in the government. This even led to the increased demand for false claim act lawyers. How Effectively False Claims Act Lawyer Help. Protect Your Firm by Approaching the Right Whistleblower Lawyer. A whistleblower lawyer has experience in all the legal matters associated with the corporate industry.
The concerned attorney often works as a representative of a genuine whistleblower. He or she helps the Whistleblower to file the case against the illegal activities practiced in the organization to the higher authorities. Here are a few essentials to help you choose the right whistleblower lawyer for the sake of exposing your misconduct to the right people in the right way. Consider Your Personal Life. Medicare Fraud Defense Attorney. Law Firm of Kenneth Joel Haber, P.C. Situations When You Need to Hire a Competent Medicare Fraud Attorney. Medicare is the name of the health insurance program provided by the Federal government to citizens who are 65 years or older.
It also extends to younger people with permanent disabilities or suffering with life-threatening diseases that requires constant medical care. But, as is the case with most business practices, many unethical institutions and medical professionals take undue advantage of the system and engage in malpractices to gain financial benefits. False Claims Act Attorney Firm. Identifying a Competent Healthcare Fraud Attorney to Save You from Allegations of Fraud. Healthcare fraud refers to intentional wrongdoing involving medical professionals, hospitals and allied services.
The involved parties tend to claim funds for services that were actually never undertaken or at least not undertaken as required by government rules or the rules of the third party payor while treating a patient or the services were unnecessarily administered during treatment. Most such cases include fraudulent reimbursement claims submitted to the government or third party payors such as Blue Cross or UHC. Private insurance companies working on their own behalf or on behalf of the government often initiate such allegations of fraud. If you are wrongfully accused or correctly accused of such fraud, hiring a good healthcare fraud attorney who can defend you against such charges successfully in court or out of court is critical to your continued career as a healthcare professional. Why We Need a Healthcare Attorney Firm? Haberslaw, the Healthcare attorney firm that has helped so many in the past has added another client to its list of vindicated clients.
Being a Healthcare attorney firm, that has assisted providers across the nation, Haberslaw has seen many of the various types of problems that healthcare providers face. Over the years, this has included many of the various issues that healthcare providers face, whether they are employees or independent practitioners, physicians, nurses, labs, nursing homes, with privileges and without privileges, whether they require assistance with credentialing or program participation, or assistance dealing with the OIG or a licensing board. Medicare Fraud Defense Attorney. Looking out for an experienced Medicare Fraud Attorney. Nowadays, it is usual to see the people siphoning money from the Medicare fund meant for the old age and disabled people.
According to estimates, 10% of the Medicare funds, totaling over $16.2 billion, are lost to Medicare fraud and waste. It is the responsibility of all aware citizens to report any suspicious Medicare fraud activity by following the due process in consultation with Medicare fraud attorney. More about this program Medicare, a health insurance program paid for and funded by the U.S. Government, helps citizens to cover hospital costs, non-hospital costs and some other coverage options. False Claims Act Attorney Law Firm. Healthcare Fraud Lawyer – Rescuing Professionals Caught Wrongfully. Haberslaw- Law Office of Kenneth Joel Haber, P.C. Lawyer for Doctors – Helping Innocent Medicos Get Out Of the Legal Hassles. Doctors help us the ailing patients in crucial times with all their efforts. Impaired Physician Lawyer. Medicare Fraud Defense Attorney. False Claims Act Attorney Law Firm. Here is why would you need a Medicare fraud defense attorney. Medicare frauds are getting common these days.
How A Compliance Attorney Can Help Your Cause? False Claims Act Attorney Law Firm. How CMS Lawyers Can Help You To Improve Your Business? Law Office of Kenneth Joel Haber, PC. Law Firm of Kenneth Joel Haber, P.C. Medicare Fraud Defense Attorney in Boyds, MD. Whistleblower Attorney – Protecting the Rights of Whistleblowers. A whistleblower is a different concept in the United States and most people in other countries would find it a little tricky to understand it at first.
However, it is something that roots down to a long way back but continues into the present generation. Law Office of Kenneth Joel Haber, PC. False Claims Act Attorney Law Firm. Medicare Fraud Attorney – Protecting The Healthcare Provider from Scams. Understanding Healthcare frauds is easier when it comes to someone stealing a person’s name or other insurance information with a view to fraudulently obtaining a medical device or prescription drugs. False Claims Act Attorney, Law Firm. How A CMS Attorney Can Drag You Out Of The Hassles Of Healthcare Services? Since the medical sector in the USA is a very expensive affair, the government has various schemes and benefits for the people. However, to ensure that the concerned people get every bit of the intended benefits, approaching an experienced healthcare lawyer is important. Medicare Fraud Defense Attorney Boyds, MD. How a healthcare Attorney Can Resolve Your Case with Success?
Best Whistleblower Attorneys. Maryland Healthcare Fraud Lawyer Firm. Maryland False Claims Act Law Firm. Maryland Medicare Fraud Defense Lawyer. Find a Top Rated Whistleblower Attorney Near Boyds, MD. Why Would You Hire A Whistleblower Attorney? A complex kind of litigation comes under the whistleblower lawsuit. This type of lawsuit has specific pleading and filing requirements along with several other exceptional considerations under it. Suppose there is a strong and well-documented case of fraud and you present it before the government. If the latter expresses interest in the matter and the whistleblower proves the case, he wins a monetary award for revealing the fraud.
Therefore, you need to protect yourself first hand in any such case if caught wrongly. A whistleblower attorney can help you get protection and safeguard you against any revengeful activities. Medicare fraud defense lawyer – Dragging you out of the false case. Law Firm of Kenneth Joel Haber, P.C. How a Healthcare Lawyer can Prevent Fraud? Healthcare Defense Attorney. Top Medicare Fraud Defense Attorney. Law Firm of Kenneth Joel Haber, P.C. Here is how you can seek the Help of a False Claims Attorney.
Best Whistleblower Attorneys. Compliance program, Compliance attorney, Compliance lawyer, Healthcare compliance attorney. How a healthcare fraud lawyer can protect you from a false case? Experienced Medicare Fraud Defense Attorney & Lawyer. How Medicare fraud defense lawyer can protect you from falling prey to scammers who prey on you and leave you open to charges of fraudulent claims? There are numerous programs and devices that scam artists are seeking to sell to physicians as big legal money makers that only make money for the scam artists and leave the physicians in big legal trouble.
These scam artists may even boost their sales with documentation that makes their products and billings appear legal but are fraudulent, even if they have articles and reports from purported authorities who vouch for both the programs/devices and the coding to Medicare and other third-party payers. Always follow the cardinal rule of avoiding being taken advantage of and that is if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true. That means that it is not true. Law Firm of Kenneth Joel Haber, P.C. Best Whistleblower Attorneys.