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Gap year

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UNI. Volontarisme. Leisure / Business Travel Packing List - Travel Light (One Bag)! CHINOIS. Cycle the Americas. For this trip you need two things in abundance.

Cycle the Americas

A lot of time and a whole lot of stamina. This kind of trip is hard graft and a proper adventure that is not for the faint hearted. The process of planning is pretty simple – commit to the idea of a huge cycle challenge, select the Americas as the backdrop to probably biggest adventure of your life and then work out if and how long you can afford to go for. Gap Years. The Gap Year goes from strength to strength as the desirable option for those about to go to university.

Gap Years

You’re 18, you’ve been in education all your life, and let’s face it: you’re tired. Why not go on a holiday of a lifetime? You can climb a mountain somewhere, help build a school in Peru, Cambodia, Ecuador or Vietnam, trek around an ancient ruin, or if you fancy it, just lie on a beach. Welcome to Year Out Group - Year Out Group - Gap Year.