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MISC Magazine. Test Your Value Proposition: Supercharge Lean Startup and CustDev Principles. In my last post I described a new business tool, the Value Proposition Designer Canvas.

Test Your Value Proposition: Supercharge Lean Startup and CustDev Principles

In this post I outline how you can use the tool to not only design Value Propositions, but also to test them. You’ll learn how you can supercharge the already powerful Lean Startup and Customer Development principles to design, test, and build stuff that customers really want. Achieve Product-Market Fit with our Brand-New Value Proposition Designer Canvas. I’m a big fan of the Lean Startup movement and love the underlying principle of testing, learning, and pivoting by experimenting with the most basic product prototypes imaginable - so-called Minimal Viable Products (MVP) – during the search for product-market fit.

Achieve Product-Market Fit with our Brand-New Value Proposition Designer Canvas

It helps companies avoid building stuff that customers don’t want. Achieve Product-Market Fit with our Brand-New Value Proposition Designer Canvas. Founders First: Grand St. Seth Godin. Seth Godin (born July 10, 1960) is an American author, entrepreneur, marketer, and public speaker.

Seth Godin

Background[edit] Born in Mount Vernon, New York, Godin received his high school diploma from Williamsville East High School in 1978 before graduating from Tufts University with a degree in computer science and philosophy. Godin attended Camp Arowhon, where he was a valued canoe instructor. He still frequents the camp to tell ghost stories. Godin often refers to his camp days in his writings. After leaving Spinnaker Software in 1986, Godin used $20,000 in savings to found Seth Godin Productions, primarily a book packaging business, out of a studio apartment in New York City.[2] It was in the same offices that Godin met Mark Hurst and founded Yoyodyne.

Viewpoints[edit] Advertisements on television and radio are classified by Godin as "interruption marketing" that interrupt the customer while they are doing something of their preference. Three reasons not to build a Minimum Viable Product. By Brant Cooper and Patrick Vlaskovits On February 4, 2013 f you are like most entrepreneurs, you should build a “minimum viable product.”

Three reasons not to build a Minimum Viable Product

Let’s get the definition out of the way first; Eric Ries defines MVP as “…that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.” As we detail in “The Lean Entrepreneur,” famed entrepreneur Bill Gross created an MVP in 1999 that validated that car buyers would be willing to by autos online sight unseen. The customer would choose a car on his website, describe the options desired and then pay for the car. Bill then would go buy the car from a dealer (losing money in the process) and deliver it the customer. Reliability vs. Validity. How to design breakthrough inventions - 60 Minutes. Design innovator "schools" Charlie Rose.

The design innovator whose company is responsible for the first stand-up toothpaste tube and Apple's first computer mouse talks to Charlie Rose about the field he helped pioneer that gave birth to such ingenious products in a 60 Minutes profile to be broadcast Sunday, Jan. 6 at 7:00 p.m.

Design innovator "schools" Charlie Rose

ET/PT. David Kelley takes Rose on a tour of his Palo Alto, Calif., company, IDEO, the place where thousands of inventions have been created through the concept of design thinking -- incorporating human behavior into design. He demonstrates how the most brilliant designs are those that simply pay attention to human behavior. How Apple's "Little" Approach Leads to Big Wins - Michael Davies. By Michael Davies | 9:57 AM October 23, 2012 For a news industry addicted to page views, Apple is the gift that keeps on giving.

How Apple's "Little" Approach Leads to Big Wins - Michael Davies

Perhaps it’s because people are caught up in the drama of whether the company can keep its momentum post-Steve Jobs. Some see Apple as invincible, its success as inimitable and its shares as undervalued, while others claim it has already peaked, or even that its decline is inevitable and demise imminent. (Given its current approximate market cap, we could call this the $640 billion dollar question.) Enterprise innovation articles. How to Understand the Notoriously Irrational Consumer. Companies put in lots of Market Research efforts to nail down the needs, wants, wishes and whims of the elusive consumers.

How to Understand the Notoriously Irrational Consumer

The Five Stages Of Early Adopter Behavior. Early adopters serve an important role in the world of Web services and technology gadgetry. helping to act in a multi-pronged position that can blur the line between journalist, customer and partner. The best early adopters not only help spread the word about a new product, but they can help argue its features, they are eager to offer feedback to its developers, and at times can be indistinguishable from the service's PR or Marketing team. But with time, if not coddled, this crowd can often turn against the very service they helped champion, as they move on to the next new thing, sometimes taking an army of followers with them. This relationship between service and early adopter is a healthy one, assuming the Web service has, in the interim, grown to the point they no longer need the initial proponent's efforts, having expanded to a more mainstream audience, or achieved sustainable organic growth.