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Luis E. Barreto & Associates

Luis E. Barreto & Associates, PA provides client representation in estate planning, probate, guardianship and litigation in these disciplines and elder law.

5 Reasons to Revisit your Estate Plan Annually. A Guide To The Probate Process – How Does It Work? Almost all of us already know that family and inheritance law is incredibly complex.

A Guide To The Probate Process – How Does It Work?

There are a lot of provisions, legal details, financial issues and then there’s the human element. Inheritance cases are complex because people often disagree amongst themselves about the provisions of the law. This is where the inheritance cases become really complex. But what is the probate process? Why Is A Will Essential For A Sole Director Or Shareholder? Most small businesses are run by a sole director or shareholder.

Why Is A Will Essential For A Sole Director Or Shareholder?

This is great for small, family-run businesses as it gives a sense of familiarity. The mom and pop store or the father and son repair shop – these are viable business models and they are important pillars of the economy. However, businesses run by a single shareholder can have a major downside. What happens if the sole shareholder dies? Reasons To Hire A Will And Estate Planning Attorney. Posted by robertsjennifer in Business on December 6th, 2019.

Reasons To Hire A Will And Estate Planning Attorney

How A Trust Lawyer Can Protect Your Wealth. What Makes For A Good Estate Planning Lawyer. Understanding the Guardianship of Your Loved Ones. Many people have an incorrect understanding of the wide range of legal matters that guardianship can cover.

Understanding the Guardianship of Your Loved Ones

They often assume that guardianship will only come into play if they should become unable to care for their minor children or on the contrary adult children who cannot properly care for themselves. Most of the time legal guardianship is going to be there to choose who will make legal decisions for you when you become unable to do so for yourself. Once you can no longer care for yourself, you need legal protection to take care of all your assets; your estate in Miami, your life savings, your business, etc. During this time the court will appoint a person or sometimes even a corporate entity with an attorney to manage your affairs which are also known as a “Ward”. There are two types of guardians, the first being a “guardian of the person” who is appointed when people cannot take care of their own personal needs such as medical care. Is There a Difference Between Business Succession Planning and Exit Planning?

Are you planning on leaving a business you’ve owned for quite some time?

Is There a Difference Between Business Succession Planning and Exit Planning?

It’s okay if you are, quite a few people undergo this process throughout their lifetime. Maybe you are ready to retire, maybe you’ve made enough profit with your business that you’re ready to leave it all and travel the world, or maybe you can’t run a company anymore due to health conditions. There are a million things that could possibly affect your ability to run a successful company. We are going to talk about what you should do in cases like these, and what the best process to part from your business is. 3 Lesser Known Florida Trusts and How You Can Benefit from Them. When Should You Need a Property Lawyer? Everyone knows buying a home is a large investment, in some cases, the largest investment people can make.

When Should You Need a Property Lawyer?

Buying a home is expensive, but it is also risky. It involves real estate law, which is complex and has many different areas that you will need help navigating. The law does help and covers most situations, depending on the jurisdiction, but it also raises issues that have to be dealt with properly. How Estate Planning Can Reduce Your Estate Taxes In Miami. 5 Questions to Ask Before You Hire A Medical Power Attorney. Injuries happen all the time, to varying degrees.

5 Questions to Ask Before You Hire A Medical Power Attorney

Most of the time, these injuries can be brushed off as accidents. Sometimes, these injuries can be a huge issue, not only from physical pain but from other extraneous factors. This is especially true if malpractice was involved. Knowing the Role of the Personal Representative in Probate. A personal representative is one of the key figures in probate proceedings.

Knowing the Role of the Personal Representative in Probate

In this formal process overseen by the court, a personal representative plays a crucial role in managing the deceased person’s estate. An effective personal representative may ensure that the decedent’s assets find their way to the appointed heirs and beneficiaries without any unnecessary delays. How Litigation Attorneys Can Help Your Firm. Every business, no matter how large, needs two professionals: an accountant and a lawyer.

How Litigation Attorneys Can Help Your Firm

These are the two guys who make sure your company is alive and can be active in the business environment. The reasons why you need an accountant are obvious – having someone who reviews numbers, understands finances and can prepare your local, state and federal tax returns is critical for every company. There’s no cutting corners here, and every business owner knows this. When Is The Right Time To Talk To An Elder Care Lawyer. There are more than 40 million people older than 65 in the United States.

When Is The Right Time To Talk To An Elder Care Lawyer

That's almost 15 percent of the whole population. And this number is slowly but steadily growing, especially as the vast majority of “baby boomers” are now over 60 years old. There are more seniors in the country than ever before. Obviously, the need to create programs that help seniors have to be created and managed properly. Luckily, there are multiple federal and state programs that help people over the age of 65.

Best Lawyer For Guardianship Litigation In Miami. Adult children and other interested parties may hold differing opinions on numerous guardianship issues. Who should be named as the guardian of an incapacitated parent? What physical accommodations and comforts should the ward enjoy? Are the ward’s financial assets being managed properly? What medical care does the ward need and by whom should it be provided? Experienced Probate Litigation Lawyer Fighting for Your Rights. By statute, a will must be properly drawn and its provisions regarding the disposition of the decedent’s assets must be followed. But closing an estate’s affairs is not always a smooth process.

Undue influence in the creation of a will can lead to a party contesting a will, and allegations of malfeasance during the probate process can result in litigation. Luis E. How Trusts Can Help You Protect Your Loved Ones. When it comes to legal documents, few are as underutilized as the trust. 3 Benefits of Having a Will in Place. While most people adequately plan and manage their daily affairs, however, many fail to make adequate arrangements related to the distribution of their property after their passing.

For example, according to statistics, as much as 60% of Americans have no valid Will in place. An Overview of a Durable Power of Attorney. Many trusts attorneys and estate planning consultants are proponents of equipping clients with the proper paperwork for securing their finances and assets in the unfortunate case that they become incapacitated. Why Are Living Trust Attorneys So Important? Creating a living trust can be advantageous for all three parties involved - historically, a trust secured an estate and property for individuals who were going into life-threatening situations and wanted to ensure that their belongings were transferred correctly.

However, in modern times the creation of a living trust can be made for a few reasons - namely for avoiding the probate process (along with all of its legal and court fees.) Living trusts can serve as powerful management tools, and with proper planning from the assistance of a living trust attorney, individuals can rest assured that their families are covered. In the past, having a living trust attorney or trust estate attorney might have been keen to the extremely wealthy - however, since its introduction it has become a useful tool employed by all socioeconomic classes.

The revocable living trust is the most common kind of trust as it is one that can be altered easily while the maker of the trust is still alive. Why Are Life Insurance Trusts Useful? The Most Important Reasons You Need An Estate Plan. Why You Should Use An Elder Law Attorney For Medicaid Planning. The law recognizes many of the disadvantages its citizens face today.

For this very reason, lawmakers pass laws that protect some of society’s most vulnerable citizens, especially the elderly. The branch of law that deals with the elderly and the representation of their rights is called elder law, and many lawyers have dedicated their knowledge and expertise to represent their rights. Especially when it comes down to the well being and health-related issues, family members can seek the help of an elder care lawyer. WHAT IS AN ELDER LAWYER AND DO I NEED ONE? As life spans continue to increase, senior citizens and their children face challenging questions regarding health care and asset protection. The Importance of Attorneys in Business Successions. When Do You Need A Trust Litigation Lawyer? The SFR Sport roll is a 100% recycled rubber flooring roll. The product is intended to be used in ice arenas, locker rooms, coffeehouses and juice bars, cardio and spin rooms, weight and strength training facilities, or any other place that might benefit from a durable, waterproof flooring solution.

The flooring comes in several different lengths, widths and comes rolled up in order to make installation a breeze. The eco-friendly flooring solution comes in a wide array of color options to match your company’s brand, as well as multiple thicknesses to meet your needs, whatever they may be. This rubber flooring option can easily be installed in small or large areas and the best part is, it’s virtually odorless. Its slip-resistant nature makes it ideal for kitchens, cafes, and fitness centers, while its shock absorbent quality makes it much more comfortable to stand on for long periods of time unlike concrete or tile floors.

A Benefit Guide to the Probate Appeals Process. When a deceased person’s Will and estate go to probate, parties who have some financial or personal interest in the estate may not always be completely satisfied with a court’s decision regarding various aspects of the process. If you disagree with how matters have been handled with regards to a probate issue you or your family member have been involved with, you may resort to the probate appeals process. In this article, you will find the most important information about the requirements related to this process and the general path the appellate proceedings follow. Why Estate Planning Is Important For Your Family. The concept of the triviality of possessions in a little overused in our possession obsessed society. What Type Of Lawyer Should Put Together Your Will or Trust?

Understanding the Different Types of Guardianship. How To Create A Living Will and Why It Is Needed. The Benefits That a Medical Attorney Can Bring to Your Parents. Do I have other alternatives to litigation if I don’t want to go to court over an estate dispute? - Luis E Barreto & Associates, PA. Should I represent myself in probate court? - Luis E Barreto & Associates, PA.

8 Reason Why You Should Hire A Probation Attorney. Experienced Legal Guidance From A Living Trust Lawyer in Florida. Challenges Single People Without Children Face While Doing Estate Planning. Trust Litigation Attorney: Guidelines For When You Need A Trust Litigation Lawyer. What Are The Common Legal Requirements to Contest a Will?

Trust And Real Estate Planning Law Firm - Miami Probate.