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How to Find Your Best Time to Tweet: The 4 Most Accurate Methods. Finding the right time to post on social media can be tricky, especially when each different social network has its own audience to think about.

How to Find Your Best Time to Tweet: The 4 Most Accurate Methods

And we’ve written a few different articles here on the Buffer blog that touched on how to come up with the best time to Tweet. And yet, we never quite dedicated a full article to the topic. There are a few different ways to help us decide what timing we should go for, especially for Twitter, so I wanted to take a look at four ways we can experiment with timing of Tweets. Let’s dive in, here are the 4 most useful methods we’ve found: 1.) If I had to suggest just one of these approaches to determining what time is best to Tweet, it’d be this one. You can test this out with a bunch of different tools, but I’m going to use Buffer to show you some examples, since it’s so easy to do within Buffer. 1. 2. 3. And here’s an example of what our analytics would look like: 4. 5. 2.) Followerwonk is another tool that we love at Buffer. La verdad sobre el SEO y las redes sociales - SEO Díaz. De un tiempo para acá hay muchas personas que afirman y juran que las redes sociales son “el nuevo SEO”.

La verdad sobre el SEO y las redes sociales - SEO Díaz

Que si consigues muchos “me gusta”, tweets o +1s es mucho mejor que si consigues backlinks. Que el PR ha muerto (¿¡Otra vez!?) Y que las señales sociales lo están reemplazando. 34118-cual-es-la-mejor-hora-para-publicar-en-redes-sociales. POR: Altonivel Todo tiene un tiempo determinado para explotar su potencial y las redes sociales no son la excepción.


Aunque pareciera que los usuarios están constantemente al tanto de las actualizaciones de sus redes sociales, lo cierto es que hay horarios en los que es mejor realizar publicaciones. Según la infografía desarrollada por la agencia Raka -“When should you post this?” Social media. Small Business Web Design.


Artículos. Herramientas. 7 Reasons why you should NOT use Hootsuite. Hootsuite Review Please note, although I wrote this article some time ago, it is being updated regularly.

7 Reasons why you should NOT use Hootsuite

(September, 2015) Hootsuite* is one of the most popular and comprehensive social media tools out there. Yes, there are others such as TweetDeck and SproutSocial, but Hootsuite is considered by many as the “crème de la crème” of the Social Media Tools World. I have used it for many years and I still occasionally recommend for my clients. The History of the Owl HootSuite was launched back in 2008 by Ryan Holmes through his digital services agency, Invoke Media. If you manage your business’ social networks, it’s highly likely that you will have heard of HootSuite and may already be using it. 5 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Your Facebook Page Management. Facebook has been the new directory of many businesses online.

5 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Your Facebook Page Management

Almost all businesses are maintaining their own Facebook visibility in the hopes of maximizing social exposure. In this article, we will talk about 5 Reasons why it’s good to outsource Facebook Management to a third party services provider. 1. Expertise When we are experts in a certain task, chances are the work we produce will be of a high quality. Look for Facebook page managers, let them do the job at a reasonable negotiated price, and let them do their thing as for sure they are more knowledgeable than you and are surely better equipped at doing the task more effectively. 2. Not having enough time for other ventures or personal stuff? Of course, your actual body of everyday business work is more important, its vision mission, services, product offerings’ quality and customer satisfaction should be paid attention to. 3. 4.

Googleseo1-e1385829505812. Storytelling in 2013. The Number One Mistake Everybody Makes on Twitter. Photos du journal - Revista Contenido. Photos du journal. Reneeangelica.

Social Media

Guía de Facebook 2014: Marketing y Estrategia para empresas. ¡Hola!

Guía de Facebook 2014: Marketing y Estrategia para empresas

Buenos días, hoy quiero compartir contigo esta Guía de Facebook que hemos preparado. Resumimos 10 claves importantísimas para tener éxito y rentabilizar la actividad de tu Fan Page de Facebook. Una serie de puntos que te ayudarán no solamente a incrementar tu comunidad sino a que ésta participe activamente en la promoción de tu marca y se convierta en tu mejor embajadora. La gestión de páginas en Facebook es una parte importante de nuestro curso de Community Manager, y estos son algunos de los puntos que recomendamos en clase como imprescindibles.

Desgraciadamente hay muchas empresas haciéndolo mal y perdiendo el dinero en Facebook. 10 Claves para una Estrategia en Facebook: 1. Informar sin más, no aporta valor y no genera participación en redes sociales. Video chat app WeCam brings friends from multiple social networks together. So you’re one of those socially connected types who spend, let’s say, a fair amount of time online communicating with business associates, friends, and family.

Video chat app WeCam brings friends from multiple social networks together

The problem is your companions are spread across different networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, and with all that to keep track of, conversations can become confusing. Wouldn’t it be convenient to be able to video chat with friends and colleagues—plus a potentially wider group of people who share your interests—all in one place? WeCam, a brand new app for iOS and Android, which debuted at Macworld/iWorld on Wednesday, combines a video chat function with the three most popular social networks.

Link to WeCam through Facebook With WeCam installed on their smartphones, people can link to the app via their social networks and video chat. “Video is significant because that’s how we communicate—face to face,” said Rob Whent, WeCam’s CEO. Use tags to identify new people to talk to. An in-app purchase of 99 cents removes the ads. Discover your first Tweet.
