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Schizophrenia is actually eight genetically distinct disorders, study reveals. New research has revealed that schizophrenia is not a single disease, but eight different disorders with their own set of symptoms. Scientists have identified eight separate clusters of genetic variations that, together, carry a 70 to 100 percent risk of a patient developing a certain type of schizophrenia. The discovery could revolutionise diagnosis and treatment for the debilitating psychiatric illness. Scientists already knew that around 80 percent of the risk of schizophrenia is inherited, but have struggled for decades to identify specific genes linked to the condition. But a new approach has analysed the DNA of more than 4,000 people with the illness, and have identified that there are actually eight different classes of schizophrenia, each influenced by distinct gene clusters. The research was led by scientists from the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis in the US.

“Genes don’t operate by themselves,” said C. The-trouble-with-brain-science. Photo ARE we ever going to figure out how the brain works? After decades of research, diseases like and still resist treatment. Despite countless investigations into serotonin and other neurotransmitters, there is still no method to cure clinical depression. And for all the excitement about brain-imaging techniques, the limitations of fMRI studies are, as evidenced by popular books like “Brainwashed” and “Neuromania,” by now well known. In spite of the many remarkable advances in neuroscience, you might get the sinking feeling that we are not always going about brain science in the best possible way. This feeling was given prominent public expression on Monday, when hundreds of neuroscientists from all over the world issued an indignant open letter to the , which is funding the Human Brain Project, an approximately $1.6 billion effort that aims to build a complete computer simulation of the human brain.

Different kinds of sciences call for different kinds of theories. The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence - Adam Grant. Some of the greatest moments in human history were fueled by emotional intelligence. When Martin Luther King, Jr. presented his dream, he chose language that would stir the hearts of his audience. “Instead of honoring this sacred obligation” to liberty, King thundered, “America has given the Negro people a bad check.” He promised that a land “sweltering with the heat of oppression” could be “transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice,” and envisioned a future in which “on the red hills of Georgia sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.” Delivering this electrifying message required emotional intelligence—the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions.

Dr. King demonstrated remarkable skill in managing his own emotions and in sparking emotions that moved his audience to action. Emotional intelligence is important, but the unbridled enthusiasm has obscured a dark side. Los 10 mitos de la psicología popular. “El gran enemigo de la verdad, con frecuencia no es la mentira -deliberada, artificial y deshonesta’- sino el mito que es persistente, persuasivo e irreal. Con demasiada frecuencia nos aferramos a los clichés de nuestros antepasados. Sometemos todos lo hechos a un conjunto de interpretaciones pre-fabricadas. La creencia en los mitos nos da la comodidad de la opinión sin la incomodidad del pensamiento.” J.F. Antes de empezar, querido lector quiero que sepas que este artículo no es uno más de los clásicos sobre mitos de la psicología, pocos sitios y revistas de psicología en español han enumerado estos mitos y creo que aprenderás algo valioso con este corto artículo.

En el año 2009 Scott Lilienfeld, Steven Jay Lynn, John Ruscio y Barry Beyerstein publicaron uno de los mejores libros que he leído. 1. Los estudios de laboratorio controlado han encontrado que los mensajes subliminales no afectan a las preferencias de voto o consumo de los sujetos participantes. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Superstición y clínica psicológica. En entregas anteriores estuvimos hablando de algunos efectos y particularidades interesantes del condicionamiento operante, como por ejemplo la forma en que nos mantiene enganchados a los videojuegos, o el papel que puede jugar el programa de refuerzo en los efectos de un calmante.

Sigamos un poco más, si la paciencia les alcanza. Esta vez, para cambiar de tema, ya que estamos en época de mundial, y para que no nos acusen de ser ajenos a las expresiones populares encerrándonos en nuestra torre de marfil, hablemos de palomas. El mundial y las palomas No, no hablaremos de la suelta simbólica de palomas que se lleva a cabo en algunas ceremonias de apertura, ni de cómo entrenar a una paloma para que picotee al centro-forward del equipo de fútbol adversario en los ojos (eso vendrá en artículos posteriores). Hablemos de las palomas y de usted, el hincha de fútbol. Usted. Que se pone la misma remera de Argentina que usara en el mundial del 86 y que no ha lavado desde entonces, “por cábala”. Show. Las ilusiones del Psicoanálisis. Van Rillaer | Jorge Luis Hernández Mendoza. Como Hegel, se mostraron escépticos, y otros en cambio se entusiasma-ron.

Para Auguste Comte la frenología había de sustituir a la psicolo-gía, la cual no podía de ningún modo llegar a ser una ciencia positiva... (citado por G. Lantén-Laura, p. 142). La frenología fue utilizada para laselección profesional (particularmente para la contratación de criados),para los consejos y elecciones matrimoniales, para establecer la respon-sabilidad de los criminales... Hacia 1860 se inició el declive. The American Phrenological Journal continuó hasta 1911 (volumen 124), y el «American Institute of Phreno-logy» no desapareció hasta 1925. Parece ciencia. El caso de F. Significantes>) que remiten aunos significados interiores, a unas inclinaciones psicológicas escondi-das, y que sólo un iniciado puede descubrir.

Rigurosa... A partir de 1839 se hace patente en las crí-ticas que se le dirigen a la frenología el reproche de que ésta no haceuso de cuantificación precisa. Title. Unusual Personality Test That Will Reveal Much about Your Perception of Life. One of the basic rules of this test is to write what you feel and what first comes to mind.

It’s fine if you have the same answers to different questions. Do not read all at once! Read the questions one by one and do not rush. It will not be so interesting to see the next question if you are still writing the answer to the previous one. Well, if a pen and a piece of paper are in front of you, then let’s begin! 1. You are peering into the sea, what do you feel? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Anna LeMind is the owner and lead editor of the website, and a staff writer for The Mind Unleashed. Credits: Anna, LearningMind. The Two Islands: An Unusual Personality Test That Will Surprise You!

Read the story below and answer as spontaneously and quickly as possible. There are two neighboring islands. In the first one live two men: an uncivilized savage and a civilized man. In the other island there are several people, among them a girl who is in love and has a relationship with the civilized man. The girl wants to go to the opposite island to meet her lover.

She asks the only boatman of the island how much he wants to take her there. The girl is shocked… not knowing what to do she goes to the wise man of the island to ask for help. So, they go to the other island. Evaluate the 5 characters of the story (savage, civilized man, girl, boatman, wise man) from the best to the worst, so that the number 1 is the character that you believe to be the best person of the story and the 5th is the worst of all. Interpretation Each character of the story represents a priority in your life: Savage = how important is sex for you; Civilized man = importance of other people’s opinion; Sabes Qué Es La Depresión? Este Perro Te Dará Algunas Luces De Ello. Interesante comparación de profesiones... - Francisco Javier Lagunes Gaitán. «Dos-Teorí» Freud - Lecciones de introducción al psicoanálisis (trad. Ballesteros) | «Dos-Teorí» Que es pulsion de muerte segun freud.