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Situación legal del cannabis en España.

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Turismo alcohol. Perspectives on drugs: models for legal supply of cannabis: recent developments. Introduction Last update: 04.06.2015 Three United Nations Conventions provide the international legal framework on drug control, instructing countries to limit drug supply and use to medical and scientific purposes.

Perspectives on drugs: models for legal supply of cannabis: recent developments

Yet, debate is increasing on the legalisation of drugs for non-medical purposes, particularly cannabis. Models under development for the legal supply of cannabis are described in this analysis, as well as some of the questions they raise. Part of the ‘Perspectives on drugs’ (PODs) series, launched alongside the annual European Drug Report, these designed-for-the-web interactive analyses aim to provide deeper insights into a selection of important issues. Download PDF version 1. The international legal framework on drug control is provided by three United Nations Conventions, which instruct countries to limit drug supply and use to medical and scientific purposes. Coffee shops in the Netherlands: retail sale without production Comparison of laws 2. 3. 4. Pasitos de gigante. 2014 ha sido un año de mucho trabajo y grandes proyectos para Fundación Renovatio en Euskadi.

Pasitos de gigante

Su trabajo en distintas áreas, pero sobre todo en la jurídica, sigue acompañando los constantes pasos que se están dando hacia un marco regulador y normalizado del cannabis en Euskadi y por ende en el resto del estado español. El pasado año se recordará en Euskadi como histórico en cuanto a los avances conseguidos en materia de cannabis se refiere. La ponencia del Parlamento Vasco tocó su fin a finales de junio y el dictamen posterior realizado por la cámara fue muy positivo. En consecuencia, el proyecto de Ley de Adicciones presentado por el Gobierno Vasco y que está en plena gestación ha incluido menciones expresas a los derechos de las personas usuarias de cannabis, ha admitido la existencia de los denominados Clubes Sociales de Cannabis y además instará al Gobierno Vasco a desarrollar una normativa regulatoria de estos últimos. Leer más. Costos por Región: Europa.

The Case for Reform. Cannabis policy in the Netherlands: moving forwards not backwards. The content of this blog is available to download as a briefing here > Misunderstandings and misreporting of actual and proposed changes to Dutch cannabis policy in 2011 have led some opponents of cannabis reform to suggest the country is retreating from its longstanding and pragmatic policy of tolerating the possession, use and sale of cannabis.

Cannabis policy in the Netherlands: moving forwards not backwards

This is not the case. In reality, most of the more regressive measures have either not been implemented, have been subsequently abandoned, or have had only marginal impacts. Additionally, there is growing public support for wider, progressive reform, including a system of legal cannabis regulation similar to that adopted in Uruguay, and efforts are underway by numerous municipalities to establish such models of production and supply. Background The Dutch approach to cannabis policy has always been fundamentally pragmatic, rather than politically or ideologically driven. However, the coffee shop system has not been without its problems. References. Concerns about Legal Regulation. Driving under the influence of any drug that impairs driving performance is dangerous, risks causing harm to others and should be an offence, regardless of the drug's legal status.

Concerns about Legal Regulation

However, it should be noted that testing drivers for any impairing effects produced by various currently illegal drugs is in most cases more complicated than testing for any impairment produced by alcohol. Indeed, blood alcohol content (BAC) is widely accepted to have a strong correlation with levels of impairment, meaning threshold limits can be established that are associated with a hierarchy of penalties for drink driving offences. The same, however, cannot be said for blood concentrations of the active ingredients found in many other drugs. For example, blood concentrations of the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, THC, do not correlate closely with levels of impairment due to the unique way that it is processed by the body. Cannabis tourism: a cause for concern? According to reports, Colorado is experiencing a boost in tourism as a result of its decision to legally regulate cannabis for non-medical use.

Cannabis tourism: a cause for concern?

A number of companies have even begun offering ‘cannabis tours’ for those interested in seeing the state’s new, legal cannabis industry and sampling its products. A CNN interview with the founder of My420Tours, a company offering cannabis tours in Colorado A typical ‘cannabis tour’ could include a stay at a ‘cannabis-friendly’ hotel, free samples, transportation from the airport, visits to dispensaries and growhouses, and various workshops such as ‘cooking with cannabis’. These images are from a company offering 'cannabis tours' in Colorado The situation in Colorado may well be attributable to the initial novelty factor of a legal non-medical cannabis industry, but high levels of cannabis tourism are a legitimate concern, even if they are not a particularly forceful argument against legal regulation.



Beneficios. Info marihuana. 420.