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iOS Push Notifications. Using push notifications is a great way to add real-time messaging to your application. It allows you to stay in touch with your users and makes it possible for your users to communicate with each other. This tutorial will guide you through all the necessary steps required to add this feature to your Parse application. We will begin on the Apple Developer website to create an SSL certificate associated to an App ID and a provisioning profile.

Next we'll see how to configure a Parse app on the Parse website, and finally, we'll take a look at creating a push-enabled iOS application and sending notifications to users. Before you begin, remember that push notifications are not available in the iOS Simulator. You will need an iOS device, as well as an Apple Developer license to complete this tutorial. The first step is to create an App ID and the associated SSL certificate on the Apple Developer website. 1.1. To begin, we'll need a certificate signing request file. 1.2. 1.3. 6.1. 6.3. 6.4. Vivian Aranha. NSFileManager – Here we will see how to store data in files locally on your iPhone. In this video I will show you how to save and retrieve data from local file system iPhone SDK has a very elegant way of saving user settings in a structure called as NSUserDefaults. You can add a bunch of different objects in this UserDefaults – These are nothing but a dictionary of user settings that you will save in the app’s document folder.

But beware, once you delete the app, even the user settings get deleted. In this video, I will give you a gist of how to use NSUserDefaults and how it will help you implement a bunch of things that can be useful for your mobile application. Property Lists in iPhone Development is a way to store variables, most probably for global variables or things that are used again and again or more like a datasource.

If you want to make a global file and save all the variables at one place, Property Lists or PLists, as they are called, are the best place to store these. Part 1: View Controller Programming Guide for iOS: View Controller Basics. Apps running on iOS–based devices have a limited amount of screen space for displaying content and therefore must be creative in how they present information to the user. Apps that have lots of information to display must therefore only show a portion to start, and then show and hide additional content as the user interacts with the app.

View controller objects provide the infrastructure for managing content and for coordinating the showing and hiding of it. By having different view controller classes control separate portions of your user interface, you break up the implementation of your user interface into smaller and more manageable units. Before you can use view controllers in your app, you need a basic understanding of the major classes used to display content in an iOS app, including windows and views.

A key part of any view controller’s implementation is to manage the views used to display its content. However, managing views is not the only job view controllers perform. iPhone JSON Flickr Tutorial – Part 1. Two consistently popular posts on are iPhone JSON Frameworks for iPhone Part 1 and Part 2. Seems a good time to revisit the combination of the iPhone and JSON, this time creating a complete working application. This is part one of a three part series in which I’ll build a Flickr photo viewer, a pretty simple application, however, we’ll cover some interesting stuff with the primary goal of understanding the nuts and bolts of working with JSON to build a complete working application accessing web-services. Let’s start by looking at the finished application – the video below shows the end result we’re after – it starts with a search box (UITextField) and an empty table. Once you enter a search string, the application will construct a URL to call a photo search method at Flickr.

As you browse the table, you can touch an image and a second request will be submitted to Flickr for a larger variation of the same image. Setting up JSON Framework Download the iPhone JSON framework Get Flickr API Key. Apple Developer - Start Developing iPad Apps.