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Conscious Living and Mindful Being Articles

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Mindful Being: Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course (Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training) (Volume 4): Ms Nataša Nuit Pantovic: 9789995754037: Books. Alchemy of Love Nuit (@AlchemyLoveNuit) Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies. How to Eat Mindfully [Article] How to Eat Mindfully Mindful Eating Articles - Edit Mindful Eating, Healthy Living The path to healthy body, and happy soul is based upon self-study, mindfulness, love and awareness.

How to Eat Mindfully [Article]

Understanding our relationship to eating will cultivate a lot of insights and help us start living our highest potential. Brain and its Magic: Developing both Brain Hemisheres [Article] World Religions: Comparative Analysis. Nordic countries’ teaching methods reaping rewards. Unesco statistics of tertiary education enrollment by country show that while 21.5 per cent of Maltese students successfully enrol into university each year, 70 per cent of the students in Nordic countries continuing their education after secondary school.

Nordic countries’ teaching methods reaping rewards

Nordic countries use techniques and tools that encourage collaboration - Nataša Pantovic Comparing the Nordic countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland) with other EU countries, the difference clearly stands out. Steering towards a knowledge society for them meant higher education became a must. Shifting education goals. Education should teach children how to ask appropriate questions, how to analyse a problem, stimulate a desire to learn, and flexibility to consider different points of view.

Shifting education goals

One of the biggest problems of education today is that the ‘factory model’ of teaching: the top-down approach and the rewards-and-punishments ap­proach, limit students’ ability to contribute with their imagination and creativity. Tapping the brain’s magic. With traditional educational methods – its curriculum and its focus on examinations – students quickly lose motivation and interest for science and its magic.

Tapping the brain’s magic

The human brain is truly extraordinary. A healthy brain has some 200 billion neurons. The conscious mind controls our brain for only five per cent of the day, whereas the subconscious mind has control of our thoughts 95 per cent of the time. Internet and privacy: Is a marketing Big Brother always watching? Online ads can build awareness and influence the decision-making process.

Internet and privacy: Is a marketing Big Brother always watching?

However, the online ads dig into once privacy much more than anyone could have ever imagined. Best practice for engaging the customers online. In an ideal world the marketing cycle will start with the customers’ needs analysis, is constantly influenced by customers and will change as fast as the customers change their mind-set.

Best practice for engaging the customers online

However, during the last decade we have become masters of the “creating the need” game, abandoning this important first step. Listening to customers is often replaced by a marketing effort to convince the consumers that they absolutely need the advertised product, service or offer. “My product or service is truly the best and truly unique” became a very difficult message to convey within the advertisement clutter we live in. The internet is giving marketers an interesting opportunity to once again start listening to their customers.

Forget pushy tactics on social media. Word of mouth is much more effective than hard selling on social media.

Forget pushy tactics on social media

A key element that makes social media trustworthy is that it represents someone’s sincere opinion. The authenticity of word-of-mouth is clearer and louder than any form of advertisement. Websites, blogs and twits that have many users, can nowadays sell their blog and tweet posts to the companies that realise the value of internet reaching a substantial audience. IZEA, in its social media sponsorship research published last August 2011, states that marketers worldwide nowadays put a monetary value on the different types of social media sponsorships.

To keep their site mentioned on the web they offer an average of $150 per blog post or video posting and $70 per tweet or a Facebook update. Social media sponsorship can be a controversial practice, particularly if bloggers do not disclose that they receive compensation for a product or brand that they mention within their posts. Hard selling techniques are aggressive. Taking care of your online karma. Benjamin Franklin once said “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation and only one bad one to lose it”.

Taking care of your online karma

He lived in the 18th century and could have had no idea that his quote would be used over and over again by the likes of internet reputation management consultants today, whose focus is to continually stress the importance of reputation management strategies. The communication exchange on the web is fast, every single contributor counts, and the internet can be the cruel broadcaster of a wrongly written word. The internet is full of stories of companies that lost their reputation online because of a simple mistake. Passionate internet marketing. Arts make students smart.

When children are physically active and creative, they tend to focus better and work more enthusiastically with the rest of the curriculum.

Arts make students smart

Arts, sport, music and drama are often viewed as fun extra-curricular activities for children but are given less importance compared with core subjects such as English, science, or mathematics. Education of the future. In a typical classroom in Finland, students work in small groups.

Education of the future

The teacher nurtures independence and active learning, allowing them to develop skills to understand and solve problems. Create freedom in the learning environment. Allow your child to cook, wash dishes, and take care of plants and animals. These activities are extremely interesting for children because they can act as grown-ups. A child has a deep longing to discover that the world is based on truth. Respect that longing. Do rewards, punishment work? In an experiment, children’s brains reacted strongly to positive feedback and scarcely responded at all to negative feedback. Will we learn from Finland? Divergent thinking. Inspired or lost in the technology matrix? TRENDING.