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Geocyclab. Cadre de vie - Circuler, stationner. Avec l'aide de plusieurs centaines de contributions, Philippe Starck a dessiné le "Pibal", un vélo-patinette au concept inédit dont le premier prototype a été présenté officiellement le 19 février 2013 dans les salons de l'Hôtel de ville. Il a ensuite été exposé dans de nombreux lieux de Bordeaux avant d'être installé à la Maison du vélo. Ce nouveau concept de vélo-patinette tient compte des pratiques et de la nécessité de passer facilement du vélo à la marche. Il a été adapté par Peugeot Cycle pour la production, fort de 130 ans d'expérience dans ce domaine. Le Pibal est assemblé en France. Il renouvellera le parc cyclable offert en prêt aux habitants de Bordeaux dès janvier 2014 à la Maison du vélo.

Partagé: Biketopia existe! I like to think of utopia as the space where idealism meets reality. Over the years, I have found few radical social change projects that met reality without failure or conflict, especially within a capitalist economy. Transformative projects often fail to take off and end up disillusioning their founders and volunteers. The Bike Kitchen model is one of those unique exceptions that we can try to learn from. The first time I visited the San Francisco Bike Kitchen, I was struck by the seemingly limitless energy – it was bursting at the seams with volunteers and clients waiting to work on their own bikes. As other local nonprofits and business are struggling or closing up shop, I wondered what makes this model different.

Bike Kitchens have been around since the 1980s, and the earliest recorded one was in Austria. There is little documentation about how they spread, but now they're all over the world: from Argentina to France to Ghana and over 200 in the US alone. Pedal-Powered Washing Machine Gets Big Company Backing. Photo via Gizmag Bike-powered washing machines aren't a new idea; however, at least one big appliance company is backing up the idea.

Haier, an large electronics company out of China, showed off a human-powered washing machine concept at IFA 2010. It's fairly simple -- an exercise bike collects energy as the person pedals, and the charging battery then powers the washing machine. Supposedly 20 minutes of work is enough to wash one load of clothes on cold cycle. The idea of using human power to get off grid even a little bit is tempting -- and of course gyms are becoming quick to harness the power of people exercising. But could it work at home? Even with a big company looking at pushing it forward, whether or not someone would bring this into their home is up in the air. But I have to say, as someone who likes to cycle for exercise and multitask, I'd definitely consider something like this.

Even with Haier's backing, it seems very unlikely to be popular if it makes it to market. Electric Bike RV is Tiny House on Wheels. Fair Companies/Video screen capture We TreeHuggers love tiny houses and we love electric bikes. So a project that combines the two is almost irresistible. Jay Nelson—whose fantastical geometric creations Kimberley posted on previously—has built what is essentially an electric quadracycle and tiny house/RV all in one using materials commonly available at the hardware store. And Fair Companies—the people who brought us an Ewok Village in Oregon; a tiny house of inner peace; and a beautiful stable in the hills of Spain—paid Jay a visit to check out his creation in detail.

Featuring sleeping space, luggage storage, a tiny kitchen (with sink) and even a rudimentary toilet arrangement, this thing is pretty darned neat. Sure, it's minute size and limited range—it can do a little under 10 miles and has a top speed of 20mph ("especially down hill! ") GROW, the Bicycle that Grows with Your Kids (Video) © Alex Fernandez Camps In order for a product to be sustainable, it needs to last; both technically and emotionally. Alex Fernandez Camps, a Barcelona-based industrial designer, decided to come up with a good quality kids' bike that is easy to ride and grows in size. Orbea, the Spanish bicycle manufacturer that believes that kids love vehicles more than toys, just launched GROW bikes in Spain. © Orbea Because the bicycle grows in size, it can be used by the same child for twice the time; using 1 bike instead of at least 2.

The advantage of GROW, apart from reduced economical and ecological costs along the whole of its life cycle, is a much better ergonomic adjustment for the user. This light and high quality aluminum bicycle has an adjustable seat, handle and also adjusts the length of the frame. Kids love vehicles more than toys from Alex Fernandez on Vimeo. iBullitt – urban-e Lastenfahrräder. Design, Technik Zunächst eroberte das Auto die Straßen. Doch nach der Ölkrise der 1970er Jahre und mit zunehmender Entwicklung eines ökologischen Bewusstseins wurde das Fahrrad in Städten wieder interessant. Aktuell haben Großstädte die Herausforderung zu bewältigen, innovative und vor allem emissionsfreie Lösungen für den Stadtverkehr zu entwickeln. Weil Fahrräder in der Stadt auf Kurzstrecken immer schneller sind als Autos und auch in Umweltzonen und Fußgängerzonen fahren dürfen, wird der Liefertransport mit Lastenrädern in Städten immer wichtiger. 2009 gab der Berliner Kurierdienst messenger den Impuls für die Entwicklung des .

Ein von urban-e elektrifiziertes Bullitt der Dänen Larry vs. Harry. In der Anschaffung ist ein iBullitt kostengünstiger als ein e-Auto. > > [Autorin: Elke Kuehnle, Journalistin, Umwelt- Organisationspsychologin M.A.] Hangzhou's Bike-Share Shows How It's Done (Video) Have Card, Will Travel. Bike Sharing: It's Global City Cycling's Gateway Drug. Metro LLC/Screen capture Washington D.C.'s Capital Bikeshare started small in 2010, and with little fanfare. It wasn't as large as Paris' Vélib bike share system, or as immediately popular as Barcelona's Bici. It didn't have especially bells-and-whistles bikes like Denver's B-cycle program, nor was it as comprehensive as the Chinese city of Hangzhou's bike sharing scheme. Never mind. Capital Bikeshare has become copy editor Bill Walsh's (and a lot of other DC commuters') gateway cycling drug of choice anyway.

Walsh, who lives and works in the nation's capitol, has over the last eight months become a dedicated cycle commuter, using Capital Bikeshare for more than 90% of his commutes - causing him to christen the service a "gateway" transportation drug. In other words, once you use it, you are hooked on city cycling. And that's good for cities. In Denver, B-Cycle is making its system accessible to members of Boulder's B-Cycle and vice versa. Pedal Pod Does More Than Just Store Your Bike. © Tamasine Osher Design Like garden sheds for architects, bicycle storage racks appear to be the new entry drug for designers; They are not too big and complex, and certainly are getting a lot of airplay these days.

They serve such a useful function in smaller urban apartments, where one can't leave the bike on the street, but you don't want it taking up too much floor space inside. Also, for many people, the bike is probably their most expensive and beautiful possession, the modern update on the shiny car in the driveway. It deserves a place of honour. Here's British designer Tamasine Osher's version. The designer writes about her work: The intention is to rekindle the human relationship with objects, encouraging an interaction of the visual with the tactile, expressing the simplicity of materials and honest construction - perhaps to stimulate curiosity and awaken emotions using contrasting forms and elements. She has really nice bikes, too. 2012, l’année des deux roues ? - Mobilité-durable. Date de publication : 13/01/2012 Format : Vu sur le web 2012 a été déclarée année de l’énergie par l’ONU, mais pourrait-il que ce soit aussi l’année du cyclisme et du vélo ?

Aussi sur le web cette semaine : des innovations toujours plus folles, et la lutte contre le fléau de la pollution urbaine. Le buzz de la semaine Et si après l’énergie, 2012 était aussi l’année du vélo ? Mais rouler à vélo, est-ce vraiment sûr ? Le vélo c’est bon pour la santé, pour l’environnement et… pour les yeux ! Lutte contre la pollution urbaine Vitesse et pollution sont souvent présentées comme liées, notamment au moment des pics relevés généralement en été. Lutter contre la pollution, c’est l’une des missions de l’agence européenne de l’environnement qui tape du poing sur la table en ce début d’année pour rappeler aux constructeurs automobiles leurs objectifs de réduction de gaz à effets de serre. 65 % des véhicules neufs à 130g/km de C02, c’est l’ambition de l’agence pour 2012. La police en voiture électrique ? Il superpose 1 200 vélos pour créer une oeuvre fantastique.

Un Chinois a eu l’idée brillante de superposer plus d’un millier de vélos entre eux pour obtenir un résultat éblouissant. L’œuvre, au graphisme percutant, a été exposé en Taïwan, au Musée "Taipei Fine Arts Museum". Le "Taipei Fine Arts Museum", un musée de Taïwan, accueille actuellement une œuvre originale intitulée "Forever Bicycles", déclare Fast Compagny. Son artiste, un dissident chinois du nom d’Ai Weiwei, a accroché 1 200 vélos ensemble, les uns suspendus au plafond, les autres fixés debout sur le sol. Son ambition était de créer l’illusion d’un espace labyrinthique dans une zone en trois dimensions. Avez-vous déjà partagé cet article? Should Cities Have "Bicycle Highways"? Velo-City: Cycle Tracks Will Abound in Utopia: Toronto architect Chris Hardwicke's proposal for a separated elevated bike highway system for Toronto, map here Over on Slate, Tom Vanderbilt of Traffic fame asks the question Should cities build specialized roadways for cyclists?

It is a discussion of the merits of separated bicycle lanes, (discussed recently in Are Dedicated Cycling Lanes Better For Cyclists? Or Should We Share The Road?) Vanderbilt thinks that fear keeps people off bikes, and that separate bike lanes make people feel safer. He quotes a planner and researcher: Velo-City in New York "I do believe the separate facility is the best," says Jacob Larson, a researcher at McGill University who recently completed a study of Montreal's bicycle infrastructure.

Modern Mechanix, 1928 Vanderbilt notes that in the Netherlands, every new road comes with a new bike lane, 8 feet wide and 5 feet away from the road, complete with its own traffic signals. They Are Building Bicycle Superhighways in Copenhagen. I learned the hard way recently about a terrific website that promotes "Copenhagenizing," noting that "Each and every day 500,000 people ride their bicycle to work or school in Copenhagen. " Whereas in North America we are, as one writer puts it, "fighting for infrastructure a few hundred metres at a time", Copenhagenizing tells us that they are now installing "bicycle superhighways" stretching far into the suburbs.

What does it take to be a bicycle superhighway? Part of the Green Path, Copenhagen's bicycle motorway, by night. [Zakkaliciousness], on Flickr, from another post on Copenhagenize They are spending $47 million to do it. More at Copenhagenizing.More on Danish Bike Lanes and Bike Infrastructure:A Picture is Worth...Danish Bike PathsThe Case for a Better Bike Infrastructure (and Better Driver Training) A New Cycling Superhighway. Not in the U.S.A. Ramboll/Screen capture If you want to find an unassuming place where bicycling is a way of life and nobody makes a big deal about it, head south.

The south of Sweden, that is, where the small university town of Lund has a big bicycle habit. They just don't advertise it. In Lund, 60% of the populace bikes or takes public transport to go about their daily tasks. And then there's Malmö, Sweden's third largest city - only 20 miles southwest of Lund. Just across the Øresund sound from Copenhagen, Malmö has always lived a bit in the shadow of the Danish capital. Now Malmö is upping the stakes by putting up 30 million Swedish crowns (about US$4.1 million) toward the building of a four-lane super cycling highway between it and its bike-happy northern neighbor city Lund.

Trafikverket/Screen capture The Swedish Traffic Authority (Trafikverket) has already studied the feasibility of building the bicycle superhighway between the two cities. 22-Year-Old Frank Zappa Teaches How to Play the Bicycle (Video) CES 2012: Solowheel Working To Reinvent Cycling -- Unicycling, That Is. © Jaymi Heimbuch We've written about the Solowheel in the past, but it is here at CES and I was glad to take a look in person. (Okay, so really I was just trying to get through the hall to an interview, saw someone zipping around unnaturally fast in a booth and had an "oh shiny! " moment. Turns out, it was worth stopping.) The Solowheel is basically an electric unicycle you stand on, and it works a bit like the Segway only without the handlebars. The Solowheel has a 1000 Watt motor and a rechargeable battery. As for riding it, you just put your feet on the platforms and lean forward to go, and lean back to stop.

Here is a video of it in action -- everyone except the green-haired girl looks a little unsteady but perhaps it just takes a bit of practice: The girl demoing it at the booth certainly looked comfortable on it, riding it back and forth and in circles. Pas@Pas. Resto Pouss’ inaugure la restauration rapide en triporteurs à Toulouse. |--- La cité s'invente ---| B2O le vélo bambou. Pallets = bookshelves + bikerack. Greencycle-Eco Friendly Bike. Greencycle-Eco uses current technology to reduce production costs in order to make it affordable to farmers and the lower income demographic group in third world countries, but the strategic thinking could certainly benefit the entire world to achieve greater sustainability.

Made of pre-fabricated bamboo panels, each piece is shaped using a CNC cutter to minimize waste. The steel brackets were created from flat steel and used as a joining component. Both can easily replaced. Designer: Paulus Maringka. Maya Pedal Asociación – Fahrräder zum Waschen, Schneiden und Mixen. What is the Ultimate Modern Utility Bike? 35 Views (Video)