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The Surreal Worlds of Italian Graphic Artist Stefano Bonazzi. 11 Magical Photos That Will Convince You Winter Is The Best Season EVER. 'Food for God' Image Wins Food Photographer of the Year Award. 10 Iconic Fashion Photographers. Surrealism, Style and Stepan the Bear: This Russian Photographer's New Series is Exciting. Mo Scarpelli's work - journalism. Boreal Collective. SHOTS Magazine. This Way Up in Vimeo Staff Picks. This Way Up in Vimeo Staff Picks. Flowers opening timelapse in Vimeo Staff Picks. Jane stockdale documents the agony and ecstasy at the 2014 world cup in brazil.

Jul 22, 2014 jane stockdale documents the agony and ecstasy at the 2014 world cup in brazil photographer jane stockdale documents the crowds at the 2014 world cup in brazilall images courtesy jane stockdale the 2014 FIFA world cup in brazil was a tournament unlike any other, where half the earth’s population witnessed the host country live out a sporting nightmare, and where three previous world champions – italy, spain and england – were eliminated in the first round. what was it like to follow the action in brazil? From a farm to the favelas, beaches in rio to the FIFA fan fests – ‘watching the world cup‘, the photo essay by scottish photographer jane stockdale, writer damian platt and creative studio enjoythis documents the story of brazilians and fans from all over the world as they live the agony and ecstasy of the quadrennial sporting event. an estimated 600,000 foreign fans arrive in brazil to join locals at fifa fanfests around the country mexico vs croatia94 minutescopacabana.

Juliane Eirich. Dane Shitagi. Mandrake.jpg (1292×2144)


People. Organized-Crime.gif from - StumbleUpon. Candy &Wet Glass | Adanx Movies Blog. A real master doesn’t need to use Photoshop at all. He is capable of creating the masterpiece using such simple things like candies, wet glass and a box. Watch the result. Related Articles: Psssh-Woman.jpg from - StumbleUpon. Future-Predicting Postcards From Around 1900. Not so many years ago, ideas like flying machines (planes) or broadcasting of moving pictures (television), seemed to be just some weird and hardly possible future predictions by science-fiction lovers.

People were always fascinated about the future, so they’ve tried to picture all those cool inventions the future is about to bring. Jules Verne wrote about space, air, and underwater travel in the late 19th-century before air travel and practical submarines were invented, and before practical means of space travel had been devised. Not to mention Leonardo Da Vinci who has conceptualized a helicopter, a tank, concentrated solar power and a calculator in c. 1500. Every generation has it’s own image of the future world, and the best part is of course seeing it come true. Broadcasting Needless to say, we have TV and Radio everywhere, even in our cell phones.

A Quick Stroll On The Water We probably don’t use balloons, but sure we do have water skis, and water motorcycles. House Moving By Train. Cole rise - StumbleUpon. Ashes and snow. Finding Images Online | SULAIR. 6675019129_b51e10c2b8_b.jpg (imagen JPEG, 920 × 690 píxeles) n15_1102011-.jpg (imagen JPEG, 991 × 660 píxeles) n11_2402011-.jpg (imagen JPEG, 991 × 647 píxeles) 15-render-FG.jpg from

n31_3502011-.jpg (imagen JPEG, 991 × 660 píxeles) The US – Mexico Border. n25_0902011-.jpg (imagen JPEG, 991 × 1352 píxeles) 46 fascinantes fotografías de las tribus más remotas del mundo antes de que desaparezcan. El mundo nunca ha estado tan interconectado como hoy. El ritmo de urbanización de los países aumenta a un ritmo trepidante, tanto que en 2008 más de la mitad de la población mundial pasó a habitar en ciudades por primera vez en la historia. Pero ello no significa que en pleno siglo XXI no existan comunidades que vivan en su más absoluto aislamiento.

En realidad se estima que pueden existir alrededor de 100 tribus indígenas sin contacto con el resto del mundo de forma voluntaria, aunque los datos no son muy claros. Las investigaciones han revelado que Brasil es el país que maneja los datos más precisos al respecto. Según información recogida a través de reconocimientos aéreos y entrevistas a miembros indígenas que han decidido tener contacto exterior, serían casi 80 las tribus que viven en una cerrazón total respecto al resto de la sociedad.

Es en el propio Brasil donde vive el hombre más aislado del mundo. ¿Quién es Jimmy Nelson? ¿Son los gauchos una tribu? Kazakh, Mongolia Himba, Namibia. The Hand of the Desert, Atacama Desert, Chile. - StumbleUpon. Blue-lagoon-galapagos-islands-ecuador.jpg (imagen JPEG, 792 × 594 píxeles) - StumbleUpon.
