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45 ways to avoid using the word 'very'. Writers Write is your one-stop resource for writers. Use these 45 ways to avoid using the word ‘very’ to improve your writing. Good writers avoid peppering their writing with qualifiers like ‘very’ and ‘really’. They are known as padding or filler words and generally add little to your writing. According to Collins Dictionary: ‘Padding is unnecessary words or information used to make a piece of writing or a speech longer. Synonyms include: waffle, hot air, verbiage, wordiness.’ Adding modifiers, qualifiers, and unnecessary adverbs and adjectives, weakens your writing. This post gives you 45 ways to avoid using the padding word ‘very’. Three Telling Quotes About ‘Very’ “Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.

If you enjoyed this, you will love: Top Tip: If you want to learn how to write a book, sign up for our online course. by Amanda Patterson © Amanda Patterson. Writing Fiction, Building blocks. Author Paula Daly I expect I am the same as many writers in that I love writing, but I don’t find it easy.

Some days it feels almost impossible to get the words down, and yet, if you are to deliver a novel that is exactly what you must do. A professional produces even when they feel as though they can’t. When I first started out I read everything I could find on the subject of writing. I watched YouTube clips of authors explaining the craft, and trying to put into the words the indescribable – the ‘art’ part of what we do.

What follows is what I’ve gleaned after writing four novels. This advice is what works for me. For me, the start of any novel begins with the theme. Once I have a general theme, then I’m looking for a great premise. What if you’re so busy balancing work and children, you take your eye off the ball, and your friend’s child goes missing? That’s the premise for Just What Kind of Mother Are You? Once I’m in the flow of a novel I aim to write 1000 words per day. Writing Fiction, Building blocks - Women Writers, Women Books : Women Writers. How Can the Average Writer Make Money Self-Publishing E-Books?

Think of self-publishing and e-books as two major weather systems colliding. The upturn in “indie” book production has met the popularity of electronic reading with a thunderclap of new content in publishing that is rising quickly to flood stages. And as with any big storm, there’s confusion, noise, and a lot of tall tales left behind. To find out what authors need to know about reading the radar—when to get your kite into the air, and when to head for cover—we interviewed select industry experts and key players in the indie e-book marketplace: authors in ponchos, galoshes on the ground, doers not theorists. Opinions differ, and there’s no one model that every author can follow for sure success. But the good news is there’s more than one way to weather the storm and come out smiling.

—by Porter Anderson E-book Climate Change In the first quarter of 2012, e-books passed a critical milestone when they outsold hardcovers for the first time. (Learn about the Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing.) [Video] Ricky Gervais on writing - The Story Department. Writing Fiction, Building blocks. The Write Life Presents: The 100 Best Websites for Writers in 2014.