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Efficacité énergétique industrielle

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Ecologie industrielle

The European IPPC Bureau. The table below presents, in alphabetical order, the list of reference documents that have been drawn (or are planned to be drawn) as part of the exchange of information carried out in the framework of Article 13(1) of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED, 2010/75/EU). The table contains the Best Available Techniques (BAT) reference documents, the so-called BREFs (as well as a few other reference documents) that have been adopted under both the IPPC Directive (2008/1/EC) and the IED. For BREFs adopted under the IED, the table shows in the column "Adopted document" also the BAT conclusions adopted according to IED Article 13(5).

The "BAT conclusions" is a document containing the parts of a BAT reference document laying down the conclusions on best available techniques. According to Article 14(3) of the IED, BAT conclusions shall be the reference for setting the permit conditions to installations covered by the Directive. The latest reference document itself. Un_energy_2009_policies_and_measures_to_realise_industrial_energy_efficiency_and_mitigate_climate_change_small.pdf (Objet application/pdf)

Benchmarking_ Energy_ Policy_Tool.pdf (Objet application/pdf) WP102011_Ebook.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Efficiency.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Economies_d_%C3%A9nergie_dans_l_industrie__partie_1_ Economies_d_%C3%A9nergie_dans_l_industrie__partie_2b_ Economies_d_%C3%A9nergie_dans_l_industrie__partie_3_ Economies_d_%C3%A9nergie_dans_l_industrie__partie_2a_