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Capacity market design options: a dynamic capacity investment model and a GB case study. Capacity market design options: a dynamic capacity investment model and a GB case study / Daniel Hach, Chi Kong Chyong & Stefan Spinler.

Capacity market design options: a dynamic capacity investment model and a GB case study

Cambridge : Energy Policy Research Group, Feb. 2015, 40 p. (EPRG working paper ; 1503) Authors's abstract : Rising feed-in from renewable energy sources decreases margins, load factors, and thereby profitability of conventional generation in several electricity markets around the world. At the same time, conventional generation is still needed to ensure security of electricity supply. Imprimer ce billet Mots clefs : capacity market, capacity mechanism, conventional electricity generation investment, dynamic capacity investment model, generation adequacy, renewable energy sources, UK Posté dans : Articles de recherche, working papers, rapports, thèses, Thématique Energie. Cataliz. Commercial implications of the UK capacity market. The countdown has commenced to the implementation of the UK Capacity Market.

Commercial implications of the UK capacity market

Between now and November, the UK power market will be focused on the volume and pricing of capacity delivered in the first auction. And the rest of Europe will be watching, given capacity markets are the subject of whiteboard sketches across the offices of the EU’s energy regulators. For all that has been said and written about the UK Capacity Market, industry views range widely as to its commercial impact. What will the outcome of the 1st auction be? How will the capacity price interact with the wholesale power price? The 1st auction outcome Understanding the capacity price & volume outcome in the first auction means taking a view on two key factors: UK Capacity Market to become a reality in 2014. 2014 will mark the end of the energy only power market that has served the UK over the past two decades.

UK Capacity Market to become a reality in 2014

By the end of this year the energy market will co-exist with a Capacity Market. The UK government has announced that it will stick to its aggressive implementation timetable. So barring any embarrassing delay, the first capacity auction will take place in November. This auction will target the delivery of capacity in the winter of 2018/19. But the impact of the Capacity Market will be felt long before the end of the decade. Implementation of the Capacity Market will fundamentally transform UK pricing dynamics and generation returns.

Untitled. 1103_ECube_EffacementDiffus.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Electricité : réserves de l'Autorité de la concurrence sur la participation des opérateurs d'effacement. Ajustement: réserves de l'Autorité de la Concurrence.

Effacement et NEBEF

Microeconomix - Effacement de consommation. Microeconomix - assessing LT effects of demand response policies. Trame de pésentation bMx. Presentation_Davy_Marchand-Maillet_Energy Pool.pdf (Objet application/pdf) 130606_DocumentAnalyseCRE_ValorisationEffacements. 130606_DocumentAnalyseCRE_ValorisationEffacements. RTE - architecture de marchés pour le développement des effacements. Rte_curte_synthese_segmentation_valorisation_effacements_060111.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Le mécanisme de capacité. La sécurité d’approvisionnement désigne l’aptitude du parc de production à couvrir à tout moment, l’ensemble de la demande. 28 décembre 2012 Le principe du mécanisme de capacité La satisfaction d’un client ne se limite pas à la quantité d’énergie fournie (MWh), mais se mesure aussi à la puissance délivrée (MW).

Le mécanisme de capacité

A domicile, un manque de puissance se matérialise lorsque le disjoncteur du compteur électrique « saute ». Cela signifie que la puissance demandée est trop importante. Enerpresse_24-02-2012.pdf (Objet application/pdf) European Commission : Paper on global capacity mechanisms. Quantitative assessment for a european capacity market 201. EU Harmonisation of Capacity Adequacy Policies: Free trade of capacity rights is not a relevant issue. by EU Energy Policy Blog. Harmonisation in matter of capacity adequacy is not on the 2014 agenda of electricity markets integration.

EU Harmonisation of Capacity Adequacy Policies: Free trade of capacity rights is not a relevant issue. by EU Energy Policy Blog

But the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), the European Commission and different European bodies of stakeholders have engaged reflections on this issue. A guideline of good practices on generation adequacy and capacity remuneration mechanisms initiated by the CEER is currently in discussion. The DG Energy is partly focusing the redaction of its next October Internal market communication on capacity remuneration mechanisms. Free trading and cross-border contracting on capacity rights are on the top of the list. According to the Treaty of Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and EU Directives, no limitations should be accepted beyond the cross-border constraints, for the capacity rights as well as for energy. We do not know what we exchange with accuracy A capacity right is a simple promise of reliability in scarcity periods, under the incentive of a penalty.

Capacity market or strategic reserve? Power markets Based on a study conducted by consultants at Ecofys, Germany's Environmental Agency (UBA) recommends the creation of a strategic reserve of dispatchable generating capacity instead of a capacity market.

Capacity market or strategic reserve?

Renewable electricity – and solar power in particular – are cutting so much into the medium load that gas turbines increasingly do not run for enough hours to make them profitable. Renewables International has discussed the option of a capacity market, but last month the UBA spoke out against the concept, which it feels will provide too few incentives for demand management. Furthermore, the study believes that the creation of a capacity market would be "irreversible. " UBA also warns that the discussion about capacity markets could "delay investments in new power plants. " Instead, the UBA proposes the creation of a strategic reserve "comparable with the strategic reserve for petroleum.

" It remains to be seen, however, whether four gigawatts will suffice. Pe12-024_strategic_reserve_can_ensure_supply_of_electricity_at_low_cost.pdf (Objet application/pdf) A.N.O.D.E-Position-sur-le-mécanisme-dobligation-de-capacité-31-oct-2011.pdf (Objet application/pdf) "Marché de capacité électrique : efficacité politique, inefficacité économique" Dans les jours à venir, la ministre en charge de l'énergie publiera le décret d'application mettant en ?

"Marché de capacité électrique : efficacité politique, inefficacité économique"

Uvre un mécanisme de capacité pour compléter le marché de l'électricité. Perçue comme une disposition essentiellement technique, l'information ne fera pas la une. Et pourtant, le mécanisme de capacité électrique mérite d'être connu, au moins comme exemple d'une politique publique inadaptée. Finon_Obligation_capacite_revue_de_l_en_oct_2011.pdf (Objet application/pdf) 111014 Mecanisme de bouclage capacite - Revue l'Energie.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Rapport_Mecanisme_de_capacite_light.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Marche-de-capacite.pdf (Objet application/pdf) F1182FR.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Texas Avoids Capacity Market While France Succumbs by EU Energy Policy Blog.

Few would argue with the claim that Texas has the best wholesale and the most competitive retail electricity market in the US, if not the world.

Texas Avoids Capacity Market While France Succumbs by EU Energy Policy Blog

But it suffers from an ailment called inadequate resource adequacy. Private investors, who are the key stakeholders in building generation capacity, appear unable and/or unwilling to invest sufficiently in what the regulators and the market operator would like to see in terms of a comfortable reserve margin. The last 2 years, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has had a few close calls, made more pronounced by a prolonged drought, which increased summer air conditioning load to dangerous levels. ERCOT had to repeatedly call for voluntary conservation to make it through hot summer afternoons in 2011. Going forward, ERCOT has warned that it expects its reserve margin to plunge to 9.8% as early as 2014, 6.9% in 2015, and to a negative margin by 2022. France, on the other hand, has decided to introduce such a scheme starting in 2013:

Appel d'offres mécanisme de capacité 2012

Sobriété énergétique : l’effacement diffus victime de dommage collatéraux. Cette technique de lissage de la puissance appelée sur le réseau électrique, actuellement en cours d’expérimentation, a connu de nombreux rebondissements ces dernières années.

Sobriété énergétique : l’effacement diffus victime de dommage collatéraux

Ainsi, plusieurs entreprises s’intéressent à sa mise en œuvre et l’ADEME vient de publier les résultats d’une étude qui y voit un « important potentiel en termes de gain environnemental ». Revenons sur les étapes du développement de cette activité complexe ainsi que sur ses enjeux. La naissance d’un besoin de capacité L’hiver arrive et l’ensemble des acteurs de l’industrie électrique française se préparent à affronter des pointes électriques élevées dont la croissance est dynamique, plus rapide que la croissance de la consommation annuelle sur la même période (40% de croissance pour la pointe contre 19% pour la consommation depuis 1996)2.

Qu’est-ce que l’effacement diffus ? Le principe des effacements s’est également transposé dans le segment résidentiel, on parle alors d’effacement « diffus ». Sia Partners. 20120806-PRESSEMITTEILUNG-Demand_Response_final.pdf (Objet application/pdf)