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LearningApps. Un'applicazione web per la progettazione di moduli interattivi per la didattica. 11 Video Tutorials About Creating Multimedia Maps. 12 Essential Mac Apps for Teachers and Educators. Patrizia Vayola: Mappa Mentale sulle Rappresent... AulaBlog. Quotes: applicazione grafica gratuita e senza r... App per la didattica. Analisi/produzione di immagini M.

app per la didattica

Guastavigna, NON SOLO CONCETTUALI, La Ricerca Loescher, n.23 P. Vayola, USARE LE MAPPE A SCUOLA. Anna Rita Vizzari - mappa realizzata con Mindom... Scrutini. Questa sezione della guida spiega come avviare e gestire lo scrutinio, dalla compilazione al tabellone finale A fine anno scolastico o comunque a fine quadrimestre avvieremo la fase di scrutinio, accedendo dal tasto Scrutini, si ricorda che solo attraverso il profilo coordinatore si può procedere nella compilazione degli scrutini. dal tasto scrutini intermedi o scrutini finali Andremo a scegliere dal menù a tendina in quale classe operare A questo punto si presenta il riepilogo del tabellone che andremo poi a stampare ed affiggere in bacheca.


Concentriamo l’attenzione sul tasto evidenziato. La tavola periodica degli strumenti tecnologici nella didattica. Graphite: strumenti e servizi per la collaboraz... Zoho ShowTime: realizzare conferenze intearagen... Zoho ShowTime: realizzare conferenze intearagen... 8 strumenti per il Blended Learning utili per i... Risorse per la scuola digitale. 100 applicazioni per studiare, insegnare e cerc... Symbaloo: webmix con 52 applicazioni educative ... 15 applicazioni per l'apprendimento basato sui ... WEB TOOLS FOR TEACHERS.

Raccolta di applicazioni educative - A Collecti... Safe Exam Browser. Alpha Mobile—Computational Knowledge Engine. 10 Useful Educational Apps and Tools for 1:1 Classroom. July 10, 2015 If you happen to teach in a 1:1 classroom then you will definitely be concerned about the educational apps to use with your students.

10 Useful Educational Apps and Tools for 1:1 Classroom

There are tons out there for sure, but many of them are not worthwhile. To this end we curated this selection of some of the most popular apps and tools among 1:1 classroom teachers. Browse through the suggested titles and see what you want to adapt in your class. Enjoy. 44 applicazioni educative suddivise per tipolog... Good Collaborative Tools to Help Students with Group Projects. Applicazioni web e Apps per creare lezioni - Th... 13 Easy-to-Use Tools for Creating Killer Visual Content. You’re familiar with BuzzFeed, right?

13 Easy-to-Use Tools for Creating Killer Visual Content

The wildly popular media site is known for its array of eclectic content including videos, listicles, infographics, celebrity gossip, surveys, and (so many) cats. The site was founded in 2006, but skyrocketed to Internet fame over the last few of years, tripling its website traffic. In August of 2014, BuzzFeed raised more than $50 million in venture capital and is now valued at $850 million. Why are we talking about BuzzFeed? Well, they produce an insane amount of viral content, something most businesses wish they had the time or energy to do. Microsoft: Office 365 gratis per gli studenti. Microsoft lo scorso settembre aveva annunciato il programma Office 365 Education in sostituzione del vecchio Student Advantage che permetteva agli studenti di alcune scuole selezionate sul territorio americano di poter disporre gratuitamente di una licenza per Office 365.

Microsoft: Office 365 gratis per gli studenti

Il progetto prevedeva anche la sua espansione nel corso dei mesi successivi al di fuori dei confini americani. Applicazioni web per l'apprendimento basato sul... Risorse per la scuola digitale. AulaMagazine Scuola e Tecnologie Di... TinyTap: creazione di giochi e lezioni interatt... 9 applicazione web per docenti - 9 Excellent Ne... How to Create a Multifaceted Backchannel Through Tozzl. SchoolCircle: strumento web based e free per la... Top 100 Tools for Learning in 2014. New Technologies and 21st Century Skills. Scuola digitale - 01 Programmi senza installazione e gratuiti. eTwinning Italia. Didattica online, i migliori tools a disposizione dei docenti Tentare di innovare e rendere più efficace la didattica tradizionale non è certamente compito facile, eTwinning prova a farlo mettendo a disposizione una piattaforma sociale su cui poter lavorare e condividere materiale, tuttavia è naturale considerare come principale attore di questa sorta di “rivoluzione” del fare scuola è e deve essere soprattutto il docente.

eTwinning Italia

Ciò avviene attraverso un cambiamento di approccio, tecniche di insegnamento, ambiente, contesto ma anche, semplicemente, attraverso l’utilizzo di nuovi strumenti a supporto dell’insegnamento. Stiamo parlando dei tools didattici online che, in versione gratuita, possono fornire un importante supporto all’attività quotidiana degli insegnanti, ed in particolare agli eTwinners. Educational Web Apps by Gianfranco Marini. 4 Ways to Dive Deeper with Canva's Public Profile. 17 online learning resources and websites you should check out. CLASSROOM - Splashtop Inc. Splashtop Classroom allows teachers to share their desktop and applications.

CLASSROOM - Splashtop Inc.

Once connected, students can view, control and annotate over lesson content directly from their own devices. Splashtop Classroom is perfect for teachers and instructors who want to engage the entire room! Teach from all four corners of the classroom Connect to the class PC/Mac from your mobile device Get out from behind your desk and improve classroom management and student attention Sit next to students while still keeping the class on task Turn your mobile device into an interactive whiteboard.

5 Blog Platforms for Teachers Compared In One Chart. Maintaining a blog is my first suggestion whenever I am asked to give a recommendation for a good way to keep parents informed about what is happening in classrooms.

5 Blog Platforms for Teachers Compared In One Chart

The blog can be updated by teachers or by students and teachers. To help teachers decide which blogging platform could be best for them and their students, I created the following chart. The chart compares eight key elements of five common blogging platforms. You can download this chart as a PDF through this link or click here to see it as a Google Document. This is the eighth comparison chart in the series of PDFs that I have been creating in the hopes that they provide people with a quick way to select the best tools for them. New Chart Comparing The Best Tools for Creating Educational Posters and Inforgaphics. Great Educational Web Tools for Paperless Classrooms. December 20, 2014 Few classrooms are entirely digital or paperless, though more and more are striving towards a middle-ground that can replace some of the workflow tedium with technology while remaining focused on their students.

Great Educational Web Tools for Paperless Classrooms

If that sounds like you, here are some digital classroom resources to consider. Engage your class using your tablet. Risorse e tutorial per qGis (Quantum GIS), il client GIS gratuito con una marcia in più. 13 Great Resources for Finding Free Public Domain Books. April 27, 2014 We all love to cuddle up with a good book and read a chapter or two before we fall asleep.

13 Great Resources for Finding Free Public Domain Books

That was before the massive uptake of ebooks and the widespread of ebook readers and tablets. Now that life becomes excessively digitized, digital reading is virtually the norm. The importance of digital reading, not only for us but for our students as well , is well documented in the education research literature. As Malloy and Gambrell (2006) pointed out, the future is already here: " Many elementary students are already adept at searching and surfing, using reading and spelling in ways not explicitly taught. Reading online is not only something that many students do in their leisure time but is also a skill they will need to develop as they learn to research and create in their middle school years and beyond. " (p. 482). Una lista di risorse per la #scuoladigitale. 11 Techy Things for Teachers to Try This Year.

The new school year is here for many teachers. For those who haven't started school yet, the new school year will be here soon. If you've set the goal of trying something new in your classroom this year (shouldn't that always be one of our goals), here are eleven techy things teachers should try this year. 1. Build a Blog or Build a Better Blog Blogs can serve many purposes for teachers. Three good platforms for classroom blogging are Blogger, Edublogs, and Kid Blog. 2.

Risorse per la scuola digitale. Software didattici: le pubblicazioni di Giorgio Musilli scaricabili gratuitamente. Sono aggiornatissime e disponibili gratuitamente le pubblicazioni dedicate ai software didattici realizzate da Giorgio Musilli, di Voki: crea lezioni animate per i tuoi studenti. Useful Tools and Apps to Help You Assemble Your Classroom Curriculum. July 18, 2014 Here is a list of educational tools you may not have heard of, but may be useful when assembling your classroom curriculum.

Project Gutenberg A library of over 45,000 free ebooks in various formats, like EPUB, Kindle, HTML, and plain text. In this reverse image search engine, you submit an image to find where it came from, high resolution versions, and more. Annotate videos or create slideshows of pictures and text, then share your animated lessons or digital stories. A free GPS-aware app from Google that alerts with info you as walk near places of interest. Students and teachers can keep a digital portfolio of photos, videos, notes and other documents with this app. This collection is Curated by assistant professor and teacher-librarian Joyce Valenza.

Servizio Documentazione Software Didattico. Tour Builder. 4 Free Web Tools to Boost Student Engagement. When students use tool technologies to create content, their engagement is largely based on how successfully teachers craft the learning assignments, rather than on the technology itself. This is different from what happens with other types of technologies, such as tutor technologies (e.g. software for learning). Here, student engagement depends principally on technology, taking teachers almost completely out of the equation. Having said that, there is ample evidence that when meaningful instruction designed by the teacher is combined with motivational tool technologies, students' cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement can be significantly increased -- more than technology could ever achieve alone.

Motivational tool technologies, amongst others, possess the following key characteristics: - interactive and multimedia learning modules. 28 risorse per creare Flashcards.

Bacheche e taccuini

Comunicazioni scuola-famiglia. Doc e pdf. LIM. Mappe, diagrammi. Presentazioni. Quiz, questionari, test. QR Code. Slideshow. Timeline. Wiki. Whiteboard.