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Meditative Seascapes by Jeff Friesen. © Jeff Friesen / Offset © Jeff Friesen / Offset Drawn to the a mysterious spiritual realm that awaits us just beyond the visible horizon, Nova Scotia-based photographer Jeff Friesen captures the sea in majestic ways. While working on another project on the Atlantic Ocean, the artist was compelled to take casual photographs of the evening seascape; later, he composited these imperfectly exposed, blurry long exposure shots into single images.Like paintings by great Romantic painters, each of Friesen’s imagined horizons grasps at the unknowable and divine within nature.

Through his lens, we might sit in solitude on the shore, contemplating the movement of space and time. Friedsen’s impressive body of work have garnered him international acclaim, and his images can be found in National Geographic, Photo District News, Canadian Geographic and American Photo. © Jeff Friesen / Offset © Jeff Friesen / Offset © Jeff Friesen / Offset © Jeff Friesen / Offset © Jeff Friesen / Offset © Jeff Friesen / Offset. Hayato Wakabayashi's Majestic Photos of Frozen Waterfalls and Caves in Japan. Japanese photographer Hayato Wakabayashi finds his inspiration in natural elements.

While photographing his last project, which involved documenting the intensity of volcanoes and typhoons, he started to become interested in the slow and organic variations of nature. For his most recent series, Gravity, he ventured out into the bitter cold of Japan’s mountainous regions to capture one of natures most beautiful phenomenon. These frozen caves and waterfalls can only be found in the coldest months of the year. “Nothing can escape gravity,” says Wakabayashi. “There is a natural order that exists outside our rationalized ideas. Gravity holds all that exists.” Wakabayashi’s images depict natures slow and gradual order through the effects of gravity.

All images © Hayato Wakabayashi. Le onde di Pierre Carrau - Vanilla Magazine. Seascapes Photography. Dans le cadre d’une exposition à l’Artify Gallery d’Hong Kong, le photographe malaisien Eiffel Chong présente sa série « Seascapes », où il dresse de manière minimaliste le portrait d’éléments situés au milieu d’une mer d’huile tels que des pontons, des îlots ou des rochers. À découvrir en images. Breathtaking Aerial Photographs of Colorful African Landscapes. Far surpassing common aerial photography, Brooklyn-based photographer Zack Seckler transforms southern Africa into living landscapes pulsing with color and wonder in his series Botswana.

Using an ultra-light aircraft, Seckler photographed the entire series less than 500 feet above ground. The low elevation allows Botswana to blossom with exquisite detail while painting a poetic whole, each image bursting with a roaming vitality. The photos feel fluid and moving, each creature dotted across a textural abstraction of vegetation and glassy waters. Here we are given an omnipresent vision, examining a lush world with fresh perspective when captured at this bird’s-eye view. A delicate balance that is both miniscule and infinite, Seckler allows the terrain of Africa to breathe free, each magical landscape running wildly into the blue. Botswana premieres as Seckler’s first photographic exhibition at Robin Rice Gallery in New York City from January 15th to February 23rd, 2014. Ellen Jantzen Photography. La photographe américaine Ellen Jantzen prend des photos de paysages atmosphériques qu’elle retravaille ensuite avec un logiciel de retouche pour y voir figurer des motifs tels que l’absence, les questionnements et l’incertitude.

Elle traduit ces remises en question à travers des clichés décomposés ou traversés par une bande floue. Il Salar de Uyuni al naturale: cielo e terra fusi nelle fotografie surrealiste di Asako Shimizu - Vanilla Magazine. Dopo aver visto una foto del Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, il fotografo originario di Tokyo Asako Shimizu ha sognato di fotografare in prima persona questo magnifico spettacolo naturale. Un decennio più tardi, nel 2006, Shimizu ha finalmente avuto la possibilità di viaggiare nel paese sudamericano, dove ha trovatola piana di sale più grande del mondo con un’area di circa 10.000 chilometri quadrati. In questo luogo magico, a circa 3.600 metri di altezza, Asako è riuscito a cogliere tutte le sfumature ed i piccoli particolari che rendono il Salar de Uyuni una delle mete fotografiche più apprezzate al mondo.

Le foto hanno la particolarità di esser completamente al naturale, scattate con una Hasselblad 500 C/M e non modificate con artifici digitali in post produzione. Eerie and Romantic Photos of the Sea Shot in the Dead of Night. For Moonlighting, London-based photographer Paul Thompson ventures out to the coast in the dead of night, escaping all the light and noise of the city for a few hours of darkness set aglow by the rhythms of the sea. The photographer explains that his passion for these nighttime shots lies in part in their unpredictability, which runs against the grain of structured commercial shoots. In the blanket of the night, he has to feel his way instinctually without illumination to guide his way. In order for the scene to be visible at all, he works in exposure times of one to three hours, allowing his own eyes to adjust to the blackness. As the minutes pass and the tides shift beneath the clouds, he takes time to reflect and introspect, to be alone and removed from the distractions of daily life.

Over the course of a night, he produces only one or two frames. Thompson is drawn to the seaside in part because it brings back memories of a childhood spent on the coast. All images © Paul Thompson. I paesaggi mozzafiato di Charlie Waite. La fotografia naturalista di Paul Souders. Dagli iceberg in Groenlandia sino ai pinguini in Antartide, dai ghepardi in Africa alle tartarughe marine nel Mediterraneo, Paul Souders ha realizzato alcune delle immagini più belle e affascinanti provenienti dal mondo della natura.

In circa 20 anni di carriera Paul ha esplorato in lungo e in largo il nostro mondo, immortalando alcuni degli attimi più belli e suggestivi che la natura gli ha regalato. La sua esperienza ci racconta il lato più spettacolare e magnifico della natura, consentendo allo spettatore di raggiungere con l’immaginazione luoghi e protagonisti a lui lontanissimi nel tempo e nello spazio. L’immagine dell’orso sottostante è stata premiata al concorso del National Geographic Photo Contest 2013 come la più bella in assoluto, e raffigura un orso che sta emergendo dalle gelide acque della baia di Hudson in Canada. L’immagine è diventata virale in rete ed è stata fra le più condivise dell’anno passato.