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Facebook Twitter - The home of Scrum. Scrum alliance - Google Search. Downloads « Gestão de Projetos. Distributed Scrum Teams: Never End a Sprint on Friday. Scrum team members know that things get very busy near the end of an iteration.

Distributed Scrum Teams: Never End a Sprint on Friday

The coding and quality activities need to be wrapped up, demo preparation occurs, the sprint review is held, the sprint retrospective is held, and the next sprint planning meeting is held. If the onsite team team prefers to end iterations on Friday, they might naturally assume they have all day Friday until evening for these activities. However, look at what that would do to a remote sub-team in India – it would mean working until early hours on Saturday morning.

Your Family, Agile, and You: Using An Action Map To Make Sense Of The To Do List. What do we do when we have a lot of tasks we need to complete?

Your Family, Agile, and You: Using An Action Map To Make Sense Of The To Do List

We write them down. So we start writing down the tasks and prioritizing them. NEW Intro to Agile Scrum in Under 10 Minutes - HD Tutorial Video! Untitled. Project Management Community and Resources for Project Managers. Manifesto para Desenvolvimento Ágil de Software. Scrum, O tutorial definitivo. Gestao agil de projetos com Scrum. Scrum: Agile For Everyone.

Scrum Alliance - Transforming the World of Work.