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Apps for language learning

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Just how effective are language learning apps? Around 70 million people – including Bill Gates – have signed up for the language learning app Duolingo.

Just how effective are language learning apps?

The app has received plenty of media attention, and its creators claim that it can help anyone with a smart phone learn a new language. The app is free, and promises all kinds of cutting edge features, such as adaptive algorithms to suit users’ learning speed, as well as gamification to boost motivation. They also claim that this app can provide members of poorer communities with access to language learning that would otherwise be denied them; a worthy aim indeed. For those who haven’t tried it, Duolingo works as follows. The user is introduced to some vocabulary, and then every day they spend a few minutes doing language exercises, such as translating sentences. There is a level of adaptivity: words that you get wrong come up again and again, while words that you get right come up less often – although they do still appear. Language learning in theory Communication is key. 7 Outstanding Language-Learning Apps and Websites. Speaking the local language—or at least knowing some basic phrases—is one of the best ways for travelers to tap into foreign cultures.

7 Outstanding Language-Learning Apps and Websites

In countries where English isn’t widely spoken, it’s essential to learn some key words and phrases, but even in places with an abundance of English speakers, you’ll find that locals tend to respond better when spoken to in their native tongue. If you’re looking for a handy phrasebook that will teach you the basics, check out the Fodor’s Travel Phrases app (works on iPhone and iPad), which features everyday phrases (with recorded pronunciations) in 22 global languages.

But if you want to know more than “Where is the nearest bank?” And “thank you,” you’ll need to do some studying. The next time you’re planning an international trip, consider practicing the local language with these 7 indispensable language-learning apps and websites. LIVEMOCHA If you want to interact with native speakers, try Livemocha, which provides lessons in more than 35 languages. Emerging. Five Best Language Learning Tools. Language Learning Apps. Primary Schools Find curriculum aligned apps to use in the classroom Take a Free Trial Families Find teacher recommended apps for your child Take a Free Trial Parents - Find teacher recommended apps for your child Parent App Library Teachers - Find Lesson Plans created by teachers like you!

Language Learning Apps

Teacher App Library Filter by With the keywords Language Learning Apps Physiological studies have found that speaking two or more languages is a great asset to the cognitive process. Learning a new language is difficult, but apps can be a great asset for language learning. Other great lists from our reviewers. Top 5 Best Free Apps to Learn a Language. Looking to learn a language, make the most of your daily commute, then download one of these apps and set a target to learn a language.

Top 5 Best Free Apps to Learn a Language

Here is our collection of top 5 best language apps for iOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch) and they are totally free. The best apps for learning another language doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg. We scoured the Internet and AppStore to look at five the the most popular and FREE language app. Duolingo Set your goal and pick up the app and start learning everyday. What can you learn: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. Rating: 5 Stars Memrise We first started using Memrise to learn Chinese, Mandarin in particular and found it to be very effective. What can you learn: Mandarin, German, French, Russian, busuu New to the App scene but not new in on the web is busuu. What can you learn: English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Portuguese Google Translate What can you learn: a huge number of languages.

Rating: 3 Stars.