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Cooperativas escolas - Jornal Minas. Homeschool Me! | Homeschool articles, resources and real-world advice. A Group of American Teens Are Excelling at Advanced Math. On a sultry evening last July, a tall, soft-spoken 17-year-old named David Stoner and nearly 600 other math whizzes from all over the world sat huddled in small groups around wicker bistro tables, talking in low voices and obsessively refreshing the browsers on their laptops. The air in the cavernous lobby of the Lotus Hotel Pang Suan Kaew in Chiang Mai, Thailand, was humid, recalls Stoner, whose light South Carolina accent warms his carefully chosen words. The tension in the room made it seem especially heavy, like the atmosphere at a high-stakes poker tournament. Stoner and five teammates were representing the United States in the 56th International Mathematical Olympiad. They figured they’d done pretty well over the two days of competition.

God knows, they’d trained hard. Still, it was hard to know how his team had stacked up against those from the perennial powers China, Russia, and South Korea. “I mean, the gold? It also wasn’t an aberration. Homeschooling for Free. A Group of American Teens Are Excelling at Advanced Math.

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The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes by Integrity Network. Diretora do MIT despede-se para iniciar uma universidade sem salas de aula. Christine Ortiz, professora e diretora dos cursos de pós-graduação do MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) decidiu deixar esta famosa escola para iniciar um projeto ousado a partir do segundo semestre de 2016: Inaugurar uma nova universidade que questione os padrões universitários modernos, criando novas formas de interação e construção de conhecimento. Christine Ortiz (MIT). Photo: MIT.

A notícia tem sido debatida nos corredores de muitas universidades pelo mundo. O que seria esta universidade “radicalmente” diferente que ela vislumbra? “Basicamente, a ideia é que estejamos centrados na aprendizagem baseada em projetos, onde os alunos possam se envolver em projetos relevantes, de longo prazo e integrados entre si. O conceito não é novo e tem sido proposto há anos por pessoas como o empresário brasileiro Ricardo Semler, quem foi palestrante no próprio MIT e fundou as escolas Lumiar. Computer Science Unplugged. Top 100 Tools for Learning | Directory of Learning & Performance Tools & Services. Free Technology for Teachers. Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects - University of California, San Diego.

Jaunty - Home. The Tech. Unlimited Personalized Lessons from Knewton. Vent Homepage - Vent. Learning Soft Skills In Childhood Can Prevent Harder Problems Later. Bjorn Rune Lie/Getty Images/Ikon Images Academic learning is usually in the spotlight at school, but teaching elementary-age students "soft" skills like self-control and social skills might help in keeping at-risk kids out of criminal trouble in the future, a study finds. Duke University researchers looked at a program called Fast Track, which was started in the early 1990s for children who were identified by their teachers and parents to be at high risk for developing aggressive behavioral problems. The students were randomized into two groups; half took part in the intervention, which included a teacher-led curriculum, parent training groups, academic tutoring and lessons in self-control and social skills.

The program, which lasted from first grade through 10th grade, reduced delinquency, arrests and use of health and mental health services as the students aged through adolescence and young adulthood, as researchers explained in a separate study published earlier this year. K12 Academics | National Resource & Referral Website for K-12 Education in the U.S. HuaYu 101 Changing the World! How to spot the children most likely to become entrepreneurs.

Researchers also concluded that "rule-breaking and defiance of parental authority" was the best predictor of which students ended up making higher incomes. They admitted that this was a "surprising finding" and said that there were reasons to be cautious of it. But they did float a few theories on why this might be the case. "We might assume that students who scored high on this scale might earn a higher income because they are more willing to be more demanding during critical junctures such as when negotiating salaries or raises," they wrote. Read: Five character traits every entrepreneur should avoid Lauren Knight commented on the study in her ‘On Parenting’ column in the Washington Post: "Some rather intelligent children who defy authority or challenge the status quo tend to think more outside the box, lending them a certain creative upper hand when it comes to new ideas and starting businesses.

Coming Soon! Online math practice programs. CreatingPathwaysSuccess. Mathematics. An MIT Learning Program Challenges Many Ed-Tech Assumptions. School Yourself - Free online math lessons. IXL Math and English | Online math and English language arts practice. Science vs Magic. Edutopia | K-12 Education Tips & Strategies That Work. MOOC: os cursos gratuitos online que democratizam o ensino. As aulas são gratuitas, a matéria é dividida em módulos e a avaliação é feita através de tarefas e testes de escolha múltipla.

Vídeos de palestras e textos recomendados são os materiais predominantes e os formadores estão, por norma, ligados a instituições de ensino superior. Aqui, tudo é assíncrono: os MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses) podem ser frequentados quando o aluno quiser, sem hora ou local marcado, e todas as ferramentas de estudo se mantêm disponíveis durante o período lectivo — que, normalmente, se mede em algumas semanas. Tudo na Internet. Autonomia é palavra-chave. O primeiro MOOC foi criado em 2008, por George Siemens e Stephen Downes, na Universidade de Manitoba, no Canadá. “Os MOOC configuram uma mudança de poder e uma reorganização das relações de aprendizagem”, explicou George Siemens ao “Diário de Notícias”, num artigo de Janeiro de 2014. Democratização do conhecimento Ao contrário do que é incentivado, não é muito interventiva nos fóruns de discussão.

Outdoor Education Programs | Outward Bound. Biblioteca online completa sobre permacultura, bioconstrucción, agricultura ecológica y más. Apreciados lectores, Parece un contrasentido, crear un método en la Apicultura del “no hacer” (Wu Wei, como lo denominó su creador), cuando precisamente esta “cultura” estudia a las abejas, que conforman uno de los modelos asociativos más complejos, organizadas y trabajadoras que se conocen de los seres vivos. Sin embargo, si juntamos las técnicas… En "CSA ENTRANSICIÓN 2.0" Qué es la permacultura y cómo podemos aplicarla La permacultura es una respuesta que entrega herramientas factibles a nivel individual y colectivo, a la inquietud interna de cada ser humano, por querer conectarnos con la tierra.

Por vivir una vida mas ecológica y consciente con nuestro entorno. Significa Cultura – Permanente, aludiendo a que nuestra cultura como seres humanos, permanezca… En "Permacultura" Smart Kids. How it works - Kahoot!