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Strumenti per presentazioni, video, immagini, etc...

Quattordici combinazioni di tasti segrete che poche persone conoscono. Molte persone pensano che il tasto “Windows” serva soltanto per aprire il menù “Start”. Ormai tutti sanno che Windows è una serie di sistemi operativi sviluppati, commercializzati e venduti da Microsoft. Lanciato nel 1985, il marchio è diventato il software più utilizzato in tutto il mondo. Non tutti sanno, però, che il tasto “Windows” può essere usato in combinazione con altri tasti per eseguire determinati compiti. Le combinazioni qui sotto semplificano il lavoro al computer e ci aiutano a risparmiare tempo prezioso. Guarda qui sotto quattordici combinazioni, tra cui alcune con il tasto Windows usato insieme ad altri: 1.

Chi non ha mai cancellato una parte di testo senza volerlo? Questa combinazione permette di vedere le finestre attualmente aperte e di spostarti tra di loro. Questa combinazione di tasti è stata creata per chiudere una finestra o un programma. F2 ti permette di rinominare file e/o cartelle. Questa combinazione riapre le schede chiuse di recente. 6. Apre il task manager. App per prof #78 PIXLR EXPRESS (Immagini digitali) Socloo: the social school. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Bloom's Digital Taxonomy for iPad. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 5 Powerful Tools To Create Educational Whiteboard Animation Videos. June 8, 2017 You probably have seen them before, whiteboard style animations are everywhere online. They are used by profit and non-profit entities to advertise, educate or to simply communicate effectively.

Two popular educational YouTube channels that use this animation style are TED Ed and RSA Animate. In short, whiteboard animation (also called video scribing or animated doodling) is a video clip in which the recorder records the process of drawing on a whiteboard while using audio comment. The final result is a beautiful synchronization of the drawings and the audio feedback. 1- GoAnimate Go Animate allows you to produce your own professional whiteboard animation-style video using your mouse and your favorite internet browser on GoAnimate!

2- Video Scribe VideoScribe empowers you to create your own whiteboard-style animated videos without any design or technical know-how. 3-Animaker Animaker is an excellent animation video maker that allows you to create engaging video content. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Here Is An Awesome Tool for Creating Animated Videos to Use In Your Teaching. June 7, 2017 Animaker is an excellent animation video maker that allows you to create engaging video content. As a teacher, you can use Animaker to create tutorials, explainer videos, video presentations, educational step by step guides or video infographics. The process is simple and easy and anyone can create beautiful animations without the need for advanced technology or coding skills. Animaker provides you with all the tools and materials you need to create your first professionally looking animated video. You simply drag and drop elements such as characters, backgrounds, visuals and many other pre-designed elements accessible through Animaker library.

You can then edit your video, add pop up effects, hand craft animations, scene transitions and when your video is ready you can download, upload it to YouTube or share it with others through social media websites. The free version of Animaker is limited in terms of features provided, the pro version offers way more options. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 5 of The Most Popular Student Interactives to Use in Your Class. April 29, 2017 One of our favourite resources for student interactives is ReadWriteThink.

It provides a wide variety of educational materials to help teachers make the best of technology in their teaching and to enhance students learning. Check out this section to view ReadwriteThink tools we have reviewed so far. In today’s post, we are sharing with you the five most popular students interactives in ReadwRiteThink as rated by the site itself. These are tools you can use in different literacy learning activities in class to help students ‘ accomplish a variety of goals—from organizing their thoughts to learning about language—all while having fun.’ Check out links to the interactives below the visual. 1- Story Map ‘The Story Map interactive includes a set of graphic organizers designed to assist teachers and students in prewriting and postreading activities.

The organizers are intended to focus on the key elements of character, setting, conflict, and resolution development. Three Good Tools for Collaboratively Creating Multimedia Books. Collaborating to create multimedia books can be a good way to get students excited about writing stories. Students can collaborate with each other and or with you. Through the process of sharing ideas and revisions students' work improves. Writing a multimedia ebook can also be a nice way for students to illustrate and or further explain portions of fiction and non-fiction stories that they compose. The following three platforms make it possible for students to create and publish multimedia ebooks in their web browsers.

For elementary school students: WriteReader is a neat multimedia writing platform for elementary school teachers and students. Tools for middle school/ high school students: Widbook is a platform designed to help people collaboratively create multimedia books. I've often described Lucidpress as a mix of the best of Apple's Pages with the best of Google Docs. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Top 8 Google Sheets Add-ons for Teachers. October 29, 2016 Google Sheets add-on store features a number of educational extensions to use with your forms and spreadsheets to add amazing functionalities. These add-ons are arranged into various categories. We revisited the ‘education’ category and selected for you the 8 most popular applications there. Using these add-ons will enable you to: Create graphs and forms and write complex math in your sheetsCreate and modify a planning schedule for project management in a spreadsheet; easily scaffold, manage and assess students projects in Google DriveQuickly grade and analyze students assessments, split cells, remove duplicates, clean up data and change caseAdd powerful functionality to quizzes you create via Google FormsSend personalized mass emails with Gmail and track email opens. 1- g(Math) for Sheets ‘This will be an invaluable tool for any math class or math teacher.

Now creating math digitally in a collaborative document has become slightly easier. 2- Doctopus 3- Flubaroo. 22 strumenti per creare nuvole di parole. Ogni tanto mi capita di segnalare uno strumento per creare word clouds, le nuvole di parole che rappresentano una vera e propria infografica. In effetti ogni immagine solitamente restituisce informazioni sulle parole utilizzate, che hanno una grandezza proporzionale alla loro ricorrenza nel testo.

In altri casi trovate invece semplicemente forme grafiche predeterminate che verranno rappresentate utilizzando i testi che andrete ad inserire. Mi è stato chiesto di raggruppare tutti i servizi per creare word cloud in un post ed eccovi accontentati. Wordle Taxedo Tagul WordItOut ABCya TagCrowd ImageChef WordSift ToCloud TagCloud VocabGrabber TagCloug Generator TweetCloud YippyCloud MakeCloud FestiSite QuinturaKids Many Eyes Tag Cloud Generator Text Tag Cloud Word Hearts Keyword Cloud Checker Articoli correlati. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Useful Apps and Resources to Help Students Learn Coding. April 29, 2017 Coding is an essential skill for 21st century students. 'When kids learn to code' , Mitch Resnick states, ' it enables them to learn many other things, opens up many new opportunities for learning. It's useful to make an analogy to reading and writing, when you learn to read and write it opens up opportunities for you to learn so many other things, when you learn to read you can then read to learn, which is the same thing with coding, if you learn to code you can code to learn.' We have already featured a number of interesting coding resources to use with your students in class, check out this section to learn more.

In today's post, we are sharing with you another equally important coding resource . These are apps featured in iTunes App Store under the category 'Code for Everyone'. This visual is also available for free download in PDF format from this link. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Teachers Favourite iPad Apps. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: An Interesting App for Adding Maps to Photos. April 25, 2017 Photo Mapo is a cool iPad app that allows you to add maps to your photos.You can use it to add context to photos you include in your instruction and create mapped collections that can be easily shared with others. Photo Mapo, as we have indicated in an earlier post, is on sale now for free and only for a limited period of time.

This deal is valid at least in the Canadian and American iTunes App Stores. Hopefully it will be still free by the time you are reading this post. Photo Mapo provides a number of interesting features. There are over 20 predesigned styles to choose from. You can customize your photos the way you want, you can change the background, select different map types and add descriptions to your mapped photos. Internetopoli, alla scoperta della Rete. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Google's $149 Photo Editing Tool Is Now Free. Vizia. Educational movies, quizzes, apps and games.

EDpuzzle. Free Online Technology ICT Lessons. APP per PROF.


Six Tools for Creating Classroom Quiz Games - A Comparison Chart. Twice in the last week I have given presentations about tools for creating fun formative assessment activities. The most popular part of that presentation is when we play a couple of quiz games in Kahoot and Socrative. Those are probably the best known quiz game platforms. They are not the only quiz game platforms. There are some other good ones. All of them have a common purpose, to make review fun, and all of them have some common features. The comparison chart embedded below can help you see the different features of six popular quiz game tools. The features that are common to all six platforms are: 1. The chart embedded above is hosted on

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