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How To Track How Many Times Links Are Shared On Social Media. Keeping track of social shares is easy, as long as you actually own the website.

How To Track How Many Times Links Are Shared On Social Media

Robust tracking tools such as Google Analytics and other plugins make it easy to track how often your content is shared. But what if you want to keep track of sites you don’t run? With minimal digging, you can uncover all sorts of interesting social media statistics about any link. Whether it’s to keep tabs on your competition, or just out of curiosity, the services below will help you track social sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, and more.

Muck Rack Bookmarklet Muck Rack, a service we introduced you to a few years ago, tracks what journalists are publishing online, and what they’re saying on social media. The Muck Rack bookmarklet shows how many times a link has been shared on Facebook or Twitter. Pitch Policy. Why You Should Create a Series on your Blog. Back when blogging was young and new, running naked through the fields on a bright spring day, we used to write posts called Friday Wrap-Ups, also known as Link Love or Friendly Fridays.

Why You Should Create a Series on your Blog

We didn’t have to come up with new ideas. We promoted our older content and helped readers find good posts they might’ve missed. We’d gather up the best articles other people wrote that week and link to them. Guess what those people were doing? That’s right – they linked to our posts right back. The practice petered out when daily blogging fell to the wayside. Why You Feel Like an Idiot When You Talk About Your Blog (and How to Fix It) A 7-Point Plan for More Shareable Content. Como ganhar dinheiro na internet sem depender de marcas? Manual_Branded_Setembro. How to Work With Brands as a Blogger. 6 ultimative Tipps für eine stressfreie Zusammenarbeit mit Content Freelancer   Es ist kein Geheimnis mehr: Wer gute Google Rankings will, benötigt guten Content - je mehr, desto besser.

6 ultimative Tipps für eine stressfreie Zusammenarbeit mit Content Freelancer  

Auch wer sich als Experte oder Know-how-Führer in seiner Branche positionieren will, muss regelmäßig Content zu seinem Thema publizieren. Das ist leichter gesagt als getan: wöchentlich mehrere Blogposts zu schreiben, ist eine Menge Arbeit. Und nicht jeder, der über spannendes Know-how verfügt, schreibt auch gut und gerne. Das größte Problem ist normalerweise, dass den Unternehmen schlicht und einfach die Zeit fehlt, um passende Inhalte zu erstellen. Die Content-Produktion an Freelancer zu delegieren, kann eine gute Lösung sein. 1. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einen Content Freelancer sind, haben Sie wahrscheinlich bereits eine Idee, wie wertvoll Inhalte sind.

Content Marketing ist also anspruchsvoll. 2. Social Media Best Practices. Get Paid What You're Worth: 37 Negotiation Tactics for Every Freelance Writer. Viver de Blog - Seu blog com algo a mais. 10 Ways to Beat Online Obscurity. Boost Blog Traffic - Getting You the Traffic You Deserve. 41 Blog Success Tips from 10 Years of Blogging You Can Learn Today. 10 Completely Free Guides to Building a Better Blog. The Death Of The Blog Post. Obviously this style isn’t suitable for every website.

The Death Of The Blog Post

It wouldn’t be practical for blogs that pump out three or four articles a day, but certain types of websites could benefit from it especially. Portfolios We have a habit of following trends very easily, especially in our portfolios. Instead of following the tired old practice of positioning screenshots of your work in a nice grid one after the other, why not use the blogazine technique and design a fresh page for each project according to the subject, client and color scheme? Online Shops Many online shops suffer from a certain blandness, following the pattern of: thumbnail grid, name, short description and then pagination.

This layout may be good for usability, but there is a middle ground between scannability and visual appeal. The design changes do not have to be dramatic. But perhaps even subtle changes to design elements could give your online shop the distinction that makes it more noticeable? CSS Galleries. Content Marketing for bloggers. Freelance writing and blogging are terms you know and probably identify pretty strongly with.

Content Marketing for bloggers

But there’s another term you should feel equally close to, even if it sounds somewhat foreign and unrelated to your writing work. Content marketing could save our writing careers, yet far too many of us don’t really know what it is. Here’s what, and why, you need to know. What Is Content Marketing? Content marketing is a marketing style that uses content (blog posts, infographics, e-books, videos, magazines, etc.) to engage potential customers, rather than directly sell a product or service to them. WPBeginner - Beginner's Guide for WordPress.

Como criar um Blog - Blogger ou WordPress - [ Ferramentas Blog ] AdWords: Keyword Planner. 10 Books Every Aspiring Blogger Should Read - The Nectar Collective. Freelance Blogging Productivity: The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need. When you’re a freelance blogger, your time equals money in a way no 9-to-5er will ever experience.

Freelance Blogging Productivity: The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need

Whether you’re working by the billable hour or the flat project rate, the more you’re able to get done in a day, the happier your bank balance will look at the end of the month. It’s one of the reasons so many of us burn ourselves out. Painfully aware of the fact that we and we alone are responsible for how much money we’re able to bring in, we’re constantly trying to squeeze as much as we can out of each day. We devour productivity tips, tricks and systems because we believe we can always do more, more, more if we just push ourselves a liiiittle bit harder. WPBeginner - Beginner's Guide for WordPress. Leituras recomendadas #2. Fabulous Blogging — Decoding the Blog Scene for the Tech Impaired. Blog de Marketing Digital. Trabalhe o Crowdfunding para ter sucesso em seu Twitter.

Blog de Marketing Digital

Der Inbound Marketing Blog. The Blogger's Bucket List: 20 Must-Reach Milestones on the Path to World Domination. It’s okay to admit it.

The Blogger's Bucket List: 20 Must-Reach Milestones on the Path to World Domination

Como ganhar dinheiro na internet sem depender de marcas? — youPIX. O financiamento coletivo definitivamente não serve só para projetos pontuais, alguns produtores de conteúdo estão usando a plataforma de crowdfunding para financiar projetos de blog, coberturas feitas por jornalistas independentes ou para séries de vídeos no YouTube.

Como ganhar dinheiro na internet sem depender de marcas? — youPIX

Exemplo brasileiro da força do financiamento coletivo para a produção de conteúdo, foi o projeto desenvolvido pelo Rafucko, que em uma campanha no Cartase conseguiu bater a meta de R$50 mil e assim financiar o “Talk-show do Rafucko”, uma série de 10 entrevistas com pessoas que ele divulgou durante a campanha. Um das modalidades do financiamento coletivo são as doações, que meio que se confundem com micropagamentos (já que a pessoa pode doar até 1 real se quiser), como foi o caso do Lugar de Mulher da Clara Averbuck, que usou o Vakinha pra arrecadar dinheiro do público interessado no tema pra colocar o blog no ar.

O Patreon funciona como uma plataforma de crowdfunding um pouco diferente. By Regina [for infopreneurs + independents] Can I be super honest here and say that some of the ways to “make money online” just sound and seem icky.

by Regina [for infopreneurs + independents]

Icky* beyond belief . . . and yes, icky is my very grown up way of saying it. Some people have Scam McScammerton written all over them and their online “businesses.”