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Čitateľský preukaz. Dlho očakávané ČITATEĽSKÉ PREUKAZY.

Čitateľský preukaz

Mnohí obecní knihovníci majú problémy s tlačivami čitateľských preukazov, preto vám ponúkame vzor, ktorý si môžete vytlačiť sami. Odporúčame obojstranne vytlačiť na tvrdší papier. Vytlačte si vo formáte pdf, na ktorý budete potrebovať program Adobe reader, ktorý je štandardným univerzálnym prehliadačom dokumentov. Tento program si môžete zadarmo stiahnuť z tejto stránky: Pri inštalácií postupujte podľa inštrukcií na monitore. Pdf formát: tlačivo na stiahnutie: 28.52 Kb Čitateľský preukaz Stiahnite si súbor vo formáte pdf a vytlačte si obojstranne celý obsah súboru.Po vytlačení vystrihnute preukazy preložte na polovicu podľa prerušovanej čiary.

Obrázok: Stiahnutie obrázka do počítača: Knihožrút - knihy na zjedenie. Knižnica - Les ukrytý v knihe. Všetky deti vedia, že knihy v sebe skrývajú rôzne tajomstvá - napínavé príbehy, krásne básne alebo milé rozprávky. Malým škôlkárom pomáhal objavovať prírodu Froliš, žiakom základných škôl mesta porozprávala a kolobehu života v lese lesná pedagogička . Zaujímavé rozprávanie, doplnené rozprávkami, kvízom bolo prísľubom pre našu prírodu, že z detí vyrastajú múdri ochrancovia našej zeme, vody i vzduchu.

Stretnutia pri knihách s tematikou živej a neživej prírody boli pekným príspevkom k Medzinárodnému roku lesov. Holly Webb. Activities that Libraries can offer you and your group. Activities that Libraries can offer you and your group Tameside Library Service offers a series of talks and events that are aimed at groups of between 10 - 25 people.

Activities that Libraries can offer you and your group

These can be either organised community, educational and social groups or a number of friends getting together. 1. Quiz time! (1 hour) Flashlight Readers. Quizzes - Scholastic Book Club.


Roald Dahl Ppt Presentation. Birthday: James and the Giant Peach. Inanimate Alice - About the Project. Born-digital Created as a reading-from-the-screen experience for the digital generation, Inanimate Alice stands alongside the best novels for pre-teen and emerging teen readers.

Inanimate Alice - About the Project

Interactive Requires the reader to drive the action forward at their own pace and encourages readers to co-create their own versions of the story, either filling in the gaps or developing new strands. Multimedia Uses text, images, music, sound effects, puzzles and games to illustrate and enhance the narrative. A Novel A reading-from-the-screen experience for the “always on” generation. Episodic Designed originally as entertainment, Inanimate Alice has been adopted by teachers eager to develop their students’ digital literacy skills. Click here to begin with Episode #1 Designed originally as entertainment, ‘Inanimate Alice’ has been adopted by teachers eager to connect with students through media they inherently understand.

Available in French, German, Italian and Spanish.


Валуйки. Сайт школьной библиотеки МОУ "СОШ №5" Классный час «Что такое доброта. 3 класс. 27 МАЯ - ВСЕРОССИЙСКИЙ ДЕНЬ БИБЛИОТЕК / SolNet.EE - портал СОЛНЫШКО. Добро всегда побеждает. Сценарий альтернативного Хеллоуину праздника с кукольным спектаклем. SOLNET.EE Сценарии праздников на сайте "Солнышко" Анна РудоваДОБРО ВСЕГДА ПОБЕЖДАЕТСценарий программы и кукольного спектакля,альтернативы Хеллоуину Идея провести альтернативный Хеллоуину праздник зрела у меня давно.

Добро всегда побеждает. Сценарий альтернативного Хеллоуину праздника с кукольным спектаклем. SOLNET.EE Сценарии праздников на сайте "Солнышко"

Как христианке, мне не нравится прославление всякой чертовшины и сказки-страшилки. Главная идея придуманных мною праздников, проводимых в канун Дня Всех Святых, - устроить весёлое детское представление, в котором дети помогают победить зло. То есть, детям предлагается добрая сказка со счастливым концом и глубоким воспитательным подтекстом. International School Library Day. International School Library Day « Library @ Indus International School. As we mentioned earlier, International School Library Day Celebrations started off(18-10-2010) with an inaugural function followed by our School Assembly.

International School Library Day « Library @ Indus International School

Principal Aravind K Chalasani,Ms.Sonya Mehta and Ms.Clemence jointly lit the lamp and Principal Aravind K Chalasani declared that the celebration begun. Teacher Librarian Mr.T.Gnanadurai gave a presentation about International School Library Day Celebrations and the Impact of school library on the student community achievement. The students of Indus International School Hyderabad, enthusiastically and creatively designed the charts for the celebrations with the help of the Art Teacher Ms.Kruti. Earlier Design a logo competition was announced and the responses are superb. Resources Blog. ReadingZone is working with authors and The Phoenix comic to launch a range of creative projects for schools!

Resources Blog

Pupils can join in making a comic, creating a superhero's diary, or seeing how good they are at writing stories that are full of suspense! ReadingZone will launch the following projects in early March, ready to run during March / April, to complete before the Easter break. For now, we want to know which schools would like to get involved. Get in touch by emailing: with your schools' details, the age of the pupils and which project you'd like to take part in. All the projects are free for schools to enter, each one has a fabulous prize and, where possible, we will be encouraging schools to communicate and collaborate with each other. MAKE A COMIC - We are working with The Phoenix comic, inviting a group of schools (secondary or primary) to work together to make a comic over the course of a few weeks. Book Event Planning Tips.