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Labos France Histoire Sciences et Techniques. Présentation Powerpoint : les erreurs à éviter : Présentation Powerpoint : les erreurs à éviter. A Vision of Students Today. Interférences n°2 Adgency Experts Intervention d'experts en entreprise. The Empty Raincoat « Heroes Not Zombies. January 1, 2008 by Bob Leckridge Here’s the trail…….a colleague emailed me about MacNamara’s Fallacy, which was mentioned in an article, by David Haslam, in the Journal of the Royal College of Practictioners.

I really liked the quote and set about hunting it down. Turns out it was first quoted in a book by Charles Handy, ‘The Empty Raincoat’ (ISBN 0-09-178022-5). I found a hardback copy on sale for a penny on Amazon Marketplace. It was written in 1994 and a lot’s happened in the world since then but this book is still a refreshing and insightful read. I’ll do individual posts on some of his main ideas because I liked them so much but one of thing that really struck me was the advice he gave to his children as they came of age and began to look for work.

To find satisfaction in life, it’s best not to try and sign up for, as Charles Handy puts it “100,000 hours of your life” sold to someone else, but, instead to think what do I have to offer people? Like this: Like Loading... Related. Audace - Luxe et disruption : les nouvelles émotions du luxe contemporain. Publié le 23 janvier 2013 Retour sur "Luxshocking", la 15ème rencontre « Luxbox » organisée par FigaroMedias, qui s’est tenue le 15 janvier, et découvrez la veille prospective réalisée pour l’occasion par Balistik#Art. Provocant, dérangeant, troublant ? Ce qui choquait hier (la nudité, le porno-chic à la «Tom Ford»…) ne choque plus aujourd’hui. Dorénavant on voit apparaître des communications qui investissent de nouveaux champs émotionnels. Nouveaux créateurs, nouveaux consommateurs, nouvelles égéries, nouveaux formats digitaux…Aujourd’hui, une disruption qui fait bouger les lignes d’une certaine idée du luxe : choc inter-générationnel, multi-culturel et pluri-communautaire… Mode passagère ou effet de crise « inévitable » dans la communication de luxe, la "LuxDisruption" s’annonce-t-elle comme un levier efficace pour bousculer les codes peut-être « trop lisses » du secteur ?

A quelle cible s’adresse cette disruption ? 1. 2. 3. 4. La table ronde… Stéphane Galienni Il y a une vie après le bac ! | Tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour s’orienter dans l’enseignement supérieur. Pensée Complexe. Francisco Diaz-Mitoma, 28. CEO, Virurl - Dan Schawbel Personal Branding. Kaggle: making data science a sport. Learndot Launches Its Learning Platform For Corporate Universities.

We’ve heard a lot about how massive open online courses like Udacity are disrupting the traditional world of higher education. Not too long ago, Learndot, which is officially launching today, wanted to be a part of this revolution, too. After beta testing their ideas for a P2P learning platform last year, however, the team decided that its service was better suited as a learning tool of corporate universities that need to train their employees. Learndot was originally founded as Matygo after going through Vancouver’s GrowLab accelerator about three years ago. The service, which later came to rely heavily on Google Hangouts to enable its video-based learning platform, never quite took off. Matygo’s problem, as the company’s founder and CEO Paul Lambert told me last week, was that it never quite reached the scale where it could be profitable. The existing legacy systems for this, Lambert argued when I talked to him, are often too hard to use. 20 Tech Trends That Will Define 2013, Selected By Frog.

Yes, it’s already that transitional time when our current year ends and another begins, and today and tomorrow are quickly changing hands. Rather than look back at significant trends of the past 366 days (2012 was a leap year, remember?) , we asked a wide variety of technologists, designers, and strategists across Frog’s studios around the world to take a look to the future. The near future, that is. “Near” in that 2013 is not only upon us, but also “near” in that these technologies are highly feasible, commercially viable, and are bubbling up to the surface of the global zeitgeist.

Smartphone accessories become smarter Assistant Vice President of Strategy Timothy Morey, San Francisco I recently interviewed a doctor who had used AliveCor’s iPhone ECG on a flight to diagnose a fellow traveler with a heart attack. Smartphones have always had a thriving accessory market, from covers to keyboards, but smart accessories are more than just accessories with sensors. We lose control of our cars. JP Astolfi réconcilie savoirs disciplinaires et constructivisme.

Par François Jarraud De tous les livres, quelques uns émergent. C'est le cas de celui de Jean-Pierre Astolfi. D'abord par le style clair au service d'une pensée dense et ruche. Ensuite par les efforts développés par l'auteur et l'éditeur pour la mettre au service du lecteur : des résumés réguliers, un commentaire de synthèse par double page.

Enfin par la thèse. CE que nous propose JP Astolfi c'est de dépasser le clivage connaissances disciplinaires – sciences de l'éducation. Entretien avec Jean-Pierre Astolfi Remarquablement écrit, d’une grande densité et en même temps d’une grande clarté, votre ouvrage mène une réflexion de fond sur l’enseignement. Merci d’abord pour le compliment toujours agréable à entendre, mais pour moi le souci de l’écriture n’est pas une coquetterie gratuite. L’ouvrage réhabilite les savoirs disciplinaires. En fait, il y a une ambiguïté fondamentale avec le mot « transmission ». Le constructivisme, c’est justement l’opposé de la transmission. ? ? ? Form and Function: An introduction to interaction design for start-ups. Solving Problems with Graphs.