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Generatie C

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Ter discussie stellen van waarden en betekenisconstructies | Psychologie en transitiemanagement. Wanneer het gaat om het gaat om diepgaande veranderingen, zijn eigen waarden en attitudes de kritische factoren. Het gaat hierbij om het ontsluiten van persoonlijke belevingswereld, culturele en persoonlijke waardepatronen, persoonlijke attitudes en/of persoonlijke constructies van de werkelijkheid.

Openheid, vertrouwen, een niet-defensieve en open communicatie zijn onontbeerlijk wanneer een dergelijke diepe veranderinterventie noodzakelijk is. Alleen dan is de ander bereidheid zijn persoonlijke belevingswereld te bespreken. Volgens Gibb (1961) zijn zes vormen die defensief gedrag oproepen of doen verminderen. Beoordeling versus beschrijving.Dwang versus probleemgebiedgerichtheid.Manipulatie versus spontaniteit.Onverschilligheid versus empathie.Superioriteit versus gelijkwaardigheid.Overtuigd zijn van eigen gelijk versus voorlopigheid.

Gedragsvormen die een defensief gedrag oproepen of versterken zorgen voor een gesloten communicatie, tot blokkades en verlies aan motivatie. Related In "2. Rise_Of_Generation_C. Meet Generation C: The Connected Customer. InShare976 Marketers, educators, parents, it seems that almost anyone in the Generation X or Boomer demographic is scratching their heads trying to figure out Generation Y aka the Millennial. After all, it’s the first generation to seemingly possess digital prowess as part of their DNA. And, it’s the first generation to receive both a birth certificate and a social profile or presence upon delivery into this world. A study published in 2011 by security company AVG and Research Now surveyed 2,200 mothers from around the world and found that 81% of children under the age of two currently have some type of digital footprint. 92% of U.S. children have an online presence created for them by the time they are 2 years old.

In many cases, a digital presence is born before the child, with sonograms (23%) actively published and shared on social networks and blogs. With every day that passes, Gen Y becomes far more important to the economy than we can realize. How well do you know Gen Y? 1. 2. 3. 4. Who Is Generation C? - Characteristics of Generation C - Digital Natives. Look out, Generation X, Y and Z – there's a new generation emerging: Generation C. Its members have one big thing in common: they're digital natives and exceptionally tech-savvy.

But researchers are having trouble pinpointing the main characteristics of Generation C, and exactly who can be included in this category. Defining Generation C by Birth Year Some researchers like to define Generation C according to when its members were born. For example, CEFRIO, a public-private technology transfer group in Quebec, Canada, pegs Generation C as a group of individuals born between 1982 and 1996. This would actually place Generation C within the Generation Y or Millennial category. According to researchers William Strauss and Neil Howe, who have authored a number of books on generational trends, Millennials were born between 1982 and 2001. Defining Generation C by Technological Focus: Digital Natives According to U.K. marketing strategist Jake Pearce, age does not matter when defining Generation C. GENERATION C | An emerging consumer trend and related new business ideas.

First published in February 2004 | No, this is not about a new niche generation of youngsters born between March 12, 1988 and April 24, 1993; the C stands for CONTENT, and anyone with even a tiny amount of creative talent can (and probably will) be part of this not-so-exclusive trend. So what is it all about? The GENERATION C phenomenon captures the an avalanche of consumer generated 'content' that is building on the Web, adding tera-peta bytes of new text, images, audio and video on an ongoing basis. The two main drivers fuelling this trend? (1) The creative urges each consumer undeniably possesses. We're all artists, but until now we neither had the guts nor the means to go all out. (2) The manufacturers of content-creating tools, who relentlessly push us to unleash that creativity, using -- of course -- their ever cheaper, ever more powerful gadgets and gizmos.

Examples? And so on. Don't get us wrong: superior tools and no talent still equals useless content.