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Chalkboard Wall Calendar - Martha Stewart Home & Garden. Thanks to paint that dries into a chalkboard finish, your board can be whatever size you desire and placed wherever you like.

Chalkboard Wall Calendar - Martha Stewart Home & Garden

Store-bought formulas come in traditional green and black. But you can also follow our recipe to mix your own batch in any shade. Cleverly applied chalkboard paint means new places to track appointments, keep lists, and leave messages. Or simply use the surface to draw or doodle, which will appeal to kids and the kid in everyone. Choose from the following ideas or come up with your own homemade chalkboard location. Tip: Start with flat-finish latex paint in any shade. Wall Calendar A home office is the ideal spot for a family planner. Mudroom Mural The bottom half of a mudroom wall is just the right height for pint-size Picassos -- when coated with store-bought green chalkboard paint.

Message Center Write-on paint needn't be applied only to walls. Pantry Reminder. DIY Suds. Update: If using a HE washer, our readers have suggested throwing the mix directly into the wash load, rather than the soap dispenser.

DIY Suds

Please read through the comments for more Q&As, as you have all been so wonderful to share your experiences! And if you’re looking for even more information on our DIY suds, see our sudsy update to this post, right here. The last time I purchased laundry soap, I threw a fit in the cleaning aisle and spent the drive home moaning over the high coast of detergent. I always knew I was thrifty, but even that took me by surprise. Since then, Scott buys the suds. First mentioned here (whew, I was on a rant that day), I decided to heck with it all, and I went and did something about it. I kid you not, the steps are even easier than getting in your car, driving to the store, and buying the 3 ingredients. While we could’ve left the mixture in the tupperware, I spruced up the display by using an on-hand Ball jar instead. Ooh, and here are some random mentionables.

12 Ways to Store Children's Toys. By craftyamy | Doesn’t it seem like toys are always on the floor? And of course you want to store toys, but you might want something a little more exciting than standard toy storage. If so, I’ve got some options for you! And let’s face it, who knew that toy storage could be so cool? These garden baskets are a perfect example. Nggallery id=’126084′ Follow Amy on Facebook and Twitter for updates! Don’t miss the latest from The New Home Ec - Like Us on Facebook. More on The New Home Ec:10 Fun Chevron DIY Projects10 DIY Embroidery Projects to Try10 Unique Mod Podge Shoe Restyles About craftyamy craftyamy Amy Anderson is a crafty, DIY kind of girl who lives in Atlanta with her pug. Make bookends from old vinyl records.

I often wonder: when everyone is making LP bowls, LP coasters and now, LP bookends out of our adolescent artifacts, what is the world coming to?

Make bookends from old vinyl records

However, after seeing HRG's clever bookends idea over on Craftster, I willingly rifled through many worn album covers, feeling a few pangs of nostalgia, and finally settled on a Diana Ross (the later years) album and a generic Christmas album. With hot water bubbling on the stove, and steamy water pouring from the faucet, I fumbled around trying to dip, pour and bend the albums at a right angle using a giant wooden spoon as my tool.

Now come on, a wooden spoon? The result was not so good. Read on to see what happened on my second attempt, and how to get it right the first time. Needless to say, I took another trip down memory lane. Timing, utensils and plenty of boiling water in a huge sink were all I needed to make two lovely Christmas bookends to hold all my valuable Christmas(?) What you need: What you do: Source. 7 Nifty Ways To Hang And Organize Things. I have been bitten by the organizing bug.

7 Nifty Ways To Hang And Organize Things

It all started since moving with only five boxes (really should do a post on that, life changing!). I have learned that it is much easier to organize when you have less stuff. Much more fun too! I found some pretty genius ideas on Pinterest that I had to share. Be sure to click on over to the posts, as most have more great ideas :). You scrappers are going to love this idea! Hang magazines and newspaper from pretty clothes hangers from Better Home And Gardens – they have an entire slideshow of organization ideas! How about you, any great ideas for organizing? Happy Monday friends, here’s to a great week! ~Destri.