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Blogs. There are so many apps available now for digital story creation.


Where do you start? In this post we will share with you three techniques you can use to create stories that develop student creativity, story telling abilities and ICT skills. Option 1 - Create a story using Project Storytime This is the simplest of all 3 options.

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TeachingSagittarian. Broadcast Yourself. Classroom Blogs. Blogs wikis. E is for Explore: discovery, science, math, art, literacy, social studies and more! Happy New Year!!

E is for Explore: discovery, science, math, art, literacy, social studies and more!

I have to say, I wasn’t heart broken to see 2012 go and welcome a year of new beginnings. 2012 felt…hard. And uninspired. I think that is what happens when you see a dream realized and then comes the part where you are in the middle of it, making it work and doing the HARD work. 2012 wasn’t a year I felt particularly creative. I miss that, it is part of my essence. I’ve been so incredibly busy, just working to keep everything going, that I had nothing left over. What it is: I discovered a new blog that I am absolutely loving! How to integrate E is for Explore into the classroom: E is for Explore is a great tool for unit, center, and inquiry planning. As I plan out inquiry units and gather resources, I am always on the lookout for activities that will encourage students to explore and spark new curiosities.

Tips: My hope is that iLearn Technology does for you what E if for Explore did for me. Technology Timesavers for Teachers - myTeachersLounge. Teachers today are fortunate to have access to technological tools that make our jobs easier and minimize the paperwork involved in educating our students.

Technology Timesavers for Teachers - myTeachersLounge

I didn’t grow up with computers like today’s students did, but I’m very much on board with becoming more tech savvy and, yes, even accepting help from my students when I have technical difficulties. About a year ago I bought myself an iPad after saving for it for months. It was going to help me organize my life, both at home and at school, and guess what? It did. I love my iPad and I can’t see myself living without it. The first tool I use is DropBox and you don’t have to have an iPad to use it. DropBox is a way to store your documents “in the cloud” so that you have access to them wherever you are.

I cannot tell you how liberating it was for me to kick my jump drive to the curb. I also don’t have the problem of having some files on my computer at home and some on my computer at school. Imagine! One app I use is Teacher Assistant. / Pinterest.


7 Habits of Highly Effective Ed-Tech Leaders [#Infographic] Few business books will match the critical success of self-help guru Dr.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Ed-Tech Leaders [#Infographic]

Stephen Covey’s influential 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Former President Bill Clinton was reportedly so enamored with the book that he invited Covey to Camp David to brainstorm how the author’s seven habits could be applied to his presidency. The book has gone on to sell more than 25 million copies. Covey died in 2012. But the ideas put forth in his book endure. The post examines Covey’s original seven habits through the lens of today’s tech-savvy educator. For the full list, check out this link, or see the infographic below.