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Asia - The Land of Festivals - Globe Drifter Tours. After living and traveling in Asia for many years I quickly learned that Asia has quite a fondness for festivals.

Asia - The Land of Festivals - Globe Drifter Tours

There is the full moon festival, harvest festival, hottest day of the year festival, washing hair festival, camel festival, weaving festival and the list goes on. Many of these festivals are enjoyable but what festivals are worth planning your trip around? I think there are four festivals in South East Asia that I would rearrange my itinerary for and they are Holi and the Pushkar Camel Fair, which are celebrated in India and Loy Krathong and Songkran, which are celebrated in Thailand. Loy Krathong known as the ‘festival of lights’ falls in November, on the full moon of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar. In 2015 this festival will be November 24th to the 26th. A ‘krathong’ is a floating basket made from banana leaves and usually has some offerings and incense put inside along with a candle. These baskets are placed into canals, seas and rivers with the lit candle.

La fête de Holi. Qu'est-ce que Holi La Holî est fêtée avec une ferveur particulière en Orissa et dans la région de Mathura, qu'on dit être la ville de naissance de Krishna.

La fête de Holi

La nuit du premier jour de la fête (cette année c'était le 14 mars, hier), un feu est allumé pour rappeler la crémation de Holîka. Le deuxième jour connu sous le nom de Rangapanchami, les gens circulent avec des pigments de couleur dont ils se s'aspergent les uns et les autres. I est alors d'usage de s'excuser, après avoir sacrifié au rite coloré, par « Bura na mano, Holî hai » ("Ne soyez pas fâché, c'est la fête de Holî "en hindî). C'est aussi l'occasion pour s'inviter à partager des mets faits spécialement pour cette occasion. Les légendes autour de la fête de Holi Suivant la mythologie hindoue, Hiranyakashipu, le roi des démons, s'était vu accordé par Brahma le privilège de ne jamais pouvoir être tué.

Schools - Religion - Hinduism. Festival of Colors: Holi 2014. Holi. It is primarily observed in India, Nepal, and other regions of the world with significant populations of Hindus or people of Indian origin.


The festival has, in recent times, spread to parts of Europe and North America as a spring celebration of love, frolic, and colours.[6][7][8] Significance[edit] There is a symbolic legend to explain why holi is well celebrated as a colour fest. The word "Holi" originates from "Holika", the evil sister of demon king Hiranyakashipu. King Hiranyakashipu had earned a boon that made him virtually indestructible. Hiranyakashipu's own son, Prahlada,[14] however, disagreed. In Braj region of India, where Krishna grew up, the festival is celebrated for 16 days (until Rangpanchmi) in commemoration of the divine love of Radha for Krishna, a Hindu deity.

Holi festival has other cultural significance. Description[edit] Radha and the Gopis celebrating Holi, with accompaniment of music instruments Holi is an important festival to Hindus. History and rituals[edit] Holi - Holi Day,Holi 2014,Holi Festival India. Esprit HOLI - HOLI FESTIVAL OF COLOURS. Triomphe du mal par le bien Chaque année, les gens en Inde saluent le printemps d’une manière bien originale: « Holi » est la fête des couleurs et représente une des festivités les plus importantes du pays.


Pendant cette fête, on ne célèbre non seulement le passage de l’hiver au printemps, mais selon la croyance hindou aussi le triomphe du mal par le bien – et tout ceci se fait d’une façon haute en couleur. Les gens se jettent de la poudre intensément colorée et l’utilisent afin de se peindre. Ce jour-là, tous les gens sont égaux Les différences entre les castes, les religions ou les origines disparaissent; les bornes entre les couches sociales, entre les âges ainsi que les richesses s’écroulent. Le Festival of Colours veut reproduire cette tradition et cette atmosphère indienne en Europe. Pushkar Camel Fair - Visit world’s largest Camel Fair in India. The dramatic collage of diversified pictures of Pushkar mirrors the vibrancy for which this gracious state of Rajasthan is lionized.

Pushkar Camel Fair - Visit world’s largest Camel Fair in India

And the sprawling annual festivities of Pushkar Fair take its horizons to one another level. Portraying the marvelous cocktail of wonderful art and architecture from the bygone era, the Pushkar Fair creates a stir among the travelers with its awe-inspiring celebrations good enough to make everyone wide eyed. Pushkar Camel fair is a grand event in Rajasthan cherished with life oozing activities such as cultural and musical events, thrilling camel safari tours and a stay in the traditional camps making you feel like a local.

Pushkar fair is an experience of a lifetime that hovers on the mind of the travelers and leaves them craving for even more. The fair embarks in Kartik Shukal Ekadasi and falls in the month of October – November. Every year Pushkar Fair is celebrated with great vigor by the locals of Rajasthan. Pushkar Camel Fair - pushkarcamelfair.