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TICE, Ipad et TBI. Web 2.0. Tablettes numériques réalisation d'un exposé. Eric Peytavy, professeur des écoles à l’école Anatole France de Saulx les Chartreux (91), expérimente l’usage pédagogique des tablettes tactiles.

Tablettes numériques réalisation d'un exposé

Avec mes élèves, nous avons exploité la capacité des tablettes tactiles à produire du contenu multimédia (vidéos, photos, enregistrements audios) pour réaliser des exposés numériques sur notre future classe de mer (voir les exemples de réalisation à la fin de cet article). Les élèves, regroupés par deux, ont tout d’abord choisi un sujet parmi une liste prédéfinie en rapport avec notre séjour (les phares, les crustacés, l’estuaire de la Gironde …). Le travail s’est ensuite déroulé en deux étapes, étalées sur deux périodes scolaires : I.

Création d’un exposé numérique Il y avait trois temps à suivre pour réaliser l’exposé : a) Recherche documentaire : les élèves ont recherché des informations sur leur sujet, dans des livres ou sur internet. Applis utilisées : Appli utilisée : II. Appli utilisée : III. Édulogia - Des idées pour votre intégration technologique. Education. “When are we ever going to use this?” When I was a teacher, this was a question I heard almost daily. I would imagine that has not changed much since I left the classroom five years ago, particularly when it comes to math. Students are naturally inquisitive about what they are learning and why, as they should be. However, as teachers continually make a concerted effort to connect mathematics and common, everyday occurrences in students’ lives outside of the classroom, this question will go the way of the chalkboard.

So, to answer a question with a question: What are students doing when not at school? Game-based learning Students don’t just play board games like they used to, instead they look to find those same “board” game in Web-based or app format to download to a phone, tablet, etc. At the end of a long day, a tired first grade student lifts her chair, flips it over and lays the seat down on the top of her desk.

(read more…) Location, location, location. (read more…) PREPS: 5 steps for electronic note-taking success SmartBlogs. Students everywhere are taking pictures of the board.

PREPS: 5 steps for electronic note-taking success SmartBlogs

It is almost like a “get out of jail free” card when it comes to taking notes. Can they find them later? Who Is The Connected Educator ? So what does it mean to be a connected educator ?

Who Is The Connected Educator ?

Semantically speaking, the verb "to connect" implies a second party, one with whom the doer of the action of connecting connects. It also implies the existence of an intermediary medium through which this connection takes place. And because we are talking here about a specific category of "connectors" ( in this case educators ) then the parameters of the territory of this connection is clearly demarcated. In their pursuit for enlarging their knowledge base and growing professionally, educators connect with EVERYBODY. However, there are priorities in this connection and at the acme of the pyramid inheres students, parents, school staff, colleagues at work, fellow teachers and educators from other regions and the rest of the body of the pyramid is populated by categories selected based on each person's individual needs, educational setting and a set of other variables.

How about the medium of this connection?