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BoomWriter Just Released WordWriter for Teaching Vocabulary. July 24, 2014 BoomWriter announced the launch of its new interactive vocabulary tool called WordWriter yesterday! WordWriter makes vocabulary fun, easy, and engaging and gives it a 21st century technology-twist! It's sure to be a great tool for teachers and students alike. Utilizing BoomWriter’s interactive and collaborative platform, WordWriter will develop greater interest and engagement levels around vocabulary instruction. WordWriter will increase students’ overall vocabulary comprehension through application of the teacher-selected vocab into their own written work.

Teachers will simply add the specific words they wish the students to incorporate, a word limit, and some guidelines—the WordWriter platform is flexible enough that students can write creative stories around the chosen words or just simple sentences to demonstrate their vocabulary knowledge. Best of all, WordWriter tracks student’s use of selected words and then checks off the vocabulary word once it’s been typed. Outils interactifs. Notability | ICT at Newington. Authors Note: After plenty of testing note taking apps Notability by Gingerlabs really stands out by head and shoulders to me. The inking is superb and there are great features that I find very useful. Interestingly, I have recently noticed that I no longer carry my notebook around when it never used to leave my side. My notes are much better as well as being accessible across my devices and on the web and sharable when I want.

I also no longer use the whiteboard in class as I project wirelessly and write my notes and answer questions while moving around the class. Notability is SUPERB! There are great content tools and options for each. In a recent update Notability also allows for recording of audio that is linked to your interactions within your document. Our Review and Tutorial: We have made a review and tutorial of the Notability app showing its strengths and features and how to get the most out of the app. Uses of Notability for Learning: Wrap up: Suggestions for Improvements: Prendre des notes à la main est plus efficace qu'au clavier. L'auteur Sébastien Bohler est journaliste à Cerveau & Psycho. Du même auteur À lire aussi Pour en savoir plus De plus en plus, les tablettes, claviers et smartphones prennent la place du stylo et du calepin pour prendre des notes, que ce soit en cours, en réunion professionnelle ou lors de conférences. Au point qu’aux Etats-Unis, 45 états sur 50 ont abandonné l’apprentissage de l’écriture manuscrite pour engager les enfants sur la voie du tout numérique.

Ce choix pourrait bien être le mauvais. Dans cette expériences, les participants devaient écouter une mini-conférence sur un sujet donné (par exemple, la vie et la mort des civilisations) puis répondre à des questions posées par un examinateur qui testait ce qu’ils avaient retenu. Les concepts mieux activés Pour la mémorisation de données factuelles, le stylo et le clavier arrivaient à égalité.

La main, outil optimal ? Schema_relationnel.pdf. To Teach Effective Writing, Model Effective Writing. I strive to teach my high school students the value of criticism, especially when it comes to improving their writing. To do so, I model how criticism continues to help me become a better writer. Earlier this year, for example, I shared a draft of one of my education feature articles, which included detailed feedback from an editor at a prominent media company.

I asked my classes for advice on how to address several edits, dealing with sources, transitions, terminology, and structure. A few days later, I directed my budding writers to the much-improved final draft. This easy but worthwhile activity helped more of my students feel comfortable receiving criticism, and not view it as an affront. As a result, they improved their writing by taking the time and care to consider and respond to reader insight. Along those lines, I also offer the suggestions below about teaching writing: 1. To teach effective writing, we must be effective writers ourselves. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Comment écrire une bonne phrase d'introduction. Édité par WikiHow Traduction, Team FR Lors de la rédaction d'un paragraphe, vous savez qu’une phrase d'introduction vous est nécessaire. Mais comment en écrit-on une ? Voici donc des informations pour vous aider ! Publicité Étapes 1Rappelez-vous tout d’abord ce qu'est un paragraphe. Un paragraphe est un groupe de phrases sur un même et seul sujet. 5Donnez une opinion prouvable. Conseils Assurez-vous d’évoquer votre idée dans le paragraphe ou que la phrase d’introduction corresponde à ce que vous avez rédigé dans le paragraphe correspondant. Comment écrire une bonne phrase d'introduction.