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ChaptExtractionCaracteristiques. EEG-based discrimination between imagination of right and left hand movement. Bhattacharyya 2012 EEG Controlled Remote Robotic System from Motor Imagery Classification.

Explication BCI

Shiman 2017 Classification of Different Reaching Movements from the Same Limb Using EEG. Tariq Trivailo Simic 2018 EEG Based BCI Control Schemes for Lower Limb Assistive Robots. Ofner Schwarz Pereira MüllerPutz 2017 Upper Limb Movements Can Be Decoded From the Time Domain of Low Frequency EEG. Lotte 2018 A Review of Classification Algorithms for EEG Based Brain Computer Interfaces A 10 Year Update. Alazrai Alwanni Daoud 2019 EEG based BCI System for Decoding Finger Movements Within the Same Hand. Deng Yao Dewald 2005 Classification of the Intention to Generate a Shoulder Versus Elbow Torque by Means of a Time Frequency Synthesized Spatial Patterns BCI Algorithm. Sans titre. Sans titre.