The Peloton - The Multicultural One. Teaching About Race and Racism. Schools Standing Up To Racism - Centre For Multicultural Youth. About Schools Standing Up To Racism Schools Standing Up to Racism is a collaboration between the Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) and the Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET), offering a range of resources to support schools to address racism and discrimination in their school environment.
Addressing racism and discrimination within schools and the broader community is challenging. Every school, every student, every staff member and every community is at a different stage of the journey, and has a unique context. Acknowledging this, the Schools Standing Up to Racism site provides a range of strategies, ideas and tools to reinforce your school’s response. Teaching Resource - Ethical Understanding - Face Up To Racism. Home - Tackling Hate. Anti-Asian Racism Is Taking a Mental and Emotional Toll on Me.
While watching the new PBS documentary series Asian Americans, I started bawling.
I enjoyed participating in the documentary and talking about classic Hollywood actors in the first episode. The topic fit perfectly into my wheelhouse as a sociologist studying actors of color. But the series also documents the discrimination Asian Americans have faced for generations. Seeing the history of racism against Asian Americans depicted onscreen triggered trauma that I was holding in.
Like so many of us, I was already dealing with social isolation, economic uncertainty, and a pandemic threat. These days I feel like I’m dealing with two pandemics: COVID-19 and anti-Asian racism. Anti-Asian racism is one arm of what some are rightfully calling a double whammy facing broad swaths of the Asian American community. Asians in the United States have long been targets of xenophobia.
The Peloton - The Multicultural One. Countries. Defining Diversity activities / Resources / Cultural diversity / Principles. These activities are designed to help you understand your own culture so that you can understand the culture of others.
Activity 1 – Life path Purpose: To explore your life journey and share this information with colleagues. Materials: A3 paper and pens. Instructions: Visually depict your life from birth to today. Include as many significant moments as you can. Discussion points: Were there any surprises? Activity 2 – Feels familiar Purpose: To share a snapshot of your cultural experiences with colleagues. Materials: Activity 2 worksheet and pens. Defining Diversity Activity 2 worksheet (PDF, 41 KB) Instructions: Individually fill in the sheet then share information with colleagues.
How different/similar are your experiences? Activity 3a – Key words articulate. 180525 kua takoto te ma nuka ff 1. Culture Is Like an Iceberg. Students will examine features of culture to determine which are visible and which are invisible, and how the invisible affect the visible.
Objectives Students will be able to distinguish between the visible and invisible aspects of culture.Students will be able to explain how the invisible aspects of culture influence the visible ones. Materials Procedures Before beginning this lesson, remind students that Explain that metaphors often help us understand big ideas by relating something we don't know to something we do know. Global & Cultural Understanding. What do we mean by "culture"?
Culture is one of those words that carry a number of meanings.
Professor Geert Hofstede defines it as: The programming of the human mind by which one group of people distinguishes itself from another group. Culture is learned from your environment and is always a shared, collective phenomenon. By reading this article, you'll learn more about what we mean when we talk about culture. IC Level 10 Global Perspectives. Multicultural learning resources. Page Content Global Education Project - a searchable database of resources about a range of global issues supported by case studies, country profiles and teaching activities.
Global Education Project Teaching Strategies - includes advice about teaching and learning strategies, in a number of areas including diversity, intercultural understanding and teaching controversial issues. Multicultural Pavilion - a critical and analytical approach to teaching with a multicultural perspective, including teacher resources, awareness raising activities and strategies to go beyond celebrating diversity. ABC Splash - resources for primary and secondary teachers across the curriculum including collections of resources around theme such as the Immigration Restriction Act and Rights and Freedoms. Search for resources using keywords such as racism, multiculturalism, cultures and traditions. Reflections on Becoming More Culturally Responsive. In a demographic change similar to one that’s playing out across the country, the student body in Maryland’s Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) has shifted from being 94 percent white 50 years ago to just 30 percent today.
Nationally, students of color now make up about 51 percent of public K–12 students—a figure the U.S. Census Bureau expects to increase over the next several decades. This change in student demographics isn’t reflected in the teacher workforce, however, which is 80 percent white. To bridge cultural gaps between teachers and students, many districts are prioritizing professional development around race and culturally responsive teaching, the idea being that in order to meet students where they are, teachers need to know something about where they’ve been.
We covered EEE two years ago, and recently we checked in with participants to get their perspective on the program. Uncovering Implicit Biases Investigating Systemic Inequity Taking Action. Intercultural Management tools. World Cafe.