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Browse by Tags - ADO.NET team blog. Ultimate EFv4 CTP4 Code First (full mapping) example (using Firebird)  Ultimate EFv4 CTP4 Code First (full mapping) example (using Firebird) There's a lot of content for latest CTP, CTP4, for Entity Framework "new features".

Ultimate EFv4 CTP4 Code First (full mapping) example (using Firebird) 

It's mainly focused on Code First stuff, that fills the triad with Database First and Model First. I like Code First but what I also like is maintainable code. Hence I was more trying not to use convention-over-configuration, in opinion good for only small projects, and focus on specifying everything the way I want it to be, especially with my database structure (yes, I'm data consistency and storage freak). Let's model some kind of simple library and try to use there couple of Entity Framework's features. Good news is I succeeded. Here's the script for Firebird database (Did you noticed we're fully Entity Framework 4 compatible?). So it's time to create mapping right? MSDN Magazine Authors. Dino Esposito Dino Esposito explores the basics of ASP.NET authentication and the new ASP.NET Identity system from the perspective of the ASP.NET MVC 5 developer.

MSDN Magazine Authors

March 2014 Dino Esposito discusses Web API from the perspective of the average ASP.NET MVC developer, focusing on the improved content negotiation functionality. February 2014 The LESS Framework enables dynamic generation of CSS content and gives developers and designers alike sophisticated tools for managing and organizing CSS code. November 2013 Learn about bundling and minification of CSS files from the unique perspective of software tooling available in ASP.NET MVC 4. October 2013 Dino Esposito follows up on how to serve up ad hoc Web site markup to different classes of devices by using server-side device and feature detection with the Wireless Universal Resource File. August 2013 Learn how to use server-side logic to offer up the best display for a given device, incorporating a new feature of ASP.NET MVC 4 called display modes. Meta-Me. Don't Be Iffy. Of course, I wanted to stop everything and fiddle around with the early bits of EF7. Here’s a look at just getting at EF7 and the source.

EF7 Assemblies on Nuget EF7 APIs are being built nightly and available via MyGet. You can have NuGet package manager subscribe to the proper feed by adding it into the Package Sources in Visual Studio’s Options UI. I named mine ASPNET EF7 Nightly Myget, although the feed is really for all of ASP.NET. With that set up, you can pull from that source from the package manager like so: Note that I’m using VS2013 and it was necessary to be sure I had the latest NuGet extension installed.

Here are the EF7 assemblies after I’ve filtered on data.entity: Notice that the assemblies aren’t all in one big entityframework.dll file. I chose Microsoft .Data.Entity and InMemory, but then realized I didn’t know how to use InMemory. A Look at the EntityFramework solution. Getting Started with WCF WebHttp Services in .NET 4 - The .NET Endpoint. This is part one of a twelve part series that introduces the features of WCF WebHttp Services in .NET 4.

Getting Started with WCF WebHttp Services in .NET 4 - The .NET Endpoint

In this post we will cover: Downloading and using the new online project templates for WCF WebHttp Services Learning the basics of a WCF WebHttp Service: [WebGet] and UriTemplates Creating a simple web service that honors HTTP GET requests to developer-defined URIs The TeamTask Web Service Over the course of this blog post series, we will be building a web service called TeamTask that utilizes all of the new features available in WCF WebHttp Services. The TeamTask service allows a team to track tasks that are assigned to members of the team. For our TeamTask service, we will be using an ADO.NET Entity Data Model(EDM) to model these concepts of a user and a task.

Downloading the TeamTask Code At the end of this blog post, you’ll find a link that will allow you to download the code for the current TeamTask Service as a compressed file. Getting Visual Studio 2010. Steve Sanderson’s blog. Steve Michelotti. Now that Azure supports .NET Framework 4.5, you can use all the latest and greatest available features.

Steve Michelotti

A common scenario is to be able to use Entity Framework Code First Migrations with a SQL Database in Azure. Prior to Code First Migrations, Entity Framework provided database initializers. While convenient for demos and prototypes, database initializers weren’t useful for much beyond that because, if you delete and re-create your entire database when the schema changes, you lose all of your operational data. This is the void that Migrations are meant to fill. For example, if you add a column to your model, Migrations will alter the database to add the column rather than blowing away the entire database and re-creating it from scratch. Azure is becoming increasingly easier to use – especially with features like Azure Web Sites. First, we’ll create a new Azure Web site called “migrationstest” including creating a new SQL Database along with it: 1: public Configuration() 4: [Key]

ScottGu's Blog.