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WordPress. You've heard this a thousand times: WordPress is the most popular content management system (aka CMS) in the world. W3Techs reports that 59% of sites using CMS are built on WordPress. It's so successful that it's almost become a synonym for CMS! So what makes WordPress the preferred choice for millions of developers, designers, and anyone who needs a website really? First of all, WordPress is free and open source. This doesn't only mean that you get it for free (duh), but also that a team of developers from all over the world works constantly on improving it. Also, there's a crazy amount of plugins available that integrate with the platform.

These allow you to add all sorts of functionalities to your website-from image sliders to calendars, news feeds, spam filters and so on. In a nutshell, it's an extremely versatile system that enables you to create pretty much any sort of website you can think of. Yes, any sort. Another great thing about it? Top quality. How To Create a Simple WordPress Blog Theme. So far in this WordPress theme tutorial series we’ve put together a visual concept in Photoshop and coded up a working prototype in HTML and CSS. Now let’s take our static web page files and create a fully working WordPress theme by splitting up the code over the various template files and injecting the relevant WordPress PHP tags. The site we’re building is a WordPress theme called Ticket Stub. It’s based on the idea of movie review, but the clean layout and basic styling keeps it generic enough to be used for any topic. View the final WordPress theme demo A WordPress theme is made up of various PHP template files, each of which is called to render out a specific type of webpage.

The first step when creating any WordPress theme is to customise and set up the theme details in the style.css file. It makes sense to work from the top down, so open up your index.html prototype webpage and the header.php WordPress theme file. View the TicketStub theme demo. Entheos - Web & Graphic Design Solutions. WordPress Themes. ( - Des Thèmes pour WordPress en Français.