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Inside Facebook's Outsourced Anti-Porn and Gore Brigade, Where 'Camel Toes' are More Offensive Than 'Crushed Heads' A camel toe is not a vulva, nor does it have a more proper name. Er, well, not just a vulva. I think it's clear to everyone that your labia cannot be visible in your profile picture. I had never heard the term "moose knuckle" before. The more you learn! You haven't seen much variety of labia have you? Yes, we all have labia on our faces as well. The problem with the genitalia visible through clothing thing is that it brings up the image of visible nipples or anything clearly visible through transparent clothing.

I generally prefer proper terminology, but not where it is more cumbersome than simply using accepted slang that everyone will be familiar with. Bouton +1. Documentation You can add and customize the +1 button to meet the needs of your website, such as modifying the button size and load technique. By adding the +1 button to your website, you allow your users to recommend your content to their circles and drive traffic to your site.

The +1 button can also improve the time spent on your site by providing recommendations for further reading. Use of the +1 button is subject to the Google+ Platform Buttons policy. Getting started A simple button The easiest method for including a +1 button on your page is to include the necessary JavaScript resource and to add a +1 button tag: The script must be loaded using the HTTPS protocol and can be included from any point on the page without restriction.

. +1 tag To render a simple +1 tag: You can also use a HTML5-valid +1 tag by setting the class attribute to g-plusone, and prefixing any button attributes with data-. By default, the included script traverses the DOM and renders +1 tags as buttons. Configuration. Like Button - Développeurs Facebook. Comment personnaliser sa Like Box Facebook. Vous aussi vous trouvez que la Like Box Facebook ne s’intègre pas bien à votre site internet ou votre blog ? Vous aimeriez pouvoir la personnaliser afin qu’elle puisse coller parfaitement à votre design ? Grâce à ce petit guide, vous allez apprendre la marche à suivre pour customiser l’apparence de votre Like Box en lui injectant directement votre CSS, puis à intégrer votre module dans vos sidebars WordPress. I. Intégrer la Like Box 1 Tout d’abord, nous allons récupérer l’ID de notre page Facebook. Une fois dans la panneau d’administration de la page, nous récupérons son ID dans la barre d’adresse du navigateur et on le garde au chaud pour l’instant. 2 Maintenant nous ajoutons le code suivant dans la balise <html> de notre header, ce qui devrait donner à peu près ceci : 3 Collons ensuite le script d’initialisation de l’API Facebook, ceci juste après la balise <body> 4 Nous retournons maintenant dans l’interface d’administration de notre page fan et cliquons sur « Ressources ».

II. Tweet Button.